Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4715: The first thing is that the Queen is dead

 Chapter 4715 The first thing is that the Queen is dead

 Write down three requirements briefly.

  1. Compensation.

 Attached below is the list given by David and the details of the damaged items.

   2. Ransom.

 Chaon Nian wrote a number.

 3. Life money and her mental damages.

The following offered a condition that made Quentin's eyelids jump twice when he saw it - 10% of the shares of Smith Bank.

 Then there is the photo that was sent with the letter.

Quentin picked up the photo that fell on the table. There were more than twenty people on it, all wearing handcuffs and shackles, standing on the deck with embarrassed and confused faces.

 Some people’s faces are still mixed with fear of the unknown.

 And Xue Lao, Shadow, etc.

 His familiar faces are among them.

 There is also a person in the photo, Nie Tao.

Nie Tao seemed to have suffered a great mental blow. He was huddled in a corner. Unless he looked carefully, he could not recognize his former high-spirited appearance.

“Archbishop, there are words behind the photo.” Jacob noticed at this time.

Quentin turned over the photo and saw Qiao Nian's handwriting on the back, but it was the kind printed by a fax machine: "I am on the high seas. The return time is within 6 hours. You have 6 hours to think about it."

When Quentin saw this line of writing, he stood up and walked quickly outside. He said to Jacob: "Notify everyone in the Privy Council to convene a meeting immediately!"


  1 hour later.

Mr. Nie, accompanied by the Nie family, arrived at the Privy Council in a wheelchair.

Before he entered, he looked up at the fluttering flags above the Privy Council, and felt an inexplicable foreboding feeling in his heart.

When they entered, they found that everyone in the Privy Council Hall was watching them silently. The ominous feeling in Mr. Nie's heart reached its peak at this moment.

He was pushed to Archbishop Quentin, now the most powerful centrist leader in the Privy Council and one of the three giants in the Privy Council.

Mrs. Nie squeezed the dragon-headed crutch in his hand and gestured to stand up to greet him. Quentin quickly came over to support him.

 “You’re welcome, old man.”


Quentin said in a deep voice: "We asked you to come here mainly to tell you two things."

Mrs. Nie’s heart sank: “Please tell me.”

Quentin retracted his hand and motioned to the Nie family behind him to support the old man. Then he spoke again, his eyes flashing and he said: "First, the Queen is dead."

  Nie Qingru is dead.

Out of respect for the deceased, Quentin called her Queen.

 But Mr. Nie obviously didn't notice this small detail. Instead, his face turned pale, he grabbed the hand of the person beside him and exclaimed.

"What did you say?!"

 “The Queen is dead.”

Mr. Nie heard it clearly this time. His eyes turned white and he almost fainted.

  Nie Qingru is dead.

The Nie family’s reputation was ruined.

 They are destined to go downhill in the future.

Mr. Nie's chest was shaking violently, and his breathing was like a bellows. His face was as golden as earth, and he leaned back straight.

Fortunately, Quentin had already prepared. As soon as he waved, someone immediately ran over to give Mr. Nie first aid, pinching him and giving him medicine.

 Finally, Mr. Nie, who had experienced a huge blow and almost fainted, was brought back.

Mr. Nie lost all his strength and could no longer stand up. Even if he was forcibly rescued and managed to maintain his last bit of sanity, he would still be in a wheelchair.

 “Yet, what else is there?”

“You asked me to come here for more than just this, right?”

Quentin nodded: "Well, there is one more thing I want to ask your opinion on."

 (End of this chapter)

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