Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4218 Delusion: It's just begun

Chapter 4218 Delusion: It's just begun

"On this matter, I have a clear conscience and gave him enough time, but he didn't give me a satisfactory answer, and let them come up with new things in the time they procrastinated. If Aunt Xie wants to This is my fault, then I have nothing to say!"

She believed in Nan Tianyi.

I also respect Xie Tingyun.

So she handed over to Nan Tianyi to deal with the incident as soon as it happened, in order to show the respect that Nan Tianyi's elders should have.

As a result, Nan Tianyi's handling was too disappointing!
Ye Wangchuan pinched her fingers and gently played with her: "Nian Nian, leave this matter to me, good boy. I promise to give you a satisfactory answer!"

Qiao Nian's fingertips felt dense and numb, and the skin touched was slightly cool, but the blood flowing underneath seemed like a prairie fire.

She compromised and relaxed her tense nerves, suppressed the depression in her body, and said, "I just don't want to involve grandpa."

"I know."

Ye Wangchuan's eyes were a little softer, only the shadow of a girl appeared in his unfathomable eyes, focused and gentle, as if she was the only one in the whole world who fell into his eyes.

Qiao Nian is not a person who is good at expressing feelings, so she fell silent.

at this time.

A group of distressed people with suitcases appeared in the hotel lobby.

One of them was a silver-haired cheongsam old lady who was particularly eye-catching. Qiao Nian recognized her identity at a glance. She was the person she was looking for today.

Li Yang.

Mrs. Li.

A group of them walked in a hurry, all of them had extremely bad expressions on their faces, as if someone was chasing after them, and they walked without looking back.

Old Madam Li and the others didn't even notice the presence of Qiao Nian and Ye Wangchuan who were also in the hotel lobby, they took a taxi and left here without squinting.

Ye Wangchuan leaned on the back of the chair, let go of the girl's hand, put her slender and fair hand on the coffee table, and said casually: "This is just the beginning."

The old lady Li soon encountered the second setback of the day.

When they took a taxi to the re-booked hotel and went to the front desk to check in, the front desk quickly returned all their documents.

Then he told them with a look of embarrassment: "Sorry, you can't stay."

"Why? We've already made a reservation online! Why can't we check in!" Father Li was so angry that he crouched at the front desk, blushing and arguing with the other party.

The front desk insisted on returning all the documents, and said in secret: "Sorry, if you can't check in, you can't check in. Sir, you'd better change to another hotel."

For the next two hours.

The old lady Li, Father Li and others searched all the hotels in the central area of ​​Independence Island without believing in evil. From the beginning, they only looked at five-star hotels, but later they had to look at three-star hotels, or even high-end hotels... Without exception, even if they have a good chat on the phone and online, when they arrive at the hotel and take out the formalities to check in, they will be refunded by the front desk.

If it got to this point, if Mrs. Li still couldn't see the reason, she would have lived for decades in vain.

Old Madam Li was furious just because she knew why she was rejected so often. At the same time, she also began to realize the huge influence of Ye Fanchuan in Independence Island that Song Ya and Li Mo provoked this time... It was not what she imagined. , is just superficial scenery.

As the evening approached, Mrs. Li and the others were once again turned away by the hotel.

Seeing the sky is getting dark.

After tossing and tossing the old lady all day, her complexion was already gray and her energy was lost, so she had to tell Father Li to call Song Ya and the others on the side of the road.

(End of this chapter)

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