Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 5540: Injured the Pharmacy Association

Qiao Nian is a smart person who can connect all the things almost instantly and get the truth of the matter.

 “Does this matter have anything to do with him?”

"Yes." Zhong Yiyi admitted generously this time, "Although he graduated from a medical university, he lacked clinical pharmacy experience, so I asked him to study with one of the members. It happened that the member he was studying with, Pierre, was a cardiologist. Expert, he happened to be involved in the research and development of blood vessel dilation drugs... Considering that he was my special recruit, Pierre took him with him to join this project. "

 “What did he do then?” Qiao Nian wanted to know the follow-up.

After Zhong Yiliu was silent for a few seconds, Duixi said in a deep voice: "...He is still young and not a formal member. He did not receive the attention of other experts in the process, but Pierre believed in him and handed over some of his experiments to Do it for him."

"Some of the experiments were not successful, but he concealed this fact and told Pierre that they were successful. This resulted in problems with the drugs themselves, but the problems were not detected during the pharmaceutical experiments of that batch of drugs. It wasn’t until it was put into global use that problems were gradually discovered when it was used on the human body!”

 When the patient had problems at the beginning, no one suspected that the drugs provided by the Pharmacy Association were defective, but that the patient had other problems.

Of course there are doctors who have doubts about drugs, but the Pharmacy Association has such a high reputation in the medical community that those skeptical voices have been suppressed by authoritative experts.

The doubtful young doctors have no right to speak out and can only watch as their patients continue to take medicines and things go wrong...

  Until last night I couldn’t take things anymore.

 Everyone is beginning to face up to the problem of heart disease drugs provided by the Pharmacy Association.

Zhong Yiyi left the Pharmacy Association during this period because of Ye Wangchuan's poisoning. Before leaving, he specifically told students not to come to him for matters that were not particularly important. So he just learned about this from the dean, and called the Pharmacy Association in a hurry to confirm that it was true.

 If there is a problem with the medicine, the Pharmacy Association should bear the responsibility.

Moreover, he was the one who got the special permission to join the Pharmacy Association, so he, as the president, cannot absolve himself of the blame.

"There are still family members of patients demanding explanations at the Pharmacy Association, and the association is also in chaos..." Zhong Yiliu looked apologetic, but did not blame Qiao Nian: "I can't stay here anymore, I have to go back. , otherwise they cannot handle the chaos alone.”

 He ​​raised his eyes and looked at Ye Wangchuan again, patted the man's shoulder and said softly: "I will find time to continue researching the antidote when I get back, so you don't have to worry."

"Should you be worried about me now?" Ye Wangchuan looked over with deep eyes and said naturally: "You need my help to speak."

Zhong Yiyi nodded and accepted his intention: "You don't need it yet. I will let you know if you need it."

After Zhong Yiliu finished speaking, he looked at the dean who went back to communicate with several patients' families. He held his temples and rubbed them for a while before he said he had a headache.

“I will recall the batch of problematic drugs as soon as possible, and then discuss a remedy as soon as possible. As for the harm that has been caused, the Pharmacy Association should compensate..."

  In other words, they thought they were on the side of justice, but it turned out that they really did something wrong this time. Although this mistake was not their original intention, it is a mistake and everyone must bear responsibility for it. It is the same for everyone. (End of chapter)

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