Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4371 Miss Qiao, do you know a person named Qiao Ruoqing?

Chapter 4371 Miss Qiao, do you know a person named Qiao Ruoqing?
Even Ye Wangchuan couldn't stand it anymore, and stopped him from continuing: "Grandpa, we haven't had time to eat when we came from the pier, it's almost time to eat."

This stinky boy!
Ye Maoshan gave him a hard look, and couldn't bear Qiao Nian to gossip with him here on a hungry stomach, so he quickly stepped aside to make way, and patted Qiao Nian's arm: "I'll talk about this later, you go and sit down first. I let them serve."

"it is good."

Qiao Nian was originally proposed by him to live in the Ye family's old house, and why would he go to the park to see flowers and birds? Now, as if he was pardoned, he hurried over and sat next to Zhang Yang and the others.

Zhang Yang was flattered, and hurriedly got up to say hello: "Miss Qiao."

Qiao Nian hadn't come back for a long time, this time he finally returned to Beijing, Ye Lao personally invited him to have a family feast... It can be said that Zhang Yang has mixed up to a level that his parents and grandparents have never touched.

Their family paid special attention to it today. When they received the invitation letter from the old housekeeper in the afternoon, the family went all out to get him a suit, and even found the company's stylist.

Fortunately, Zhang Yang is a thoughtful person, and he was determined not to let his parents make it too exaggerated. He only wore ordinary clothes, mainly casual and low-key.

Today he came to Guanlan and waited ahead of time, and saw that everyone was dressed in ordinary clothes, except for Mr. Ye who was wearing a brand-new Tang suit, no one made greasy noodles and dressed in suits to attend.

Zhang Yang was very thankful that he was tough enough when he went out, and didn't follow the arrangement of his family to make it so grand, otherwise it would be a joke.

Now when he saw Qiao Nian who had drawn him into the top circle, it was like seeing his reborn parents, so he dared not neglect him.

After all, when he hooked up with Young Master Qin, at most he dared to imagine that he could occasionally follow Young Master Qin and integrate into the small circle with Mr. Wang and the others.

How dare he imagine that one day he will be invited to dinner by Ye Lao himself?

And all the glory he has today is all given by Miss Qiao.

If he had chosen the wrong person among Jiang Xianrou and Miss Qiao like everyone else, then he probably is no different from Jiang Yao, Wei Ling and others now.

Apart from being lucky, Zhang Yang was also sincerely grateful to Qiao Nian.

After Qiao Nian sat down, he thought of something: "Do you know a girl named Qiao Ruoqing?"

"En?" Qiao Nian didn't realize it all of a sudden, she picked out her ears and raised her head: "Who?"

Seeing her reaction, Zhang Yang knew that she probably didn't know this person, so he simply explained: "Recently, a fledgling in the entertainment industry has been gaining popularity, competing with Tangning for resources. I didn't care about it at first, but I happened to meet him a few days ago. She bullied Tangning again, so I investigated this person."

"?" Qiao Nian was quite impatient, patiently waiting for him to write later.

"I found out that she is a newcomer signed by our company. It has been more than a year since she debuted. She was signed when you were still in Beijing, and it was signed by my mother herself."

Zhang Yang didn't panic in the face of the girl's oppressive eyes, and said eloquently: "My mother usually manages the entertainment at home, but she doesn't only have one company, and she rarely handles the company's affairs in person. It is left to professional personnel to take care of it. She only cares about major issues at the company's decision-making level. This kind of signing of newcomers by her has never happened, and my dad also told the management of the company to take good care of them. This newcomer..."

The Zhang family has a large business landscape.

The entertainment circle is just an insignificant small section on their business map, and it is usually handed over to Zhang's mother to manage and play.

(End of this chapter)

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