Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4200 It's Too Late Now

Chapter 4200 It's Too Late Now
In his opinion, Ye Wangchuan is just an outsider from Independent Continent.

Although there is Jin Nan's relationship behind him, Jin Nan is a junior after all, if the other party is smart enough, don't pester him any longer.

"Of course, I will also compensate you."

Nanzhengyu still has an emotional intelligence, knowing that what he did today was too much.


Ye Wangchuan interrupted him at this moment, raised his eyes, completely crushed Nanzhengyu in terms of height, and also overwhelmed him with arrogance.

He walked up to Nanzhengyu calmly and said, "It's my turn after you finish talking."

Nan Zhengyu was stunned.

Ye Wangchuan: "Have you seen the monitoring clearly?"

When Nan Zhengyu saw him mentioning surveillance, his expression changed slightly: "This matter..."

Ye Wangchuan cut him off: "You don't seem to have apologized to me from the beginning to the end, right?"


Nan Zhengyu frowned, and didn't keep up with what he said, mainly because he never thought that he needed to apologize.

In his eyes, even when he used his power to force Ye Fanchuan to bow his head and marry Li Mo, he said "politely" that he would make it up.

Even if it turns out to be a misunderstanding afterwards, why should he bow his head and apologize as an elder and a superior?

Didn't he say that he is willing to make up for it?

"It seems that you never thought about apologizing to me." Ye Wangchuan saw through his thoughts at a glance, and Shi Shiran exposed it.

Nan Ling couldn't suppress his anger, stepped forward and said in a deep voice, "Don't go too far!"

Before he got close to Ye Wangchuan, Mo Dong raised his hand and pressed his shoulder: "Why, do you want to do something?"

"Hmm..." Mo Dong's hand was amazingly strong, and it hurt Nan Ling's shoulder when he pinched it, and his arm was almost dislocated if he pinched it a little harder.

Song Ling saw it, and immediately rushed over: "Nan Ling."

The person in charge of the hotel quickly blocked her in front of her: "Mrs. Nan, what's the hurry, tell me anything."

Nanzhengyu saw the actions of the two of them, and suddenly looked at the young man who was hiding in front of him, and was surprised for the first time: "You and Yaomen..."

His heart was already startled by waves.

Yaomen has always been a mysterious existence in Independent Continent, and Nan Zhengyu never thought that an oriental who just came to Independent Continent would have something to do with Yaomen.

But the behavior of Mo Dong and the person in charge of the hotel now, if you say that Ye Wangchuan has nothing to do with Yaomen, you have seen a ghost.

Even Daniel could see it, and looked at the inconspicuous man with the same astonishment, but he didn't ask like Nan Zhengyu.

Ye Wangchuan didn't explain to him, mainly there was no need to tell Nan Zhengyu: "We'll talk about everything after Aunt Xie's birthday party is over."

Nan Zhengyu's heart beat wildly, and he vaguely realized that he might have offended the wrong person.

Especially just now, I shouldn't have listened to my wife and Song Ya just now, and tried to use power to coerce him to bow his head...

He regrets it now, and the expression on his face is also shocked.

Ye Wangchuan: "Or do you want to say it now?"

Nanzhengyu swayed, took a deep breath, knew that he had no choice, and reached an agreement with a sullen face: "Wait until the birthday party is over."

After half an hour.

Qiao Nian saw that the man who had just gone to answer the phone finally came back, pulled out the chair and sat down beside her, feeling the cold outside.

She took a sip of water from the water glass, pinched the handle of the glass with her slender fingers, and asked softly, "Is the old man not feeling well?"

The reason why Qiao Nian asked this was because before Ye Fanchuan went out to answer the phone, she caught a glimpse of Old Master Ye's name out of the corner of her eye.

"You, why don't you go back?" Qiao Nian said to him ponderingly, her delicate eyebrows and eyes were rarely relaxed, and her eyes were soft when mentioning Mr. Ye.

 ps: Li Mo and Song Ya will definitely be miserable, so don't be impatient
(End of this chapter)

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