Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4176 She completely treats this place as her own home

Chapter 4176 She completely treats this place as her own home
By the way, are you planning to go to Aunt Xie's birthday party the day after tomorrow? "

"Huh?" Ye Wangchuan turned his head.

Seeing his reaction, Qiao Nian was surprised and said, "Didn't he tell you?"

"You mean Mr. Nan?" Ye Fanchuan said mildly, "I didn't say anything."

Qiao Nian covered the table with her long and slender palms, picked up the water glass calmly, and took a sip of water: "Then he probably hasn't had time to tell you."

It is impossible for Nan Tianyi to call her, not Ye Wangchuan.

Mostly it's not too late.

Qiao Nian continued: "Auntie Xie's birthday is the day after tomorrow. It seems that Uncle Nan will invite many people to go. He also told me, and I agree to go. What birthday gift do you think I should give?"

She had thought about sending small pills.

But this 'gift' is a bit too perfunctory.

After all, she used to take this kind of medicine for Xie Tingyun a lot before, if she gave it as a gift the day after tomorrow, it would be like making up the numbers.

Qiao Nian has always been generous to her elders, but she is not good at handling this kind of interpersonal relationship.

"What do you want to give?" Ye Wangchuan asked Shi Shiran.

Qiao Nian frowned and looked at him expressionlessly: "Ginseng, deer antler?"

Ye Wangchuan still hasn't spoken.

She vetoed it herself: "Forget it, many people should give these. I think about other... what else can I give away."

She said she wanted something else, but she really couldn't think of anything to give.

Ye Wangchuan saw her irritability, thought about telling her: "How about sending jade?"

"Jade?" Qiao Nian stared at him.

Facing the deep well-like eyes of the man, Ye Wangchuan said in a low voice: "There are not many jades with health-preserving effects, such as warm jade. David should have a lot of these in stock."

Is the diamond boss in F continent still short of jade or something?

She thought about it seriously, and found that this was a good way, and she didn't bother to chat with him anymore, so she got up and said, "I'll go up and ask him."

Time flies by.

Soon it will be Xie Tingyun's birthday.

According to the past practice, Nan Tianyi will make a big fuss on this day and invite many relatives and friends to dinner.

The place to eat is at the Intercontinental Hotel.

Nan Tianyi booked the banquet hall to save unnecessary trouble.

Independent Island is different from the outside world.

There is no celebrity gossip here, and naturally there will be no paparazzi reporters.

But basically everyone in Independent Continent knows that the people who work in the hotel today have very strong backgrounds, and they are not people that they can usually come into contact with.

The Intercontinental Hotel was sealed off and cleared by dozens of strong men in black from early in the morning to prevent irrelevant people from getting in.

From ten o'clock in the morning, the Nan family came to help.

Nanzhengyu, as the representative of the side branch selected by Nantianyi, went there early in the morning to help arrange the birthday party and greet the guests.

Nanling and Song Ling didn't go until noon.

Nan Ling had been living outside during this time, thinking about attending an important occasion today, as a son, he still drove home to pick up Song Ling after washing up, planning to go there with Song Ling.

As soon as he parked the car and stepped into the entrance, he heard the servant at home greet him: "Young Master Nan, you are back."

Nan Ling had a handsome face, outstanding decency, and was very polite to the servants at home: "Where's Madam?"

The old servant immediately bowed and said, "Madam is helping Miss Li change her clothes in the room."

Nanling was still holding the car keys in his hand. Hearing the servant's answer, he immediately frowned. He wanted to say something but couldn't speak because of the occasion, so he walked in with a tense face.

In the huge living room, Song Ya seemed to be at her own home, so she ordered the servant to make a pot of fruit tea for her and bring it over, and also asked the servant to prepare afternoon tea.

(End of this chapter)

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