Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4154 Delusion: You know it's a light bulb and don't leave?

She was very impressed with Nanling.

After all, in Independence Island, there are not many people as defiant as Nanling.

"Did you meet him at noon?" Qiao Nian's focus was not on the relationship between the two, but on Ye Wangchuan's lunch with Nanling.

Ye Wangchuan rubbed the center of his brows, his eyes were soothed: "Didn't Ji Nan introduce a few friends to me, and one of them invited me to lunch, so I went there. Then I ran into them and left after not staying for long."

"Hmm." Qiao Nian asked casually.

She also wanted to ask Ye Fanchuan about other matters: "How much titanium, rhenium, and beryllium do you have?"

"You want to make a rocket?" Ye Wangchuan controlled the Ninth Research Institute in his early years, and knew the research inside it like the back of his hand. As soon as Qiao Nian talked about the materials, he knew what Qiao Nian was going to do.

The girl has unruly eyebrows and eyes, she turned her peaked cap back, revealing a delicate and flamboyant face, raised her eyebrows, and looked over with dark eyes.

"Make a few missiles for fun."

Gu San was also beside him, hearing that three black lines had drawn across his forehead.

Listen, people say no.

Make a few missiles for fun... If it weren't for someone else here, I would have thought it was a conversation on the TV I was running.

However, he was familiar with Qiao Nian.

I know very well that this is the daily life of the boss.

After all, this person has the Red League in the illegal area, has a lot of connections with weapon predators in Continent F, and is the successor identified by the director of the First Research Institute.

She said to play...just treat the big guy that everyone is afraid of as a bigger 'toy' to research and develop.

Rare earths are very precious.

The three things Qiao wanted were on the control list, and Gu San felt that his master would have to discuss it with the old man before he could answer.

Who knew that he was still distracted, when he heard the worthless voice of his own master: "How much do you want?"

Gu San looked over in astonishment.

Ye Wangchuan didn't notice him at all, and only saw Qiao Nian the whole time.

Qiao Nian gave an approximate number.

Not too much and not too little.

You can’t get it on the black market, so you have to find it slowly from other channels. First, it’s too troublesome, and second, it takes time.

Ye Wangchuan's extremely long eyelashes are lightly rippling, his nose is straight and his lips are thin, and he has a proud and noble demeanor, so he agreed: "Well, I'll have someone bring it to you from the pier later."

Qiao Nian looked at him deeply: "Thank you."

Ye Wangchuan suddenly reached out and rubbed the top of her head, only touched the peaked cap, and pressed it lightly: "...tell me this."

His tone was clear and light, revealing a faint smile, only the taste of pampering could be heard.

Gu San suddenly felt that he had been stuffed with dog food, coughed dryly, and interrupted the two of them: "Well, Master Wang, I'm going back to my room first."

Ye Wangchuan raised his eyelids in a leisurely manner, and finally noticed that there was another person in the living room who seemed like a dog, "You want me to open the door for you?"

Gu San put oil on the soles of his feet: "No need."

"Master Wang, Miss Qiao, you are all busy."

Qiao Nian didn't think there was anything at first, but later realized that she seemed to have been teased.

She raised the end of her eyes, glanced at the man who withdrew his hand, raised her hand, touched her nose, with a slightly jerky expression: "You..."

"Huh?" Ye Wangchuan leaned back on the sofa with a relaxed figure, and looked up.

Qiao Nian met his vast and deep eyes, swallowed the words that slipped down his throat, and then remembered something: "By the way, I may be busy recently."


Qiao Nian got a headache when he thought of this incident, frowned impatiently, bent down to pick up the water on the coffee table, and said, "Aunt Yuan said that there was an international jewelry competition some time ago, Chengfeng Group will participate, let me see if it can Can’t take the time to draw a blueprint.”

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