Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4344 Sister Nian: It's going to rain

Chapter 4344 Sister Nian: It's going to rain
"Since it's not that the Nine Institutes are short of materials, why does he need so much tungsten gold personally?"

Tungsten gold is no ordinary metal.

It is too important as a weapon material!

What does Ye Fanchuan want to do?
Faced with Wei Lou's aggressive questioning, Gu San reacted, his face turned pale, he lost his usual playfulness, and answered him with a serious face.

"Young Master Wei, don't ask, this has nothing to do with you and Beijing."

In other words.

No matter what Ye Wangchuan wants tungsten gold to do, it is definitely not what Wei Lou thinks.

But more, he will definitely not disclose to Wei Lou.

Wei Lou pinned the meaning in Gu San's words, was silent for a few seconds, and suddenly asked without thinking: "It's not Ye Wangchuan who wants tungsten gold, it's Qiao Xiaonian who wants this batch of tungsten gold!"

Gu San remained silent: "..."

Wei Shao was still quite perceptive.

Sometimes silence is often the answer.

It is not incompetent for Wei Lou to be able to firmly grasp the succession rights of the next generation of the Wei family under Wei Ying's men after Wei Lao left.

He looked at the back of the girl on the phone in front of the railing, pursed his lips, and stopped asking.


Qiao Nian came back from the other end of the phone call and saw that only Gu San and Wei Lou were here, so she couldn't help asking, "Where are the others?"

Wei Lou pointed to the side: "Over there. Not long after you left, he also went to make a call."

Qiao Nian saw the corner of Ye Wangchuan's clothes, stopped in his tracks, did not go over, then looked back up and down the guard building, and asked in surprise, "You two didn't fight?"


He meant it as a joke.

Who knew that Qiao Nian rested her chin on her hand, and after a thoughtful expression, she nodded in agreement: "That's right."

"..." Wei Lou was choked by her, and his hair suddenly exploded, with an expression of wanting to strangle her to death: "Qiao Xiaonian, we have known each other for ten years, and you are trying to trouble me because of a man?! You are so perverted!" Forgetting righteousness, a scumbag who values ​​sex and despises friends!"

"Ah." Qiao Nian glanced at him, and slowly pulled down her peaked cap to cover her pupils, looking foolish.

it is more than words.

Wei Lou was completely speechless, waved his hands, and walked towards the cabin with a dark face: "Okay, okay, you two should be locked up, please lock them up, don't come out and harm others."

"I'll go down and see where I'm going."

Qiao Nian watched his figure disappear at the top of the stairs going down, and then regained the laziness of her whole body, turned her head and said to Gu San, "Tell your master, it's going to rain."

Gu San raised his head to look at the dark sky, there were thunderstorms in the dark clouds, and there was a stance of rain coming at any moment.

He looked at the muffled thunder in the clouds, and then at the girl Shi Shiran standing on the deck with the sea behind her.

Gu San pursed his lips, as if he understood the meaning of Qiao Nian's words, lowered his head, and immediately did it: "Yes, Miss Qiao."

On the other side, meanwhile.

An old man from the Theron family contacted Nie Qingru who was far away in Continent M.

"Are you sure she's studying what her mother left behind?" The old man's tone was calm and pretentious.

When facing Nie Qingru, he was not only rude, but even had a faint sense of superiority and oppression.

Nie Qingru herself was not dissatisfied in the slightest: "She tried so hard to get tungsten gold from Baishi Island, isn't that enough to explain everything?"

The old man was silent for a full second, and then said with a half-smile: "You are so brave, you can kill relatives righteously every time."

(End of this chapter)

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