Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4426 It was originally in the light of sister Nian

Chapter 4426 It was originally in the light of sister Nian
the other side.

Shining Star Entertainment Building.

Mother Qiao was stopped by the security guard outside the glass revolving door, yelling loudly.

"Call your boss out!"

"I want to see those of you who keep your word and let them come out!"

"Let go of me, or I'll call the police!"

A security guard couldn't stop her.

Three or four security guards formed a human wall to block her out of the glass door and not allow her to approach the building.

But this is not the way.

As more and more nanny vans come back.

Many celebrities under the company saw this scene and asked who the troublemaker was outside.

When they learned that Qiao Ruoqing's mother had come to Yaoxing Entertainment to make trouble, they didn't want to get involved with the plague god, so they hid away.

In recent days, Yaoxing Entertainment has been pushed to the cusp of public opinion. Apart from the paparazzi squatting outside, there are some melon eaters who like to hang around the door.

After all, it's not pretty for Mother Qiao to keep arguing outside for a long time.

Just at this time.

Accompanied by her assistant, Mother Zhang was going to the police station to deal with the mess Qiao Ruoqing caused.

She was dressed in rich clothes, followed by a group of Hulala, besides the assistant, Zhang's mother also brought a lawyer and a public relations team.

As soon as she appeared in the lobby, Mother Qiao's eyes lit up, as if seeing a life-saving straw, she immediately gained strength, broke through the siege of three security guards and ran in front of Mother Zhang.

"You are Mr. Zhang, right?"

Mother Zhang is still frowning.

She pointed to herself: “we met before, don’t you remember?”

Seeing that Zhang's mother didn't respond, she said anxiously: "During the signing ceremony with Yaoyao, you even called me on the phone. We met once in the video."

Mother Zhang reacted: "You are..."

Qiao's mother immediately held her hand: "That's right, it's me, I'm Qiao Ruoqing's mother. Mr. Zhang, my daughter was framed, you have to help her!"

"Your company doesn't value her the most, and thinks she is a good seedling. She is so popular, and she can't cause a scandal at this time. You must think about it."

She thought Qiao Ruoqing was valued by the company.

The reason why the company valued her daughter was because they were optimistic about Qiao Ruoqing's potential, and felt that Qiao Ruoqing was a malleable talent.

So as soon as Mother Qiao got off the plane, she rushed to Qiao Ruoqing's company immediately to see Mother Zhang.

"You liked her so much before, you couldn't help her..."

"I like her? Your daughter didn't tell you, she lied to us?" Zhang's mother was still angry and couldn't find anyone to reason with.

Seeing that Qiao Ruoqing's mother came to her door, she said without saying a word that they valued Qiao Ruoqing and liked Qiao Ruoqing... When she thought that people outside might think so, she felt as if she had eaten a fly, unable to swallow it or spit it out.

It just made her sick enough.

"She lied to me and said that your family has a good relationship with Ms. Qiao. I only signed her for Ms. Qiao's sake, and found a good agent to take her. But she didn't know how to repay her kindness, and she even made trouble for me. There are so many messes, and I still have to deal with these shitty things. What do you say to me that you like and value it?"

"How could it be?" Qiao's mother staggered with her eyes glazed over.

A second ago, she thought that her daughter was so outstanding, she must have gained a firm foothold in the capital by her own ability and became a big star that everyone envied.

She also brags to her relatives at home.

As a result, reality slapped me in the face.

She explained in front of her face that Qiao Ruoqing's ability to get to this point had nothing to do with her, they were all under Qiao Nian's favor!
(End of this chapter)

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