Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4237 It turned out to be Nan Shao's friend

Chapter 4237 It turned out to be Nan Shao's friend
The woman flicked the cigarette butt between her fingers, and said with a contemptuous expression: "This is Independent Continent, a place where people like them can be arrogant? Who are you pretending to be?"

Top circles like Nan Ling, Daniel, Ross and Ji Nan...

People in that circle had come into contact with Qiao Nian directly or indirectly, and probably knew how deep Qiao Nian's background was and how difficult it was to mess with.

But there are not only the top circles in Independent Continent, there are many circles under the top circles, large and small, these circles have relatively limited contact, and the news is not as fast as the top circles.

So much so that some people didn't know Qiao Nian.

"Keep your voice down, I think Qingfeng attaches great importance to them." A man kindly persuaded her.

The woman crushed the cigarette butt ungratefully, and turned back unhappily: "Don't all of you men look like that, you can't move when you see a young and beautiful woman. Why, you also saw that yellow man?"

"I didn't mean that." The man said angrily.

She got up, took the wine glass in front of her, and said to the people at her table: "Wait, I'll get you phone numbers!"

As she spoke, she swayed towards Qiao Nian's table.

The two tables were not far apart.

The woman walked to the table with Qiao Nian and the others in two or three steps, without being stage frightened, she pulled a high chair and pushed it in to sit.

She smiled and raised the glass full of spirits in her hand to look straight at Qiao Nian: "Sister, where did you come from? You are quite beautiful, let me toast you?"

Both Xue Zhu and Xu Yi stopped talking and looked at her like a ghost.

I don't know where this guy came from.

How to come to them and get drunk.

It's a good thing I didn't die to find you, Qiao Nian.

The girl really lowered her eyebrows, her extremely long eyelashes covered her pupils, she pinched the rim of the goblet in front of her with her slender fingers, and leaned back lazily: "I don't know how to drink."

The woman who was about to toast with a glass of wine with a smile on her face sank, with an unhappy expression on her face, and quickly swallowed it down.

She suddenly drank the wine in her hand in front of the three of them, and then poured the glass to Qiao Nian, signaling Qiao Nian to see that there was not a drop left.

"I'll do it first as a respect."

This posture is quite like 'Qiao Nian doesn't drink today, just because she doesn't give her face'.

Even Xue Zhu and Xu Yi were surprised by her aggressive posture.

However, she herself hadn't noticed that the air was suddenly quiet, and she was still standing here domineeringly, staring intently at the girl who was sitting still.

"Sister, I'm going to do it first out of respect, you won't lose face, will you?"

Qiao Nian was probably annoyed by her.

look up.

There was no emotion in her clear eyes, she put her hands on the back of the chair, leaned sideways, and said in a frivolous tone, "Well, no."

——You won’t give me this face, will you?

——Well, no.

The woman didn't react at first, but when she realized it, her delicate face trembled wildly, her face turned pale with anger, and she was about to explode.

Nan Ling walked over, patted her from behind, and said politely with a gentlemanly face, "Can I have a seat?"

The woman turned her head to see Nan Ling, she was stunned for a moment, her face was dazed, she looked back suspiciously at Qiao Nian, then at Nan Ling, with an indescribable expression: "Young Master Nan, do you know her?"

Nan Ling has been looking at Qiao Nian, and hardly paid her any attention: "Yes, I know."

"Oh, so it's Nan Shao's friend." The woman got up angrily and moved out of her seat.

I still don't forget to look at Qiao Nian several times, as if I want to see through the charm of a girl with yellow skin and black hair, who can attract men like Shen Qingfeng and Nan Ling to surround her...

(End of this chapter)

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