Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4362 Let Gu 3 take a trip with the thin waist control

Chapter 4362 Let Gu San accompany the slender waist control for a walk

Qiao Nian withdrew his hand, stood up and held his little hand, looked at a few people and said, "Let's go?"

They have been at the pier for half a day.

Everyone stands here and blocks away.

Wei Lou jumped off the boat first: "I don't know about them, I can't stay any longer. I have to go!"

It's okay for him to be hit by Ye Wangchuan usually.

Anyway, they are considered peers.

A 6-year-old kid in the Ye family can also write programming, which let his father know that it's worth it, and he should whisper in his ear.

What are the genes of the Ye family good?

It's not like he has poor genes and doesn't work hard.

Anyway, he didn't know who the old man at home was scolding.

Gu San came out of the cabin, walked behind Ye Wangchuan, and said silently: "Master Wang, the old man booked a Guanlan private room."

"En." Ye Wangchuan clasped his arms around his chest, and replied lightly, he knew it, and said to him: "You can take a walk with Xiao Yaokong."

Gu San had already guessed Ye Wangchuan's arrangement, and nodded very respectfully: "Okay, I think so too."


Ye Wangchuan went over and told Qiao Nian about his arrangement.

"...Slim waist control is better at things in the field of hacking. It is better to have someone to accompany the boat on the sea. Gu San happens to be able to take a trip if he has nothing to do."

Qiao Nian thought for a moment, then looked at Slender Waist Control himself: "How do you say that?"

Slender Waist Control himself is very easy-going, and immediately shrugged his shoulders: "It doesn't matter, I can get along with anyone."

Since I don't mind.

Qiao Nian made a decisive decision: "That's fine, let's do it like this."


That's how it was arranged.

Gu San and Xi Yaokong will send the remaining tungsten gold back to Independent Island.

Qiao Nian and the others temporarily stayed in Beijing for a few days, had a meal with Mr. Ye, and then watched the engine problem with Master Cheng.

They wait until 6pm.

Nine people finally came.

Bo Jingxing led people to move the goods to Master Cheng's separate laboratory outside.

He ran into Qiao Nian and said hello, as if the embarrassing incident had never happened before, and he didn't ask what Qiao Nian and Master Cheng used a large amount of tungsten gold in private.

He only said to Qiao Nian: "Don't worry, I will do my best to ensure Master Cheng's safety in Beijing."

Just this one sentence is enough for both sides to smile away their grievances.

Although Qiao Nian still didn't speak to him, seeing his eyes softened a lot, she nodded her chin at him.

"Thank you."

Bao Jingxing was a smart man, he knew how to point it out, he didn't accept Qiao Nian's thank you, and walked over to chat with Ye Wangchuan alone.

Weilou, Bao Jingxing, and Ye Wangchuan's small group had been playing so-so, and they didn't stay at the port for long. When the driver of Wei's family came over, he told Qiao Nian to take a step ahead.

As soon as the guard building left.

Slender Waist Control and Gu San did not go with them.

Only Qiao Nian, Ye Fanchuan and Ye Qichen were left.

Watching the time go by every minute and every second.

It's almost 6:[-].

After Qiao Nian arranged everything at the port, she received a call from Ye Lan.

She picked it up: "Hello, Aunt Ye."

Ye Lan was as cheerful as ever: "Is Chenchen with you?"

Qiao Nian looked down at the little guy who had been obediently hooking her with a finger and following her, and raised the corners of his mouth in a good mood: "Well, he's with me."

"When are you coming over?" Ye Lan got straight to the point.

Qiao Nian looked at the time and saw that it was already 06:30.Just say to Ye Lan: "Within an hour, do you think it's okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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