Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 5591: Sister Nian doesn’t answer

Chapter 5591 Sister Nian refuses to answer

Qiao Nian indeed filtered the information in his mind as he spoke: "They have a little money, and they gave me money very happily when we first cooperated. This is one of the reasons why I broke the rules and cooperated with them two or three times in a row."

Of course she is not short of money.

Even in Baocheng and at Qiao's house, she was not short of money, but she seemed to have no money.

But she had already known Yuan Yongqin and Weilou at that time, and Chengfeng Group had long since developed into one of the leading large companies in the country under Yuan Yongqin's hands.

 As one of the three original shareholders, she is not short of money.

But Qiao Nian was very depressed living in the Qiao family all year round. At that time, she didn't know that she was not the family's biological child. Qiao Weimin and Shen Qiongzhi were about to move their hearts to the Pacific Ocean, and even she couldn't help but feel upset...

 Sometimes when Qiao Nian is in a bad mood, he will look for something to do on the dark web.

Miracle Doctor and Chemist were both her aliases on the dark web at that time.

 She herself has covered a wide range of topics.

 With genius, I want to understand everything and explore everything.

 The price Smith offered was one of the reasons why she was attracted, but it was not enough to convince her to accept the task.

 She was quite world-weary at that time, and even if she was given money, she couldn't get any work. But those two or three tasks of Smith were very interesting. They were research that was not available on the market at that time. The research angle was tricky, and the things they studied were rare...

 So she took on two purification and one synthesis tasks.

 There is another important reason.

Physicians looking for chemists on the dark web usually want to do du-related drugs or purification. No matter how much money and interesting this type of task is, Qiao Nian will not touch it.

The task that Smith found happened to have both, and it avoided the key points that Qiao Nian would never touch.

Qiao Nian continued: "They are rich, but they don't have enough money to leave you a message and ask you to tell me the price you want."

 The dark web is not an outside place.

 The currency unit here is different from that outside. Millions and tens of millions are very expensive outside.

Millions of bounties on the dark web can only be considered ordinary tasks. Smith had found someone on the dark web two or three years ago. It is impossible that he did not know that he told a chemist on the dark web that he wanted people to give him any price. What it means to have an unlimited budget.

“What do you mean about chemical industry requiring such high R&D costs?” she murmured.

Wei Lou said in a deep voice: "I asked them, it has nothing to do with du."

Toxicologists are the most profitable profession in the chemical industry. As long as new products are produced, it means countless cash.

Smith is willing to pay a large price for a chemist who has nothing to do with this. The purpose behind it is worth pondering.

 Qiao Nian became a little interested.

“There should be someone behind them, or there should be someone behind Smith who I contacted before. The Smith family is just their front.”

 “Do you want to pick up?”


  Qiao Nian didn’t even think about it and refused again.

“They are a bit strange, but that’s not the reason for me to take on the mission. I will most likely be going out recently, and my return date is uncertain, so I don’t have time to take on these tasks.”

"Where are you going?" After Wei Lou asked, feeling the silence on the other end, he went to find himself at the bottom of the steps: "Forget it, you always come and go without a trace anyway, so asking is in vain."

Qiao Nian paused for half a second and said, "It's not that I don't want to tell you."

"I know." Wei Lou didn't seem to care about interrupting her confusion, and said in a relaxed tone: "Then I will help you push this job away."

"Yeah." Qiao Nian didn't worry: "Just push it."

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