Chapter 4349 Closing the Deal
"it is good."

The person opposite took a deep breath, adjusted his mood, and said with a cool breath.

"Shi Lao, our radar has detected a submarine in the waters around Baishi Island, with a missile head on it. It looks like... that."

He didn't even dare to speak out.

A trace of doubt flashed in the old man's eyes.

After linking his words together in his mind, the submarine...the missile head...he understood everything in an instant!
Immediately his expression changed.

He immediately questioned his subordinates who stayed on the island: "What's the matter with you? They's submarines have opened up to their faces, and you didn't notice it at all."

"Ten old man, the detection radar didn't send out any warning before, we really didn't think that someone would drive the submarine in through the foggy area."

The staff at the other end explained in a low voice.

The old man's face was as frosty as it was about to freeze, his eyes were sharp, and he interrupted his defense: "Okay, I don't want to listen to the explanation, I'll go get the punishment myself!"


The staff at the other end swallowed their grievances, and reminded in a weak voice: "The other party should have a very powerful hacker who hacked into the radar detection system on the island, otherwise the radar detection cannot miss so many behemoths, without warning at all... "

The old man didn't respond and just hung up the phone.

He looked up and looked at the time.

Exactly 5 minutes passed on wall time.

The veins on the old man's forehead were swollen, and he no longer had the relaxed state of mind he had before. For the first time, he felt an invisible big hand pushing him forward.

And the owner of that hand even just turned 20 years old.

A little girl in her early 20s made him feel such pressure!
Shi Lao clenched his jaw, resting his hands on the back of the leather sofa next to him, unable to recover for a long time.

But soon the call broke the deadlock.

His eyelids twitched, he looked at the mobile phone he had put aside before, walked over to pick it up, and looked down at the caller ID.

As expected, it was Qiao Nian who called.

He felt the invisible pressure in the air increase again, and he felt the frustration of being generalized by a yellow-haired girl.

The phone keeps ringing.

Ten elders finally picked up.

"You really are just like what grandma said, you are a wolf cub! I underestimated you."


The girl wandering far away in the waters of Baishi Island heard him mention Nie Qingru, and her eyes became indifferent: "It's 5 minutes, have you chosen yet?"

The muscles on Shi Lao's cheeks twitched violently, and he warned her in words: "I know what you want tungsten gold for. I advise you not to follow your mother's old path and put yourself on the road of no return."

Qiao Nian was very impatient: "I asked you if you have chosen?"

The tenth old man had never been so despised by a junior, he was speechless, and after a few seconds, he rolled the whites of his eyes and suppressed the anger surging in his chest.

"I'll let you go."

When he said this, it was almost fatal.

The tone is unwilling.

Qiao Nian didn't need him to be willing, he hummed, and said lightly: "You used the wrong word. It's not to let go, but to ensure that we leave safely."

Putting is the forgiveness of the superiors to the inferiors.

They are not standing at the point of view of the superior speaking to the subordinates, but on an equal footing.

we can even say.

They also crushed the old man.

It would be too arrogant for the old man to tell her 'let go'.

Elder Shi probably didn't expect Qiao Nian to be so arrogant, so he replied after a long while: "You can go, I will ensure that you leave safely. But in the same way, after you leave, you need to drive away those things in the waters outside Baishi Island. "

(End of this chapter)

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