Chapter 4432 Mr. Wang was scolded as soon as he came up

"Oh." Qiao Nian was not very interested in this kind of social situation, so he untied his seat belt, raised his hand and pulled off his peaked cap: "Go down."


at the same time.

Sure enough, Mother Zhang was still apologizing to Ye Lan.

"Miss, we did something wrong this time. I didn't expect the artists under our banner to run against the young master. Fortunately, the young master is fine, otherwise we don't know what to do."

"It's okay, nothing major happened anyway."

"Yes, yes, that's what I said, I still want to apologize to you in person. I visited you the day before yesterday, and you were busy in a meeting, so I didn't bother you... When will you be free another day, I want to visit again Young master, apologize to young master again."

"Chenchen has an introverted personality, so it's fine to visit, I'll take it."

When Ye Lan was talking to Qiao Nian, she was just like usual, arrogant and steady, not the kind of person who was particularly easy to talk to, and of course she wasn't too bad-tempered.

It's just that since I was a good boy, I unconsciously reveal that sense of distance that rejects people thousands of miles away.

Make people unable to lean too tightly.

Zhang's mother also noticed the refusal in Ye Lan's words, she laughed immediately, and accepted it as soon as she saw it: "Okay, okay, I'm just worried about the young master's health, as long as he is fine."


Ye Lan didn't want to talk any more.

In fact, if it wasn't for Zhang Yang's personal relationship with Ye Wangchuan and Qiao Nian, the identity of Zhang's mother would not be enough to please her.

What's more, an artist under Zhang's parent company injured Ye Qichen's leg not long ago, almost causing Ye Qichen to relapse.

Ye Lan can stand here with a good temper and say a few perfunctory words with Zhang's mother, it's already out of temper, trying to calm down as much as possible.

Just at this time.

Two people came down from Phaeton in front.

A slight smile appeared on Ye Lan's tense face, she passed Mother Zhang and the others, and walked straight towards them.


Then she looked at Ye Wangchuan, who came down from her back, and looked critically up and down, but she didn't say anything: "When are you going home for a meal, your grandpa has been talking about you several times."

"It's been so long since you've been back, and you just had a meal with the old man with Nian Nian that night, and you haven't even gone back to the old house once. Is it too late?"

Ye Lan still has a lot of prestige in the Ye family.

She rarely expressed dissatisfaction.

Talking to Ye Wangchuan again with a serious face.

Ye Wangchuan also restrained his sloppy attitude: "Yes, I will go back in the afternoon."

Ye Lan frowned and then relaxed, and didn't say much about him in front of Qiao Nian: "Well, it's not too bad."

Ye Wangchuan raised his hand and pressed down between his eyebrows helplessly.

Ye Lan didn't look at him, instead she went to talk to Qiao Nian: "Nian Nian, I heard Chenchen say you're leaving?"

Qiao Nian put his hands in his pockets and said politely, "Just for a few days."

"I still have things to do in Independent Continent."

"Ah, that's it." Ye Lan was very regretful, but Qiao Nian had already said that she would not stay in Beijing for a long time, and she was already very satisfied with staying so long this time.

"Then we agreed to go to the Summer Palace for a stroll..."

Qiao Nianjing reminded her that she had agreed to Old Master Ye's invitation before, and suddenly one head was bigger than two, and she pursed her lips: "...I'm free tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."

"Okay, okay." Ye Lan smiled from ear to ear, and immediately said: "I'll go back and ask the old man to see whether he will go tomorrow or the day after tomorrow."


Joe nodded.

"Okay, I'll wait for your notice."

(End of this chapter)

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