Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4191 Isn't she the vicious person!

Chapter 4191 Isn't she the vicious person!

Ye Wangchuan quickly dodged her rushing body with quick eyesight and hands.

Just listen.


Li Mo couldn't help but bumped against the wall, her facial features constricted in pain, and she almost sat on the ground in embarrassment.

She looked up at the ruthless man: "Why?"

Li Mo's eyes were heartbroken, as if accusing the wrongdoer: "Why can she do it, but I can't? What's so good about her, she deserves all of you to protect her!"

She doesn't understand.

Li Mo gritted her teeth to resist the tingling pain from the right shoulder that hit her head just now, she was about to cry, and her emotions collapsed: "Aside from that face, what else do you like? I just picked her from the group." A similar ID, you all asked me to change it, and I had to make way for her. Why! I also grew up with a lot of pets in my family, from childhood to adulthood, only others let me."

"It's not over after I've changed. You and Young Master Qin still squeeze me out and don't let me get close to your circle. They even messed up my engagement in the end...and made me a laughing stock!"

Ye Wangchuan looked at her distorted face and angrily accusing her, and reminded her calmly: "You know what you have done yourself."

"What have I done?"

Li Mo came to her senses, crying and laughing as she wiped her eyes: "You said I lost her invitation letter?"

She shook her hand angrily and said, "Yes, I lost her invitation letter and threw her father's invitation letter into the trash can. So what?! I am the protagonist of the engagement banquet, who do I want to invite, It's my right not to invite anyone. If I don't invite her, she will cause me to be divorced? Isn't she the one who is vicious? "

Ye Wangchuan said: "It's the Bo family's choice to divorce you."

"No, she's the one making trouble in the middle!"

Li Mo couldn't listen at all, she bit Qiao Nian tightly, as if Qiao Nian was the only one to blame for the whole thing.

She didn't dare to blame the Bo family, and she didn't dare to anger Ye Wangchuan, so she grabbed the girl who showed up the least and seemed to have the most ordinary background, and pushed the mistake to the other party.

at this time.

There was the sound of chaotic footsteps not far away.

There were two people talking.

"How did I hear movement in front of me just now?"

"I heard it too. It was loud, like it hit something."

Li Mo's heart rose to her throat, she stared at Ye Fanchuan suddenly, without giving Ye Fanchuan any time to react, she suddenly tore off the skirt on her body, and pinched a few red marks on her neck with her hands.

Then she wanted to stick it on Ye Wangchuan before the outsiders came over, so that the matter could be settled!

"Young Master Ye, help me." When Li Mo did this, her eyes were flushed, and she deliberately raised her eyes that had been drawn on purpose, with tears in her eyes.

"I can't help it, I really can't help it..." As she said this, she tried to frame others deftly.

It's a pity that no matter how miserable and coquettish she is.

Ye Wangchuan didn't give her a chance to get close to him at all, and Li Mo jumped up and down but couldn't touch a finger of the man, so angry and annoyed.

While wondering whether the perfume Song Ya gave her was a fake, while listening to the approaching footsteps, her heart was about to lose balance.

What should she do?
Li Mo's face was pale, and she knew that going on like this was not an option, and if she went on like this, she would only become a joke when someone came.

It simply can't achieve the effect that Song Ya said to sit down first and then use power to force her.

Li Mo understood that this was her last chance, and looked at Ye Wangchuan who didn't soften her heart at all.

She shook her head, and finally stopped pretending to show her originally ambitious expression.

(End of this chapter)

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