Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4233 Invite Miss Nian to the party together

Chapter 4233 Invite Miss Nian to the party
Ji Nan glanced at her gratefully, and also greeted Ye Fanchuan and Gu San, and the two went out one after another.

Ye Wangchuan came over with a glass of water at this time: "Jinan probably asked Guan Yan about the APE competition."

Qiao Nian watched him put the glass in front of her, propped his chin, raised his head, half of his face was immersed in the light, and said casually after being satisfied, "It's just a game."


Ye Wangchuan simply pulled a chair over and sat facing her, his deep eyes were so deep and deep that it was difficult for others to see emotions from his eyes.

But at this moment, his eyes were obviously full of connivance and pampering that was rarely seen in normal times.

"Are you sure you don't want to rub the Nie family on the ground during the competition?"

Qiao Nian turned her head, lazily, with an expression of 'you look at me like this'.

Ye Wangchuan couldn't help but raised the corners of his lips, stretched out his hand and tapped the girl's forehead, with a smile in his eyes, he slowly withdrew his hand: "I heard that the Nie family has been very active in Independence Island for more than half a month. Go to that house as a guest. They have looked for Emperor Ji many times, but they didn't come to you?"

"I've looked for it." When Qiao Nian mentioned the people related to Nie Qingru, her expression was always grumpy and tired, but she quickly controlled her: "I looked for it once. I haven't seen them since then!"

Ye Wangchuan propped his chin, thoughtful, then contacted Ji Nan and said specious things at the dinner table, basically sketching out an outline.

He looked at the girl's delicate face, wondering if she noticed it.

But with his understanding of her.

Qiao Nian was probably the same as him, he had already guessed from Ji Nan's performance tonight that the Nie family had come to Independent Continent for so long but didn't come to disturb their lives, most likely because - Ji Huang shot to stop them.

Ye Wangchuan glanced at the girl again.

Joyfully, Qiao Nian took out her mobile phone and played a game of Xiaoxiao. She lowered her eyes and seemed to be playing very seriously. She leaned back on the back of the chair with her long legs dangling, quite uninhibited.

She behaved the same as when she had dinner at night, but she didn't seem to care much about the match between the Nie family and APE.

Ye Wangchuan was silent for a few seconds.

Knowing that the more unscrupulous she is, as if she doesn't care about anything, and doesn't pay attention to anything, it means that this matter actually makes her very upset.

The next day.

Qiao Nian spent the whole night without finding any inspiration.

She deliberately went to the First Research Institute early in the morning, locked herself in the laboratory for a long time, and did two more experiments that Xu Yi said she couldn't handle, and recorded the experimental data.

After she finished these things, Xu Yi just came to the research institute, changed his clothes and opened the door to go in, when he ran into the person who came out, and handed him a notebook.

"The experimental steps are all above."


Xu Yi looked at the girl with sleepy eyes, and she was clearly wearing a laboratory protective suit, but Qiao Nian had an indescribable irritability all over her body.

He realized something belatedly, and opened his mouth to stop the person who was about to leave.

"The team leader called a few friends for his birthday, and booked a private room for a dinner party. Are you going?"

Qiao Nian paused, turned around, thought for a few seconds, and asked him, "Shen Qingfeng?"


Xu Yi's stern face is very young, with light brows and eyes, not much emotional fluctuations, it can't be seen that he is a person who likes to participate in this kind of party.

He thought for a while, and added: "Xue Zhu is going too."

At the beginning, their 10th group was privately called the "death group" by others in the institute. No one expected that they would all join the eighth-level laboratory in just one year.

(End of this chapter)

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