Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4240 Sister Nian: Want to fight?

Chapter 4240 Sister Nian: Want to fight?

Nan Ling was shocked.

But facing the girl's cold and heartless expression, he had no choice but to walk away in embarrassment.

At this time, Shen Qingfeng noticed the commotion here and hurried over, looking at a table of people: "I just heard Qiao Nian's voice, what happened?"

Xue Zhu and Xu Yi tacitly denied: "It's okay."

Shen Qingfeng looked at the person concerned again, and said worriedly, "Qiao Nian, are you alright?"


Qiao Nian responded slowly.

She stood up, picked up the phone, pulled up the sweater of the sweater, covered most of her face, and said to Shen Qingfeng, Xue Zhu and others: "It's a little late. You play slowly, I'll go back first."

"So early?" Xue Zhu said in surprise.

Shen Qingfeng took out the car keys: "I'll see you off."

"I'll go by myself, you play your tricks." Qiao Nian didn't want anyone else, she really left alone, and politely declined Shen Qingfeng's insistence on giving her a favor.

Shen Qingfeng was finally stopped by Xu Yi: "Senior Brother Shen, stop chasing her and let her go by herself. Didn't you see that she was in a bad mood today?"

Shen Qingfeng froze on the spot, then looked at the back of the girl who was walking away, and recalled Qiao Nian's dull mood all the time, and finally felt Xu Yi's words 'Qiao Nian is not in a good mood'.

There are many people in the club.

Except for Qiao Nian who attracted some people's attention when she first came, apart from Nan Ling and the women who came to strike up a conversation, not many people actually paid attention to her.

So not many people noticed that the girl left halfway...

But one person noticed.

——That was the woman who had a little trouble with Qiao Nian before.

She called the two male friends that she had agreed upon at the table, took the bag, put out the cigarette butt in the ashtray, and said coldly to the two, "Let's go."

One of her friends persuaded her: "Sunday, why don't you forget it? I think both Shen Qingfeng and Nan Ling know her. It's not good for you to do this, it's easy to offend Shen Qingfeng."

After all, today is the game of Shen Qingfeng's group, and she making trouble at this time is an act of not giving face to the master.

"If I don't teach her a lesson today, she won't know why the flowers are so popular!" The woman couldn't listen to it at all, and followed with her good friends.



Qiao Nian was leaning against the banyan tree by the roadside and lowered her head to send a message to Gu San.

It's hard to get a taxi in this area.

She came here with Xu Yi and didn't drive here, so it's quite troublesome to leave now.


She edited the message with her white fingertips, and just sent the address, Gu San was asking her what time it would end, Qiao Nian was about to return...

Then she heard someone yelling in her ear again.


"Call you, are you deaf?"

She raised her head slightly, with a little impatience on her face, and she picked up the woman who came to her for a drink and insisted on leaving her contact information.

The woman was wearing a pink dress, and she was accompanied by two burly foreign men, who were looking at her at the same time, with malicious eyes.

Qiao Nian could roughly see what these people wanted to do with just one glance. He licked his dry lips, put away the phone, straightened his legs, and faced the three of them: "Want to fight?"

"Eh..." She was so straightforward, but the domineering woman was taken aback, and then looked up and down the oriental girl in front of her.

very young.

He is considered tall among people from State Y.

But in the eyes of their Caucasians, they can only be regarded as ordinary heights, with slender bones, black eyes, yellow skin, and weak bodies.

She laughed in an instant, her shoulders trembled, and she didn't forget to mock Qiao Nian: "I said sister, I thought you were just pulling inside, but I didn't expect a person to pull like that."

(End of this chapter)

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