Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4143 Miss Nian also made an appointment


Qiao Nian responded.


After she finished speaking, she hung up the phone, glanced at the driver in front of her, leaned forward and swiped the QR code to pay: "I'll transfer it to you."

Then Qiao Nian opened the door and got out of the car.

Until she was walking towards the Chen Garden, a waiter really came to lead Qiao Nian in.

The driver just smacked his lips and said dumbfounded: "There are really people who take taxis here to eat."


The open-air restaurant on the top floor of Chenyuan.

Guan Yan has been waiting on it for a while, accompanied by a shrewd and capable man.

The two saw Qiao Nian coming over.

Guan Yan waved his hand first: "Sun, here."

Qiao Nian walked over, opened a chair opposite the man and sat down, put the shoulder bag beside her, and said to the waiter, "Just give me a glass of lemonade."


The waiter hurried to prepare.

There is room for three people.

Guan Yan and the man had already placed drinks in front of them, Guan Yan was tea, and the other was a cup of Americano coffee.

Qiao Nian glanced roughly, put his elbows on the back of the chair, sat in a loose posture, raised his eyebrows, and said to the other party without hesitation: "Are you the connector of the black market here in Independence Island?"

A black market is exactly what the name suggests – a place where everything is sold!

Since there is a place for buying and selling, there are naturally behind-the-scenes managers who provide this platform.

The black market is special.

It is divided into regions and has different administrators.

For example, the guard building in the capital city is basically in charge of it, while the independent state also has its own managers. These people are mainly responsible for integrating the transactions in their own area and selling some information.

"Sun from the Hongmeng?" The other party is young, superior in appearance, full of mixed blood, and definitely considered handsome in the crowd.

He has flaxen hair, deep brown eyes, a straight and three-dimensional bridge of nose, and a romantic atmosphere unique to foreign men in his gestures and gestures.

Adam was obviously very curious. He greeted the girl in front of him with a smile, and stretched out his hand to Qiao Nian after learning Beijing etiquette: "I have long admired your name."

Qiao Nian only looked down at the hand he handed over, and leaned back slightly, without any intention of shaking hands, and said indifferently, "Sorry, I'm allergic."

Guan Yan glanced at her and understood what she meant, and explained to Adam following her words: "Our boss is prone to skin allergies."


"Okay, let's talk about business." Guan Yan didn't explain in depth, after all, Qiao Nian's problem was cured by Ye Wangchuan.

The waiter just brought the lemonade over, put it on the table, and walked away silently, very discerning.

Qiao Nian crossed his hands on the table, leaned forward, and looked at him with piercing eyes: "How much tungsten gold can you give me?"

Adam froze for a moment, and said bluntly: "I heard from Guan Yan that the quantity you want is not much that the entire Independent Continent can give."

"...Or, Sun, your request can only be met by few people in the black market. Besides, such a large transaction will definitely attract the attention of other forces."

Tungsten gold is too sensitive.

Large quantities of tungsten gold transactions are even more sensitive.

"You don't have to worry about this, as long as you provide me with resources, I will bear the follow-up responsibilities." The girl's broad browbones revealed wanton arrogance in her bones, as if the sky was falling and she carried her aura.

Adam couldn't help putting away the contempt in his heart, and looked at the girl in front of him seriously again.


It is too young!
So much so that even when Guan Yan led him to meet the mysterious boss himself, he still couldn't connect the person in front of him with those rumors.

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