Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 4737: Their family didn't receive an invitation at all.

 Chapter 4737 Their family did not receive an invitation letter at all

He himself has been indifferent to fame and wealth his whole life, and does not care about gossip. He always comes to protect his shortcomings and cannot listen to others saying anything bad about his granddaughter.

So the two old men hit it off immediately and decided to hold a top-notch birthday party for the ladies of Beijing.

Xie Tingyun nodded slightly and asked again: "Do you want my help?"

Qin Si smiled and comforted her: "Don't worry, Aunt Xie! Sister Qiao's birthday party will be a beautiful one."


 The Ye family’s girlfriend’s birthday party has become the biggest event in Beijing recently.

 Ever since the Ye family and Jiang family started sending out invitations, various families and individuals in Beijing have been trying hard to squeeze in the birthday party.

There is no other reason than that this time Ye Maoshan personally came forward to invite a bunch of his old friends who were still alive.

 This means that at this birthday party, you can see many big names that are difficult to see even in this circle.

Hence, many people go to great lengths just to get an invitation letter.

 Qin Si, Zhang Yang and others must have invitation letters.

There are also people who are close to Qiao Nian, including Chen Yuan, Shen Qingqing, Liang Bowen, Wen Ziyu, etc., who all received invitation letters from Ye Maoshan.

For those who are relatively far away, for example, Shen Qingqing, who is studying in another city, also received a round-trip air ticket and a hotel room card thoughtfully prepared by the Ye family.

In order to make Qiao Nian feel like celebrating his birthday surrounded by friends, Ye Maoshan went to Qin Si and gave him a dozen invitations.

 Let him fill in his own name and invite a few more friends who have good relations with Qiao Nian and have fun with him.

Ye Maoshan only has a dozen places for a birthday banquet of this size, which shows that Qiao Nian's status in his heart is much higher than the so-called birthday banquet itself.

 Qin Si got the invitation letter and knew what the old man meant. In addition to giving Tangning an invitation letter, there were nine remaining places.

 He specifically asked about it in the group.

 The people in the group were naturally eager to have the opportunity to go. Everyone in the group was even more lively than during the Chinese New Year, and they all expressed that they wanted to go. Qin Si took Zhang Yang to screen the people.


the other side.

 The Ye family and the Jiang family are sending out birthday invitations in full swing.

The Hai family, which had been very close to the Ye family in the past, had not received the invitation letter this time. The father and mother of the sea were so anxious that they waited for several days like ants on a hot pot.

 It seems that the Ye family has not yet sent someone to send the invitation letter.

 They finally couldn't sit still and found their old mother at home.

Hai's father looked at his old mother who was sitting on the sofa with a forlorn expression, and there was a bit of embarrassment on his elegant face: "Mom, that..."

Grandma Haitong seemed to know what they wanted to ask her: "You want to ask me why I haven't received the invitation letter yet?"

Haifu and Haimu had a stern look on their faces, not daring to look her in the eyes, but Haifu forced out an apologetic smile: "Mom, in previous years when the Ye family would hold a banquet, they would give us an invitation letter, but this time..."

Grandma Haitong looked at his face, snorted coldly, picked up the tea cup on the table, and said coldly: "It shows that you are a good teacher of your daughter!"

Haifu and Haimu's face was stunned for a while, and their ears felt hot. They both heard the irony in the old lady's words, but they didn't dare to talk back.

The sea mother wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl into it, shutting up and not daring to speak.

After a brief silence, Hai's father still withstood the pressure for the sake of his career and the future of his family, and sneered again: "Mom, you and Ye Lao are old friends, do you think you can think of another way?"

Grandma Haitong laughed angrily, looking straight at him with a pair of sharp eyes, annoyed: "Old friend? You can say it out loud!"

 (End of this chapter)

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