Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4226 Don't let me hear you say this kind of chapter

Chapter 4226 Don't let me hear you say this
Although the First Research Institute has a very high status in Independent Continent, it depends on who it is.

Feng Yu, Shi Fu and others are naturally few people can compare.

But the general members in it shouldn't be so domineering in front of Nan Zhengyu, and they shouldn't show any affection in what they say or do.

However, Nan Zhengyu glared at him immediately, and warned coldly: "Don't let me hear you say such things in the future."

He turned his head and looked in the direction where the girl left, and said to no one, "That's someone we can't afford to mess with. I hope I can get away smoothly this time..."

He no longer asked for the right to inherit the Nan family, he just wanted to save his family from going to jail from this matter.

The driver was so frightened that he dared not speak.

Nan Zhengyu bent down and got into the car, no longer looking in the direction of the First Research Institute: "Go back first."

The driver got into the car from the front, and when he heard Nan Zhengyu's order, he didn't dare to say anything, turned around and drove to his residence...


Nan Ling was still waiting for his return.

As soon as Nanzhengyu entered the entrance, the people in the living room immediately stood up and greeted him: "Dad, how are you?"

"He didn't say anything, and it seems that he won't care about us." Nan Zhengyu put down the car keys and walked inside.

Nan Ling followed behind. Hearing what he said, he hesitated for a moment, then stopped: "The Li family... Auntie and the others..."

He doesn't like Li Mo, but like Song Ling, he still can't let go of Song Ya.

No matter how bad Song Ya was, she was his aunt, and she had an inseparable blood relationship. Nanling still hoped that Song Ya could get out of this matter.

After all, in his opinion, Song Ya has already paid the price.

Now the Li family is in a mess.

Song Ya's marriage is also on the red light.

Even if Song Ya was at fault, she would be punished accordingly.

Nanzhengyu stopped when he heard the sound, turned around suddenly, stared at his face with stern eyes, as if examining his heart.

Nan Ling couldn't help becoming tense, clenched his fists, and pretended to be relaxed and smiled: "Dad, why are you looking at me with such eyes?"

Nanzhengyu didn't relax at all, but with a tense face, he warned him coldly: "What will happen to the Li family and your aunt is their business, you are not allowed to take care of it!"

Nan Ling moved his mouth, and suddenly raised his head: "But Dad, at that age, Mrs. Li was so angry that they had a stroke and was admitted to the hospital. Don't you think they did too much?!"


"I know the Li family is wrong first, but it's not wrong for them to press every step of the way? At any rate, an old man, if they have some morals, they won't embarrass an old man."

Nan Zhengyu looked at his son's indignation, and knew that he was raised and disabled by himself just like what Nan Tianyi said.

Right now I just feel extremely disappointed.

Looking at Nan Ling's expression, he unconsciously showed such a deep disappointment, and his exhaustion rose sharply. Even this time, he didn't educate Nan Ling, but just said in a deep voice: "I don't care what you think, Just remember one thing, don't get involved in this matter! Otherwise, I won't be your son! Do you understand?"

Nan Ling opened his eyes wide in disbelief, clenched his fists, and suddenly said, "Dad, you are because of Uncle..."

In his eyes, his father will always bow his knees in front of his uncle, deliberately catering to please.

He never understood this behavior from a young age.

Seeing Nan Zhengyu reprimanding him mercilessly now, he believed even more in his heart that his father was sternly reprimanding him not to intervene because he was afraid of offending his uncle's family.

Even if his aunt was involved, his father had the same attitude.

Nan Ling was also extremely disappointed.

(End of this chapter)

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