Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4423 Qiao Ruoqing will be ruined now

Chapter 4423 Qiao Ruoqing will be ruined now

The female lawyer only briefly understood the situation, then closed the folder she brought, put her hands on the table, and read to Qiao very calmly.

"She has constituted the crime of hit and escape. We can pursue accountability in this regard, demand compensation from her and pursue criminal responsibility."

"This kid has had leg problems before, right?"

Qiao Nian turned her head to look at Ye Qichen who was drinking from a water glass, raised her hand to rub his soft hair, and said softly, "Yes."

The female lawyer shrewdly noticed that Qiao Nian was deliberately avoiding this topic in front of the little boy, and raised her hand to push the glasses on the bridge of her nose.

"That would be better."

"In short, our initial plan is to hold her responsible for the hit and run, and the second is to hold her accountable for using public opinion to spread rumors afterwards."

"it is good."

This is more in line with Qiao Nian's request.

Her original intention was to seek justice for Chenchen, as for Qiao Ruoqing's small actions on the Internet, she thought it was not worth mentioning.

The female lawyer packed up the folder and asked casually, "Do you have any claims for compensation?"

Qiao Nian supported her chin with her hands, and her exquisite and eye-catching face was reflected in the thick glass beside her, her eyes were cold and flamboyant: "I have a little money."

"Okay." The female lawyer nodded slightly, and stopped asking.

People made it clear that they were not short of money.

As long as she understands the customer's demands clearly, she will be able to handle things later.

at this time.

Yuan Yongqin received a call.


The person on the other end of the phone seemed to be Su Mo. She didn't know what she had said to Yuan Yongqin. She looked in Qiao Nian's direction in surprise.

After a while, she put down her phone, thought about it, and said to the girl in words: "Qiao Ruoqing went to harass Young Master Ye."


Qiao Nian picked out her ears, raised her eyes a little irritatedly, her face was speechless, obviously she didn't understand what kind of confusing Qiao Ruoqing was doing.


Yuan Yongqin said it again, not knowing whether to laugh or cry, and analyzed it: "She may think that you can challenge her only because of Young Master Ye."

The corner of Qiao Nian's mouth twitched: "Whatever she thinks."

Yuan Yongqin looked at her and smiled without saying a word, and then said: "Young Master Ye called the police, accused her of harassment, and called a reporter. It's already on the hot search."

Ye Wangchuan's way of handling this was undoubtedly the most severe slap in the face for Qiao Ruoqing, who slapped Qiao Ruoqing in the face.

It can be said that after Young Master Ye's operation, Qiao Ruoqing's image in the hearts of fans may collapse...

Qiao Ruoqing's fans were ashamed to complain about their sister on the Internet, saying that her sister was pure and kind, a little fairy who fell into the world.

After all, the little fairy would not go to a private club to block men and harass them.

"Young Master Ye will do this, and those people will know that they will not be able to post it in the future."

"Tsk, butterfly."

The girl propped her chin up, half-closed her eyes, her black pupils were covered by her extremely long eyelash feathers, she was flamboyant and rebellious, with a sense of unruliness in her bones.

The female lawyer brought by Yuan Yongqin raised her eyes frequently.

There is only one Ye Shao in Beijing.

The person that Mr. Yuan mentioned carefully was probably only that one, but it turned into a butterfly in the girl's mouth.

The female lawyer's expression became complicated, and she had already guessed Qiao Nian's identity.

It was rumored in that circle that there was a girlfriend who came around the city. She was born in a small place.

The one who spoiled this girlfriend to heaven.

The attitudes of the old man and the young lady of the Ye family are also very worthy of attention, both of them very much approve of the prospective princess.

(End of this chapter)

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