Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4235 I thought sister Nian would not go

Chapter 4235 I thought sister Nian would not go

three o'clock.

Xue Zhu came over on time.

As soon as Shen Qingfeng saw her, he said something to the friend who was chatting, hurried over, patted Xue Zhu on the shoulder, and said with a smile, "Here we are."

He looked back: "Where's Xu Yi?"

"He hasn't come yet? Maybe he's still in the lab..."

Xue Zhu came here after doing experiments with Cao Yanhua. She was still wearing the clothes she had when she went out, which was very different from the well-dressed ladies in the club.

But she was familiar with Shen Qingfeng, and she didn't feel inferior because of her outfit, or felt that she was out of place.

The whole person exudes a confident atmosphere.

Xue Zhu didn't care about the many faces he didn't know, and took out his mobile phone while talking: "How about I call him and ask him to see where he went."

"Don't." Shen Qingfeng hurriedly stopped her: "You know the institute's regulations, he will come over after he's busy."

The First Research Institute stipulates that mobile phones cannot be turned on in the laboratory, and must be stored in a cabinet until they leave the laboratory.

If Xu Yi was still doing experiments, even if Xue Zhu called, he wouldn't be able to pick up the call. What's more, Shen Qingfeng felt that it was just a small birthday, and everyone just got together to have a meal and have fun, so there was no need to make such a big battle In order to fight, Xu Yi must put down the experiment at hand and rush over here.

He called Xue Zhu to find a place to sit down, called the waiter, asked Xue Zhu what he wanted to drink, and then ordered a glass of whiskey for Xue Zhu.

The waiter quickly brought the whiskey with ice for work, Shen Qingfeng handed it to her, and chatted with her for a few words.

Like him, Xue Zhu's family background in Independent Island is not prominent.

The Shen family still has a name in Independent Continent.

Xue Zhu's family can only be regarded as a small family in the independent state. They have done some business and are rich but have no background.

In places like Independence.

If you don't have a background, you won't have status just because you are rich.

And here is to watch people order food, Shen Qingfeng stayed here to talk with her because he was worried that Xue Zhu wouldn't get along with other people.

"By the way, did you tell sister Nian?" Xue Zhu asked suddenly, shaking the whiskey in his hand, took a sip.

Shen Qingfeng froze for a moment, then shook his head, and said with embarrassment on his warm face, "I know she's busy, so I didn't bother her."

"She's really busy." Xue Zhu propped her chin up, and said with deep confidence.

Compared with them, Qiao Nian always seems to have endless things to do.

Even if they are both in the First Research Institute, they rarely meet Qiao Nian.

Among the three of them, Xu Yi was the only one who was working on the project with Qiao Nian, so usually only Xu Yi had the chance to meet Qiao Nian.

It seemed like she hadn't seen Qiao Nian for a while.

"But Xu Yi will definitely come..." Xue Zhu didn't feel anything, and said again.

Shen Qingfeng was about to answer him.

Suddenly, a small group of commotional discussions were heard.

"Look at the door."

"Who is that girl? Why does it look familiar to me?"

"Let me see."

Xue Zhu and Shen Qingfeng, who were talking, also heard the movement, and they both looked in the direction of the commotion.

At a glance, I saw Xu Yi walking in the front.

Xu Yi also followed someone.

The girl was wearing a sweater, with a peaked cap pulled down very low, and her hands were in her pockets. She obviously followed Xu Yi's side very well, but it was hard not to notice her.

Personal aura is too strong, and too young!
Such an oriental face appeared in this kind of gathering, and ordinary people would basically be attracted to her.

(End of this chapter)

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