Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

There is a mysterious buyer behind Chapter 4151

It was the first time Nanling heard about the existence of the black market from other people, and it was only fresh.

"Independence Continent naturally also has a black market. I was wondering who the anonymous buyer behind the scenes was, who actually allowed the always mysterious connector to come forward to negotiate business with me. The identity of the other party must be unusual!"

"Could it be... Ji's family?"

Father Nan glanced at him, unable to hide his disappointment: "Do you think it's Ji's family?"


Nan Ling's mouth was tightened by his disappointed eyes, and he didn't say a word.

Nan's father didn't want to teach him a lesson. Seeing him standing there stiffly, thinking about a bunch of things in his hands, he waved his hand and didn't continue the topic.

"In short, I'm trying to find out about this mysterious buyer. So far, I haven't found any information about the buyer."

"Should we start the investigation from the black market connector?"

Father Nan relaxed his expression with satisfaction this time, and said approvingly: "I think so too, so people started to find out who Adam has been in contact with. It's just that they haven't found out yet, let's wait for the results!"

On the other side, in the Nan's guest room.

Song Ya sent Nanmu away with a smile, and immediately closed the door, the smile on her face faded, she turned and walked towards Li Mo who was sitting by the bed in the bedroom.

She was standing and Li Mo was sitting.


"What did you do when you went out with Nan Ling! Why did Nan Ling treat you so strangely when he came back, and your reaction was also strange. Are you afraid of what he will say?"

"I didn't do anything."

Li Mo bit her lip.

"Impossible." Song Ya refused to accept this.

Shen Sheng warned her: "Momo, you should be very clear about the situation at home, don't be self-willed anymore. Put away your old lady temper, this is Independent Island, if you cause trouble again, no one will take care of you! At home I don't even have the ability to wipe your ass again."

"I know."

Li Mo's face flushed red at what she said, and then turned bruised purple. She was holding back badly, but she didn't dare to talk back, because she knew very well in her heart that Song Ya didn't bring her to Independence Island willingly to join the Nan family, but the old lady at home. After urging her all the time, Song Ya had no choice but to bring her here.

Li Mo lowered her head aggrieved, like ants gnawing at the dense burning sensation in her heart.

"I'm sorry, Second Aunt."

Seeing her admitting her mistake and apologizing, Song Ya turned slightly annoyed, and didn't think about embarrassing her in someone else's house, so she walked over and sat down on the bed next to her.

Tilting his head, he said earnestly, "Momo, this is the only chance you can seize."

"You listen to me. While staying in Independent Island, hurry up and find a suitable partner. It is best to catch him. If you can't, I will find a way for you. In short, no matter what method you use, you have to stay in Independent Island Solve the marriage! Otherwise, when you go back, you can only be like that. Do you want your family to decline and become an ordinary person?"

In Li Mo's mind, she imagined those ordinary women who usually see outside the windows of sports cars and high-end private beauty salons wearing clothes worth hundreds of dollars.

My whole body couldn't stop shivering.

She blurted out without thinking: "I don't want it."

Song Ya put her hands on her shoulders and gently comforted her: "Then you have to seize the opportunity and don't let it slip away."

Li Mo's originally slack eyes gradually became firmer, even ferocious and stubborn. Suddenly she looked at Song Ya and asked, "Second Aunt, no matter what method you you have any solution?"

Song Ya was taken aback.

Li Mo had already stood up in front of her, looking at her firmly: "Actually... I already have a goal."

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