Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4416 Aunt Ye didn't mention it

Chapter 4416 Aunt Ye didn't mention it

【cai: Why are you asking this? 】

[cai: Guanlan. 】

[cai: Young Master Ye and Young Master Qin like to go there to play, and we can meet them occasionally. 】

Qiao Ruoqing seemed to be grabbing at straws.

[Sunny: Thank you, Young Master Cai. 】

The person at the other end still hasn't realized why Qiao Ruoqing asked her about this.

[cai: You can just ask your cousin, don't you have a good relationship?Qin Shao listened to her very much. 】

Qiao Ruoqing saw the last WeChat message sent to her by the other party, and couldn't recover for a long time, bit her lips hard, and began to fantasize.

Even if her mother begged Qiao Nian, Qiao Nian might not let her go.

Then if she can draw the bottom line.

Robbed Qiao Nian's rich and powerful boyfriend.

At that time, the person who is so beautiful in Beijing will be her?
Why does she still need to look at Qiao Nian's face like now.

Once this idea was drilled out, it formed a terrible execution force in the mind.

Qiao Ruoqing swept away the decadence of the past few days, and her energy returned.

Qiao Nian didn't know that someone missed her boyfriend.

When she got up in the morning, she was dragged by Ye Qichen to play racing games.

She played with the little guy until almost noon, when she received a call from Yuan Yongqin: "Okay, I'll come out right away."

Qiao Nian put down her phone, glanced at the game of Quick Breakthrough, and asked the little guy, "Chenchen, do you want to go with me to meet an aunt at noon?"

Ye Qichen is a game fan.

If he is in the old house, if someone calls him while he is playing games, he will keep it as if he cannot hear you.

But as soon as Qiao Nian asked him, he immediately put down the handle: "Yes."

Qiao Nian didn't want to leave him, so she patted him on the shoulder and said to him, "Go and change."

"it is good."

Ye Wangchuan has Ye Qichen's clothes here, which were sent by Ye Lan.

Ye Qichen is very capable of self-care.

He didn't need Qiao Nian's help, so he went back to his room to find clothes.

Qiao Nian also took advantage of this time to send text messages to Yuan Yongqin, telling her that he would be there in half an hour and would bring Ye Qichen along.

Ask her to order some dishes that children like to eat and have a relatively light taste.

Yuan Yongqin heard that Ye Qichen was coming, so she called Qiao Nian again.

"You brought the little ancestor of the Ye family with you? Old Ye..."

"Grandpa Ye agrees."

"That's fine."

Yuan Yongqin felt relieved.

"By the way, you asked me about the lawyer, maybe because of the news about the underground garage, you were accompanied by the little ancestor of the Ye family..."

Yuan Yongqin made contact with each other, and suddenly his eyes went dark: "The kid who was almost hit in the underground garage is Chenchen?!"

Which god is so courageous?
The only baby pimple in the fourth generation of the Ye family, Ye Lao wished that the baby could get into his eyes.

Ye Qichen is known as a gold medal in Ye's family.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have blurted out that it was the young ancestor of the Ye family.

"Elder Ye won't be angry with you, will he?" Yuan Yongqin couldn't help feeling worried after realizing it.

Fortunately, Qiao Nian said, "No, Grandpa didn't even mention it."

"Aunt Lan actually mentioned it, and she said whether they need their help. I asked the little guy, and the little guy meant that we can do whatever we want! I thought about it, and then I will go through legal procedures."

Qiao Nian was very calm: "I don't have any lawyers I'm familiar with in Beijing. Your company has many lawyers, so I asked you to come out and discuss finding a lawyer."

Yuan Yongqin didn't dare to take this as a trivial matter: "Do you want to send someone in, or just teach her a lesson and scare her?"

(End of this chapter)

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