4414 - This is not your house

Eisley has been an agent for many years, and he has cultivated a pair of venomous eyes. He can see through Qiao Ruoqing's mind at a glance, and said with a smile, "You won't be unhappy because I used your kitchen and tableware, will you?"


Qiao Ruoqing said no, her tone was stiff, and her face was not in a good mood.

Aisley put down the coffee cup, looked at her and smiled: "You seem to have made a mistake."

"You didn't buy this house, but the company leased it to you. Strictly speaking, this is neither your home nor your house."

"I don't need your permission to use the kitchen and the things in the kitchen. Of course, I should ask you out of politeness."

In other words.

It wouldn't be so wrong if she didn't ask.

Qiao Ruoqing's face became more and more embarrassing with each of her heart-piercing words, turning blue and white at times.

Qiao Ruoqing stood there pinching her nails, looking at Aisli's proud face, but she was so aggrieved that she couldn't refute.

House prices in Beijing are sky-high.

She has earned a lot of money in Yaoxing Entertainment for more than a year, more than enough to buy a house around the city.

But that amount of money is not enough to pay a down payment in the high-end community where she lives now, let alone buy a big duplex house...

At the beginning, she asked the company to arrange the residence.

The furniture at home and the food and drinks in the refrigerator are all bought by the company.

At that time, she only thought that this was the treatment that a big star should have.

Now that she saw Aisley treating this place as her own home, Qiao Ruoqing regretted that she didn't pay for it by herself.

"You don't have to stare at me with that cannibalistic look, you won't be here soon." Eisley wrote lightly.

Qiao Ruoqing's complexion, which was extremely difficult to see at first, completely darkened, she immediately shook her head, rushed back to her room without looking back, and slammed the door shut.

Before she could go back to the dressing table and sit down, she heard another knock on the door.

"Knock knock."

Immediately afterwards, Aisley's lingering haunting sound followed.

"Xiao Zhang always makes me stare at you. Don't hide in the room and surf the Internet and talk nonsense... It doesn't matter if you are looking for death, don't drag me."


Every word Qiao Ruoqing heard, she couldn't help but her blood surged up, straight to the top of the sky. The pain, aggrieved, wanting to scream, and the depression that had nowhere to vent was almost driving her crazy.

She sat back on the side of the bed, took a deep breath, grabbed the mobile phone that was charging by the bedside, thought twice and did not dare to deliberately confront Aisley in order to get revenge.

She dug out the phone number around the city.

Called Joe's mother.

Just yesterday, Mother Qiao also contacted her when she saw the trending search.


As soon as the phone gets through.

Mother Qiao immediately asked anxiously, "Why didn't you answer the phone? Yesterday, your father and I called you dozens of times, but you didn't answer. We were so anxious that we were discussing how to buy a ticket to go to Beijing to find you."

"I'm fine." Qiao Ruoqing said coldly.

Mother Qiao didn't notice the impatience in her tone: "Is it really okay? I read online that you cut your wrists... Mom was scared to death."

"It's really fine." Qiao Ruoqing didn't give her a chance to continue asking: "Mom, can you contact Qiao Nian."

"What are you contacting her for?" Qiao's mother said in a disdainful tone, and then she seemed to remember something: "Yaoyao, are you in trouble?"

"What can I do." Qiao Ruoqing didn't want to mention the bad things during this period, so she said vaguely.

Qiao's mother had read the news on the Internet, but she didn't really believe what her daughter said was fine. She guessed something in her heart, and also guessed why her daughter kept asking herself to contact Qiao Nian.

(End of this chapter)

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