Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 5558: Sister Nian, if you can’t open it, it will explode.

Chapter 5558 Sister Nian, if you can’t get it open, it will explode.

She also cleverly tore off the fabric, picked up the mineral water nearby and poured it on the fabric to wet it, and then covered her mouth and nose again...

 Many people would do this when encountering a fire, which can prevent the inhalation of harmful gases to the greatest extent. She reacted quickly and did stand up.

But what she didn't expect was that she only saw dozens of people kicking open the door of the factory and coming in. The leader was a vaguely familiar figure.

But before she could take a closer look, she felt an overwhelming dizziness coming from the lobe of her brain, and then the picture in front of her began to shake.

She held the water table with one hand and even knocked over the unscrewed mineral water on her hand, but she couldn't stop her body's reaction to the poison.

She threw her head up and fell down unwillingly.

Just before the back of her head hit the overturned aluminum alloy corner, a hand grabbed her in time to avoid tragedy.

The Siberian woman's distracted eyes were clear for a moment, and the double images in front of her eyes merged into a complete figure, right in front of her, placing her in a safe position next to her.

 She also heard a faint voice floating in her ears.

 “Don’t worry, it’s okay, have a good sleep.”

"Who are you…"

She met a new colleague yesterday, but that person didn't come today... Why did the woman who spoke in her vague ear sound so much like the 'colleague' she met yesterday?

 But boundless darkness came.

  The Siberian woman closed her eyes unwillingly.

 Qiao Nian put the man aside and watched as Ye Wangchuan's men shot and killed a few stubborn guards and walked straight towards the closed password door.

She had no identity information, but that didn't stop her from grabbing a familiar man and sneaking over.

The men were also poisoned, and their bodies were as weak as a pile of rotten flesh. She roughly twisted them to the door. I don’t know what they had eaten before, but their bodies seemed to have a certain resistance to the drug. They didn’t fall into coma immediately like the others, and they could still manage. Talk.

"Who are you?"

"What do you want to do?"

He said in a serious tone: "I advise you to leave immediately!"

 The girl wrapped in black seemed not to hear him, and pressed his magnetic card roughly in front of the first-level password door. Just listen to 'ding-'.

  The first level password door is opened.

Qiao Nian dragged him in, peeled off his fingerprints and eyelids, and entered the second level of the password door.

Two levels of password doors were opened in succession.

Go to the password door on the third floor.

 The man struggled violently.


 “I don’t have the authority, don’t mess around.”

 Qiao Nian has seen the verification method of the third-level password door, which requires a whole-body infrared scan. It is probably the same as the verification system Nie Qingru once used.

Once a non-authorized person breaks in, the moment he fails to pass the verification, he will be divided into countless pieces by the laser beams around the wall.

 She threw the person in charge on the ground, clicked her tongue, and stepped away a few steps.

Someone immediately took up her position and threw several long cylinders towards the scanning area. Before the people in the processing plant could see clearly what the thrown cylinders were.

The laser detects ‘intruders’ first.

The red laser accurately hits the cylinder.

Saw an astonishing flash of light, Qiao Nian and the intruder were already prepared to lie down and lower their bodies immediately.

 "Banglong——" After the earth shook and the mountains shook.

The closed password door was blown to pieces.

But what is surprising is that the cylinder she threw was so powerful, but she controlled it so well. It only blew open the door without hurting other people in the processing plant.

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