Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4437 He really dared to defend Qiao Ruoqing's innocence

Chapter 4437 He really dared to defend Qiao Ruoqing's innocence

But to deal with people like Qiao's mother, this straightforward way of expression is more effective.


Qiao's mother's face changed again and again, and finally fixed on Li Qing.

She raised her head and poked her neck: "Are you helping Qiao Nian warn me?"

Zhang Yang smiled again: "You think highly of yourself, Miss Qiao doesn't need to warn you, as I said, there are plenty of people in Beijing who are willing to help her out."

Qiao's mother was speechless.

Seeing that she had fully understood, Zhang Yang stopped wasting time with her, looked at the time on his watch, turned around and walked towards the court, catching up with Qin Si and the others.

Tuliu Qiao's mother stood alone on the spot, as if someone had stuck her neck, and lost her mind for a long time.

Qin Si has already found a seat inside.

When Zhang Yang came in, he waved: "Here."

Zhang Yang walked over and sat down beside him.

Qin Si turned his face and looked at him: "Did you go to see Qiao Ruoqing's mother just now?"

Zhang Yang's heart skipped a beat, and he quickly calmed down. Looking at Qin Si's foolish expression, he knew in his heart that none of the people in Beijing were fools.

Qin Si looks out of place on weekdays, but in fact, the people who can play with Ye Fanchuan and Bao Jingxing, how could they be idiots.

"I was afraid that she would pester Miss Qiao again later, so I gave a warning in advance."


Qin Si clicked his tongue, retracted his gaze, and looked forward: "You are right. Sister Qiao gave way to them every time, and they made progress every time, so I should give her a warning. But based on what I know about Master Wang, don't look at him. If it didn't happen on the spot, Qiao Ruoqing and her mother's life will not be easy in the future."

Zhang Yang seemed to understand and nodded: "I understand, Young Master Qin."

Qin Si glanced at him with a half-smile, regardless of whether he really understood or not, and turned his gaze to the court again.

Qiao Ruoqing hasn't come out yet.

People from the court just came out of it and began to take their seats.

Several of those people noticed the existence of Ye Lan and Ye Fanchuan, and each of them became nervous, and some wanted to go over to say hello to Ye Lan.

Seeing their behavior, Ye Lan made a stop gesture, signaling them to just come and listen and not to pay attention to her.

Only then did the people inside stop thinking about coming, but their attention was always on the big Buddhas that came from the auditorium.



The two members of the Ye family.


There are so many people here today.

The people inside became more and more nervous, and they kept muttering in their hearts.

They looked at the case that was going to be in court today, and they roughly understood the cause and effect of the case, and they understood why so many people came.

While the people inside were looking through the case materials, Mother Qiao came in in a daze, looked in Zhang Yang's direction, and didn't dare to sit by Qiao Nian's side, but found a corner seat and sat down. Gripping tightly at the straps of the handbag.

Soon, Qiao Ruoqing entered the courtroom accompanied by prison guards.

Immediately afterwards, defense lawyers from both sides took their seats.

The female lawyer Yuan Yongqin hired sat next to the prosecution as the plaintiff, and the supporting lawyers Qiao Mu and Qiao Ruoqing found were opposite.

As soon as the assistant lawyer came out, he saw a large group of people in the auditorium, and his heart sank. After the female plaintiff lawyer finished speaking, he bravely took the prepared defense materials and started to defend Qiao Ruoqing.

"I already know what the plaintiff just said, and now I want to defend my client's innocence."

"Traffic hit-and-run refers to the act of the perpetrator fleeing to avoid legal prosecution after a traffic accident..."

(End of this chapter)

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