Chapter 4131 I have to go with Laipi
Nan's mother likes Li Mo very much, she completely regards her as a relative in the family, and said with a smile: "It's okay, when he comes down, I'll introduce him to them."

Song Ya was overjoyed when she heard the sound, but she didn't show it on her face. She was secretly happy and praised her a few more times, saying that she thoughtfully prepared so many things for her and Li Mo's coming.

Nan's mother is usually well protected, and she doesn't have much exposure to hypocrisy in the social arena. In addition, Song Ya is her biological sister whom she hasn't seen in ten years.

It happened that Nan Ling took the notebook down.

Nan Mu immediately called him over.

"Nanling, come here."


Nan Ling didn't want to get involved too much with her indifferent aunt and her so-called cousin who had no blood relationship, so she had no choice but to force her past because she could not save face for her mother.

"Mom, I have something to do later. It's almost time, why don't you talk first, and wait for the next chance..."

"I didn't tell you to waste time." Mother Nan interrupted him unhappy.

Nan Ling had no choice but to keep his mouth shut: "Yes, I'm sorry."

Only then did Nan's mother pull him over with a smile on her face and introduce her: "This is your cousin Li Mo. Your aunt showed you in the video when you were young. Do you remember?"

Nan Ling frowned and looked at the girl next to him who gave him a strong feeling of awkwardness, with a flat attitude: "I don't remember."

Mother Nan glared at him again: "You child!"

That being said, it was impossible for her to really scold her son in public for a relative who was out of reach, so she just took a slap in the face.

Immediately changed the subject: "That's right. Where are you going next?"

"Genting Mountain Club." Nan Ling didn't hide her. "I have made an appointment with some friends, Daniel and Kevin will come. At 12 noon, it will take an hour to drive there."

Meaning he was running out of time.

Mother Nan let go of her hand, and glanced at Li Mo, who was "behaved" beside her.

Remember what my sister said.

She hesitated, and asked her son, "Can you take Li Mo with you?"

Nan Ling refused without even thinking about it.

Nan's mother took the lead: "She just came to Independent Island, and she is not familiar with the place. I will go to the beauty salon with your aunt later. It's not good for her as a young girl to play with our two old aunts all the time. You are about the same age, and There are a lot of friends here, so you just take Li Mo there, and you take her to meet more friends."

"..." Nan Ling was silent for a moment.

He is a smart man, and he can understand the meaning of Nanmu's words.

In fact, his mother just asked him to take Li Mo out on a blind date, to see if he could meet someone who could see each other well, and then develop.

Nanling himself was raised to be extremely decent, and he looked down on this kind of climbing the ladder, but his mother spoke up, and seeing how Li's family sent their daughter over, Li Mo couldn't find a suitable person, maybe Will hit his own head.

After a short consideration, he reluctantly let go: "I have business at noon, and I may not take care of it well. If she doesn't mind, she can go with me."

Nan Mu immediately looked at Li Mo tenderly.

Li Mo immediately lowered her head, as if embarrassed: "I will take care of myself."

Nan's mother understood what she meant, turned her head and told Nan Ling a few more words, and asked Li Mo to follow Nan Ling, and the two of them left together.



Nan Ling opened the door of his car with a headache, glanced at the person behind him, suppressed his irritability, and tried his best to speak in a calm tone.

(End of this chapter)

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