If you want to scrutinize your eyes more, you will have more scrutiny.

Nanling himself didn't expect that Ye Wangchuan would walk away the first time he saw him.

Not to mention that Daniel also left afterwards.

He stood there in astonishment and accepted all the mocking eyes, only feeling as if he fell into the mud and was trampled on his face.

Seeing his pale face, Kevin stood there in a daze, stepped forward and patted his shoulder, breaking the deadly embarrassing atmosphere inside.

"Ouch, what...Daniel is just such a dog, don't take it to heart."

"Yes, yes, don't worry about it."

Others reacted and persuaded, but they didn't know how much sincerity there was.

Nanling's complexion finally recovered a little bit, and he looked in the direction where Daniel left, with a complicated look on his face. He didn't know if he was talking about Daniel or Ye Wangchuan: "Was he there?"

Everyone else made eye contact with unknown meanings.

No, they left too.

What do you mean?

It shows that your Nanling's face is worthless!
And you don't feel offended, and you are still complaining to the big guys here so that they won't lose face.Tsk!It's absolutely amazing.

He embarrassed everyone, and Kevin couldn't take it easy, and noticed a detail that others didn't pay attention to: "Hey, where's your sister?"

Nan Ling suddenly turned around, only to realize that Li Mo was gone.

His already bad mood got worse again, with a cold face, he hurried out to find someone...

Outside, Li Mo pursued closely.

"Young Master Ye."

"Young Master Ye, wait for me."

"Young Master Ye!"

She finally caught up with Ye Wangchuan outside, rushed to the front with a stride, opened her hands to block the way, and said out of breath.

"I, I have something to say."

Li Mo raised her head, her beautiful eyes glowed with the water after exercise, so delicate that no one would feel soft-hearted after looking at them.

"Do you remember me?"

"Speak directly if you have something to say." Ye Fanchuan's heart was as if made of a stone, and he didn't respond at all.

For a moment Li Mo was not sure if his outfit was the right style, ordinarily, if he liked a girl with this style, he shouldn't even look at him.

But she took the initiative to stop him.

Li Mo ignored her doubts and said bravely, "You may not have met me before, but we know each other. Do you remember the person who was engaged to Bo Zheng before?"

"That person is me."

Afraid of saying something that would embarrass her, she took the lead and said, "We were still in the same group. I don't know if you've seen me. My name in the group is Summer."

Her eyes dimmed, she lifted the broken hair by her ears with her hands, and suppressed her aggrieved tone: "...You may not have read it, I will change my name later."

After Li Mo finished speaking, she raised her head again, as if she was afraid that others would see her vulnerable side, so she forced a smile, like a tenacious little flower in the wind.

Weak, but never bow to the wind and rain!

This is a smile that she has painstakingly practiced for a long time, even how many degrees the corners of her mouth rises are extremely precise, just to show that stubborn side.

That person had provided her with Qiao Nian's photo.

She has seen it.

The girls in the photo really give people a strong aura, maverick, very own style.

But in her opinion, none of these are the key to winning over a man!

Li Mo firmly believes that what men eat is the desire to conquer.

If a woman is too strong, men will only keep her at a respectful distance. No matter how different Qiao Nian behaves outside, she must be a little girl in front of Ye Wangchuan.

For example, just like what she is doing now, she has her own bottom line, and at the same time reveals a vulnerable side that needs protection.

This is the most attractive way to attract men!

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