Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4229 Tell me, what do you want me to do?

Chapter 4229 Tell me, what do you want me to do?
Guan Yan was stunned for a second, then came to his senses, and gave him a thumbs up in admiration.

She was probably convinced, and didn't bother to talk to Ji Nan, so she pouted angrily, and motioned him to look at the second floor: "Sun hasn't come down yet."

Ji Nan rested his hands on the back of the sofa, and said as usual: "She has been busy drawing design drafts for the jewelry competition these two days."

"Is it related to the Nie family?" Guan Yan raised his willow eyebrows and looked away.

Just at this time, Gu San came out with the cut vegetables. Passing by the living room, he saw the two chatting leisurely there, and beckoned them to help.

Ji Nan got up and rolled up his sleeves, just in time to see that Guan Yan was going to follow, so he said, "It's enough for me to go alone to help, and you don't have to."

Guan Yan was forced to sit back, and saw the young man bow his head and look sideways before leaving, and said softly to her: "My father knows what those people in the Nie family are thinking, and will not let them have a chance to harass Nian you Don't worry! They have no chance to mess around in Independence Island."

"You mean Emperor Ji..." Guan Yan was stunned.

Ji Nan gave a soft 'hmm', without explaining too much, and went to the kitchen with his long legs to help out.

Guan Yan stayed alone in the living room and fell into deep thought, still thinking about the meaning of what Ji Nan said to himself before.


Upstairs room.

Qiao Nian couldn't count how many times he crumpled the half-painted draft paper, and threw the waste draft paper into the trash can.

In front of her was a drawing board, a stack of white drawings, and a 2B pencil that was thrown on the table and turned around. The girl sat slumped on the chair, with her back against the back of the chair, her hands hanging on her sides, her eyes closed on her back , The eyebrows couldn't get rid of the irritability.

She hadn't touched this kind of draft paper for a long time, and Qiao Nian couldn't find inspiration for a while, and she had sat for a whole day without drawing a satisfactory design.

Aunt Yuan didn't urge her, she just said that it's not enough.

But the word 'can't' was not in her life dictionary, so Qiao Nian locked herself in her room since yesterday, trying to draw her favorite design before the jewelry competition started.

10 minutes passed.

The girl leaning back on the chair remained motionless, her black eyelashes casting a curved arc under the light.

The phone made a rattling sound on the table.

The fingertips of the girl who had been closing her eyes as if she was asleep moved slightly, and then she opened her eyes.

Her dark eyes were clear and stern, and it could be seen that she was not asleep at all.

Qiao Nian sat up straight, picked up the phone she had left on the table, glanced at the caller ID on the screen, lowered her eyes slightly, and twitched the corners of her mouth: "Chi!"

She picked up the phone casually, turned on the loudspeaker directly, and threw the phone back to its original place, with an unfriendly demeanor on her brows.

"Go ahead."

"looking for me."

The other end was silent for about two seconds, as if shocked by her sudden aura.

But after just two seconds, the person over there realized that she had really answered his phone, and immediately said in a deep voice: "You still know how to answer the phone? I thought you lost your phone, and I can't see it for you. Call up."

Qiao Nian got up and took a can of Coke, unhooked the tab, took a sip, turned towards the phone coldly, and said flatly, "If you can't talk, I'll hang up."

"Wait a minute." Nie Qingru still couldn't hold back to stop, for fear that Qiao Nian's temper would come up and kill her.

After all, it wasn't once or twice that Qiao Nian blocked her. This time, she changed her phone number and called her persistently for a few days.

(End of this chapter)

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