Ye Maoshan immediately raised his hand and stopped him: "Stop, I already know why you are here. I also know why you are looking for me..."

"Then..." Mr. Bo was eager for an answer.

Ye Maoshan poured him a cup of tea and said unhurriedly: "There is no need to talk about this matter."

Old Man Bo was stunned for a moment, and immediately realized that he frowned, before he had time to answer.

I saw Ye Maoshan raised his eyelids, his eyes were piercing, and he sat up straight and said to him: "The reason why I don't talk to you is very simple, you listen to me first."

Old Man Bo thought that Ye Maoshan was going to tell him about the rumors that had been circulating on Weibo yesterday.

Who knew that Ye Maoshan told him something that he didn't know before.

It's what Li Mo did in Independence Island!

Now Mr. Bo opened his mouth slightly, unable to recover for a long time.

He remembered that not long ago, Li Mo almost became his prospective daughter-in-law, even though things with Bo Zheng failed for various reasons.

But in the blink of an eye, the person who almost became his prospective daughter-in-law turned around and did that kind of thing, and no one could accept it.

The same goes for Mr. Bo.

He never thought that Li Mo would do that kind of thing.

Ye Maoshan looked at his uncertain face, took a sip of tea, and said bluntly: "The Li family didn't tell you about this, did they?"

Mr. Bo calmed down a little, facing his penetrating eyes, he had to shake his head and admit, "No."


Ye Maoshan put down his teacup, motioned him to try his new tea, and then said calmly and uncompromisingly: "We are all people who are half buried in the loess, and old guys need to have the self-consciousness of old guys. You, just Follow me, don't worry about young people's affairs, let them solve it by themselves!"

Mr. Bo could hear the tough attitude in his words, so he had to smile wryly and pick up the new tea Ye Maoshan made for him and slowly sip it.

No one can control the affairs of the Li family.

This time the Li family is bound to swallow the bitter fruit.

In the afternoon, Li's father and others who hadn't boarded the car tried their best to find Mrs. Li and others who had been walking for more than ten hours.

I learned from the old lady Li what happened to them, and also knew that all the luggage had been taken away.

Mrs. Li's luggage contained valuables, including bank cards, cash, identity information, etc. All of these things were taken away, which meant that their identities were left in a completely unfamiliar and dangerous independent continent.

Forced to do nothing, Li's father gritted his teeth and led a group of people to the IPA office for a temporary stay.

While contacting Song Ling with his only mobile phone, he explained to Song Ling the difficulties they encountered now, and begged Song Ling to come and see them no matter what.

Fortunately, the IPA staff looked at them pitifully and poured a cup of hot water for each of them.

Just when Mrs. Li and others were sitting on the stools in the office building to rest, warming their hands with hot water, enjoying a moment of breathing space.

Father Li received another call and went out.

When Father Li came back again, he looked like a walking corpse, his eyes lost focus.

The old lady Li finally calmed down, and when she saw her son who had been standing in front of her for a long time without speaking, her heart still skipped a beat, and the color on her face faded: "What happened again?"

"Gulu Gulu..." Li's father looked at her with both eyes, his lips were trembling, but his throat seemed to be pinched by an invisible big hand and he couldn't make a sound.

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