Chapter 4174
The three people on the side of the road only smelled the exhaust of the car, and watched him disappear from their sight.

Song Ya was the first to come back to her senses, she shook her hands and snorted angrily, "What's her attitude?! She's too uneducated!"

Li Mo's eyes flickered slightly, and he pulled her arm to persuade her, "Miss Qiao is just like this, she just goes straight, there's no other meaning."

Song Ya pointed her finger at her forehead and said, "You, you, you speak for her like that, you are too soft-hearted."

Li Mo only dodged her fingertips in embarrassment, as if she was really a magnanimous and good-natured person.

While watching, Song Ling nodded frequently, looked at Li Mo with admiring eyes, and suddenly said after a while: "She knows Ji Shao?"

Li Mo was also struggling with this issue, but seeing Song Ling's interest, she immediately 'explained' for Qiao Nian: "Her friend seems to know Ji Shao, so it should be for this reason that Ji Shao took her with him."

Song Ling didn't speak yet.

Song Ya continued: "Just her attitude doesn't look like the people in Ji Shao's circle, anyone in that circle like her can't wait to write arrogance on their faces, heck, most of them are talking to Momo Same, they happened to run into her, saw that she was a girl, and sent her back on the way at night."

Song Ling was still thinking: "But Xie Yun still called her name before."

Song Ya didn't take it seriously: "Isn't it normal for someone to be polite on the surface?"

"When I meet friends brought by my son, I will be polite. I have to give my son face, but I know what I think."

Song Ling always felt that something was wrong, and seeing her sister's strong words, and Li Mo also testified that Qiao Nian was not from Jinan's circle.

She put her mind at ease, without thinking too much, she looked away from a distance, and said: "Forget it, I said she knew Momo at first, and we should get to know each other when we meet. Since she doesn't want to, I won't force it."

Song Ya supported her shoulder and said softly: "You are just too kind. What kind of cat or dog, look at her madness, it doesn't matter if you don't know her!"


Song Ling stretched her slender eyebrows, no longer entangled in this matter.

That girl named Qiao Nian is really crazy.

Nobody cares.

This kind of person won't last long in Independent Continent.

With her status, there is really no need to get involved with the other party and bring her down.


Ji Nan sent Qiao Nian back to his residence, greeted Ye Wangchuan and left.

After Qiao Nian went back, he went to the refrigerator to get some water, and told him about Ji Lingfeng's physical condition, and said, "I'm going to ask Weilou to send some medicine from Beijing."

The line from Beijing to Independence Island is not open.

So it was a little troublesome for her to send things from Beijing.

Qiao Nian took out the water and was thinking about it, when she saw the man who walked over took the water from her hand with ease, unscrewed the cap and returned it to her.

"Let him send things to Rhine, and I'll find someone to send them in."

Qiao Nian took the water bottle from his hand, looked up at him, her extremely long eyelashes drooped, said 'uh', without saying thank you, and said naturally: "Okay, okay~"

She raised her head and took two sips of water. Just as she put down the bottle, the phone in her pocket vibrated.

Qiao Nian screwed the lid on the water bottle, returned to the living room, put it on the tea table, and took out his phone to see who was staying up late at night.

I saw Adam's message pop up.

[Sun, how is it?Did you ask about channels? 】

(End of this chapter)

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