Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4194 Well, do you want to make trouble so that everyone knows

Chapter 4194 Well, do you want to make trouble so that everyone knows

Nanzhengyu and Nanling hurried to the scene of the incident.


Daniel was the first to spot them, raised his eyebrows and said to the man leaning against the wall, "Brother, good luck."

Then he stepped forward to greet Nan Zhengyu who rushed over: "Uncle, you are here."

Seeing him, Nan Zhengyu slowed down, pulled the twitching muscles of his cheeks and forced a smile, and stopped: "Are you here too?"

"I met Ross together. He went to find Nan Ling, and I stayed." Daniel still respected him, and said again: "Don't worry, no one else has come."

Nanzhengyu frowned and finally relaxed a little, glanced at him, put his hand on his shoulder, and smiled kindly: "Thank you."

Daniel is very humble: "I should do it."

The two exchanged a few pleasantries, Nan Zhengyu let go of his hand and went straight to the point, walked to the scene of the 'farce', first looked at Ye Wangchuan, then at Li Mo, who was disheveled and embarrassed.

With a straight face, he said to Li Mo: "What's going on?"

Li Mo grabbed the clothes by the collar to prevent them from slipping off, her eyes turned red, and she was about to cry before she could speak: "I..."

Song Ya stepped in at this moment, stepped forward to hold Li Mo's shoulders, and took the lead in attacking Ye Wangchuan with great distress: "What did you do to my Momo! I want to call the police!"

Seeing her rushing out, Nan Zhengyu felt her temples throbbing and her head buzzing, she almost passed out of anger, especially when she heard Song Ya yelling to call the police, lest the people inside didn't hear what they were doing here. , was so angry that his complexion turned blue, and his anger surged.

"Nanling, what are you doing standing there? Why don't you send your aunt and the others away?"

Nanling also came to his senses, and immediately went over to pull Songya: "Auntie, let's go back first."

He glanced at Li Mo: "...Go back and change Miss Li's clothes."

How could Li Mo leave? With tears streaming down her face, she grabbed Song Ya's hand and immediately said in a crying voice, "Second Aunt, I know I was wrong. It's me, it's my fault, you blame me, I can accept it. But don't blame Young Master Ye, this matter has nothing to do with him, it's me... I like him."

"Then let him be responsible!" Song Ya was furious.

Li Mo shook her head desperately, tears streaming down her face: "No, I can't do this. He has a girlfriend, so I can't force him."

Song Ya grabbed her hand with a look of resentment: "You said he has a girlfriend? Then return it!"

"I'm sorry." Li Mo could only sob.

Song Ya's embarrassing expression gradually eased, as if she had made up her mind, she stared at Ye Wangchuan again, and said through gritted teeth: "I don't care if he has a girlfriend, he must be responsible for this kind of thing!"

Nanzhengyu saw Ye Wangchuan in this situation, still put his hands in his pockets, and leaned lazily against the wall, as if he was not the one who was criticized by Song Ya.

Such a calm and calm reaction... Nanzhengyu had an ominous premonition, his eyelids twitched, and Song Ya stopped: "Okay, do you want to make a fuss until everyone hears it?"

Song Ya was stunned for a moment, and then her eyes were red like Li Mo's. She raised her hand to wipe away the tears that did not exist in the corners of her eyes, and said sadly: "Brother-in-law, don't you want to seek justice for Momo?"

"I know she's not from Independent Continent. But she was entrusted to me by her parents, and she was entrusted to me to take good care of her baby. In the end, when this kind of thing happened, if I don't want to explain it, how can I talk to her parents when I go back?" Confession..."

(End of this chapter)

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