4354--Andrew Ye Lao smiles
"Treatment." Ye Maoshan smiled and couldn't stop the smile on his face: "Niannian wants to go home for dinner. I thought the cook at home is not good enough, so I might as well go out to eat. Didn't Guanlan come to a chef from S Province, who is said to be very skilled?" Not bad, just want to like their taste..."

"Miss Qiao is coming back?" The old butler was as happy as him, and said with bright eyes, "The young master must be very happy."

Ye Qichen was one year older.

People have also become more sensible.

At least he doesn't have the style of the little devil king in the past.

Now that Ye Qichen's leg has healed, people outside can also see that Ye Maoshan attaches great importance to his great-grandson.

Ye Qichen is very popular in school.

But the little guy is not as cool as a devil incarnation.

I seldom play with my classmates at school, and I don’t have friends of the same age around me. I go to and from school on time every day.

He went home immediately after school, got into the study, found the teacher that Miss Qiao had found for him, and began to learn those messy number codes that he couldn't understand.

The old housekeeper was born in the older generation, and in terms of strength, he is not bad in everything.

But letting him play on the computer... It's a bit embarrassing for him, an octogenarian.

He already knew that Ye Qichen was obsessed with computers. Fortunately, the old man and the young lady are open-minded, unlike other parents who restrict their children's development.

The young master likes computers, so the eldest lady and the old man bought a lot of high-end computers for the young master to use.

Recently, the young master even created an Ultraman robot.

That little robot looks weird, but he has personally seen the little master manipulating something like a mouse in his hand.

The little robot can jump up the stairs flexibly, and there is even a pair of wings hidden behind the robot, soaring into the air.

The old butler was still thinking about the ugly Ultraman developed by Ye Qichen, and suddenly heard Ye Maoshan cheerfully ordering him: "By the way, you go to the nursing home and call Lao Jiang. And Tsinghua University, go call Shang Niannian's father, and..."

He named seven or eight names in a row.

Ye Maoshan still hasn't stopped, still thinking about who to call.

"...At this age, Nian Nian should like to be with friends."

"And her friends, the one from Zhang's family, what's their name? Isn't the boy she took care of around the city also studying in Beijing...you name all of them."

The old butler had heard too many names, and couldn't remember all of them for a while, so he simply suggested: "Master, you want to call so many people anyway, why don't you just hold a reception banquet for Miss Qiao, you keep releasing news, Miss Qiao My friends will come by themselves."

"Why didn't I expect..." Ye Maoshan really thought about it, and turned his head to look at him: "Then you can make arrangements, but Mr. Jiang still needs you to go there in person!"

This is basic etiquette.

Since the man's family valued Nian Nian, they must respect Nian Nian's family members.

Nian Nian's friends can send out news every three or four days, telling them to come over by themselves, but Nian Nian's father and elders at home don't like this.

The old butler smiled and bent over: "I understand."

"I'll go to Tsinghua University again to find Niannian's father." Ye Maoshan was still happy, refreshed, even the wrinkles on his face were stretched out a lot, and his eyes were bright.

With Ye Maoshan's seniority and status, there are almost no people who can invite him personally.

But he is willing to give the Zujiang family face.

Even if you take a trip yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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