Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4279 Sure enough, it aroused the overwhelming criticism of public opinion

Chapter 4279 Sure enough, it aroused the overwhelming criticism of public opinion
"Who did it?"

"She's crazy, she actually plagiarized the master. OMG, I don't know whether to say that this person is ignorant or unlucky."

The onlookers talked loudly, but they were extremely happy to encounter such a big news.

That's more clicks than taking a few pictures of supermodels.

One by one, they quickly grabbed their equipment and headed home, all wanting to send out this explosive news before their peers.

Master Lagerfeld admitted that he participated in this APE competition and was plagiarized, tsk tsk, big news!

The reporters who came back from the fashion event immediately wrote a feature on their news, and immediately sent out this big news that caused a sensation in the industry.

Except for a few masters who have retired.

Lagerfeld is a rare master in the design circle who is still active in the industry.

His condescension to participate in this year's APE is enough to cause a sensation in the industry, which makes people look forward to it.

Not to mention that the anonymous work of the master was plagiarized by a new designer with no eyesight. This is not only news, but also a joke.

Immediately, someone in the industry picked up the identity of the newcomer who plagiarized this time.

A man from State Y who came from a poorly designed land.

There was overwhelming criticism online.

Many people in the industry went to Chengfeng Group to make cynicism under the solemn statement issued by Chengfeng Group on INS.

【OMG, they have the guts to issue a statement saying that they did not plagiarize, will the master wrong you?ridiculous! wxsl. 】

[Tsk, as expected of a native of State Y, you have a really thick skin.How dare you make a statement before the victim after plagiarizing someone else's work.It's not that whoever says first is right! 】

[Support Master Lagerfeld's rights protection, OH!Over the years, how many things have plagiarized our ideas and patents in State Y?They are born thieves, we must teach them a lesson, otherwise they will come to steal our things! 】


Some of the people in front of them are people in the industry at any rate, and they have a reputation.

Their messages were relatively restrained, and most of them were just regional attacks or righteous indignation, wanting to vent their anger on Master Lagerfeld.

The messages in the back row are unsightly.

A lot of people see the news, even though they don't know what's going on in the design world, only through news reports taken out of context.

These people came to scold the streets with the banner of so-called justice.

Many of them use ugly words that are unsightly, and the entire text is almost full of insulting words marked with *, purely swearing.



Chengfeng Group Headquarters.

On the way to work in the morning, Yuan Yongqin received a call from Su Mo and learned about what happened at the fashion event held in France yesterday.

As soon as she arrived at the office, she quickly called the director of the design department and the people from the public relations department.

Su Mo made her a cup of coffee and came in.

I saw Yuan Yongqin tugging at the collar of his tightly buttoned clothes, heaved a sigh of relief, and asked with a serious face: "Who will report to me the situation on INS."

The director of the design department and the director of the public relations department looked at each other, and they both saw hesitation in each other's eyes. Neither of them wanted to go forward and report this disappointing situation.

It was Su Mo who put the coffee on Yuan Yongqin's desk without any trace, and easily squeezed into the topic: "Let me talk about it."

Yuan Yongqin frowned unhappily, saw him, sat back on the swivel chair, suppressed the fire pressure, and waved his hand: "Yes."

The directors of the two departments looked at Su Mo with gratitude, as if looking at the savior. If Yuan Yongqin was not present, they would have wanted to hold Su Mo's hand to express their gratitude.

(End of this chapter)

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