Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 5530: Something happened right in front of their eyes

Chapter 5530 Something happened right in front of their eyes

Qiao Nian glanced at the traffic lights above his head.

 The red light is already counting down the seconds.


Ji Lin began to release his brakes, looking relaxed and ready to follow.

 The accident happened at this moment.

 Without anyone reacting.

A large speeding car rushed over from the opposite direction. The large car first hit the green railing in the middle of the road, and then turned in an almost intentional direction and slammed the rear of the car into Rolls who was driving normally. Les…


 The Rolls-Royce was hit unprepared and the front windshield was shattered, the body of the car was dented, it suddenly slid to the side, and hit three cars in a row that had no time to react.

The Rolls-Royce that was knocked out finally came to a stop. Amidst the fierce honking, thick smoke and dust emitted from the car...

 That was the sign before the explosion.

“Oh my God.” Ji Lin stepped on the accelerator, unable to believe his eyes or the series of accidents that happened in just a few seconds.

Moody is still in the car!

Ji Lin's dull nerves jumped sharply due to stimulation. Before he could wake up, he heard a "click" beside him. Qiao Nian had already unbuckled his seat belt and pushed the door open to get out of the car.

"I gonna go see."

“Jilin calls the police and then calls for an ambulance!” Ye Wangchuan got out of the car and calmly ordered the follow-up arrangements before getting off.

Ji Lin also recovered from the initial shock and hurriedly found his mobile phone to make a call.

"Hello, hello, I'm on XXX Road. There was a serious traffic accident here. There are injured people. Please come over as soon as possible."

 He called the traffic police again.

 Repeated it again.

"Hello, hello, I'm here..." After Ji Lin made two phone calls, he unbuckled his seat belt, parked the car, abandoned the car and went to chase Qiao Nian and Ye Wangchuan.


 Because there was a series of car accidents ahead.

 There was chaos all around.

 The traffic was blocked, and all the vehicles behind were unable to move.

In addition, the Rolls-Royce continued to smoke, and people who were close to the car got out of the car and hid far away without caring about their own vehicles.

Lest the oil leaking Rolls-Royce explode again.

 So with the Rolls-Royce as the center, there is no one within 300 meters, and there are people on three floors inside and three floors outside 300 meters outside.

At this moment, Qiao Nian pushed aside the crowd and said calmly: "Give way."

Most of the crowd watched the excitement, and some calmly chose to call the police, ambulance and fire department... Almost no one wanted to go to the front, so a small path was quickly opened for them to pass through.

Qiao Nian walked through the crowd and walked straight towards the Rolls-Royce.

 Ye Wangchuan is always with her.

“Hey, what happened to those two people? What were they doing in the past? What if there was an explosion...",

“I don’t know, there’s no way I can go there and persuade them to come back.”

 “Who are they?”

Ji Lin caught up and heard the murmurs of the crowd. He didn't care much and quickened his pace to follow, not forgetting to call the people in front to wait for him.

 “Miss Qiao, Mr. Wang.”

 Qiao Nian didn't seem to hear Ji Lin shouting from behind. He quickly walked to the scene of the car accident and first took a look at the situation in the cab of the big car that hit him.

The front of the big car is dented, the body is twisted, and the door is still leaking oil. The pungent smell of gasoline permeates the neighborhood. In addition, there are many cars parked here that are not turned off and are indeed prone to explosions.

Ye Wangchuan calmly opened the door to check, turned around and told her calmly with deep eyes: "The driver is dead."

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