David turned the Ford car, which was already starting to smoke on its hood, through the red light, which was quite crowded with vehicles. Some road users even stopped their vehicle suddenly when David passed them like he was shooting a Tokyo Drift movie.

Without letting go of his footing on the pedals, David continued to force the car's engine, which, if it was hit even slightly, would have exploded to the limit. He didn't care about the three police cars chasing him in the back.

Bang ... Bang ... Bang ...

Three shots were fired into the air by one of the policemen.

"For drivers of black Ford cars, this is the last warning! Stop the car right now!"

David continued to ignore the warning he didn't even consider a threat and drove the dying Ford he was driving to the main building of the Stockholm Corporation, where Angeline still sits waiting in the bridal dressing room.

Bang ... Trangggg! ...

A bullet hit the body of the car David was driving. "Stop right now!"

The smoke that appeared from the engine that looked like it was about to melt began to blacken. If this continued, the car would explode really soon.

David stopped suddenly, causing the three police cars that were chasing him to swerve in any direction. Only one police car managed to stop safely. One hit another driver, and the other slammed on the brake pedal which resulted in the head of the car entering a grocery store located on the side of the road.

David got out and walked with a grim face toward one of the police cars.

One of the policemen was built like a hippopotamus from Madagascar; distended belly, dark, dense skin, and one button on the navel that fell off because it couldn't bear the pressure from the officer's belly fat. He pointed the tip of the gun at David.

"Stay there!" shouted the Madagascar's hippopotamus.

David kept walking toward him.

Bang! ...

One shot is fired at the ground, right in front of David's feet but David doesn't stop.

"Raise your hands!" a second command which David kept ignoring.

"Kneel!" he shouted, firing another shot this time very close to his leg.

But what did David do?

Yes. He stuck to his original intentions. Continue walking towards the policeman even though now about six handguns have been pointed at him from many directions.

When someone wanted to pull the trigger and knock David down, their communication device suddenly beeped simultaneously. The voice of a police officer made them all spontaneously lower their guns.

"Lower your guns! You don't know who he is!" said someone who spoke from the communication channel.

David reached for the communication device in the form of a walkie-talkie that was on the cop's chest and pressed a button on the side of the device. "Thanks for the help, I'll remember it."

"Of course, Mr. David. Whenever you need--"

David returned the walkie-talkie to the Madagascar hippopotamus and got into the cop car and sat in the steering wheel, violently stepping on the gas pedal and leaving the policemen still in a state of confusion.


David could not appear as a groom with blood on his clothes.

David also turned his vehicle with a sharp turn. Once again, David drives the police car he borrowed like Dominic Toretto in the goddamn Fast and Furious movie.

This time he stopped at the parking lot of his apartment. Quickly burst onto the elevator and pressed the button for the top floor.

He saw his reflection in the elevator door.

Disheveled hair, a shirt torn here and there from the scratches of an automatic firearm, and a streak of reddish blood that almost filled what he was wearing.

A total disaster.

The elevator doors opened, David walked down the hall until he came to the only large luxurious door that was on the top floor of the apartment building.

But the door, which was slightly ajar, made David's alert level suddenly rise.

David opened the apartment door slowly. Picked up the doormat and opened the secret storage area underneath. He took a 1911 Colt-style pistol, filled his ammunition box and pulled the gunhead back so that it was ready to fire.

Very slowly and trying not to make even the slightest sound, David walked into his apartment and surveyed the situation as thoroughly as possible.

He hasn't found any sign of the intruder.

I's so strange.

Items seemed untouched at all.

Everything is still neatly arranged as usual.

David walked to the pool. There was no sign of intruders hiding at the bottom of the pool.

Return to the living room and walk towards the bedroom door--still trying to make no sound.

As David grabbed the handle of the door, something broke his focus.

The low ringing of the cell phone in his pocket made him gasp in surprise. "What the f--" he murmured then saw Angeline's name appear on the main screen again.

With a heavy heart David refused Angeline's call and turned off his cell phone.

Angeline, the girl who had been sitting waiting for David, with a very beautiful wedding dress and natural-looking makeup on her beautiful face, began to feel confused. Millions of bad thoughts began to haunt the girl's mind.

"Will David really leave her?" ... "Are all these just a fake?" ... "Will this overly beautiful reality only end up being the worst nightmare of her life?" ...

Angeline's mind continued to guess. And without realizing it, a drop of tears escaped her eyelids.

David. The man Angeline most awaited by his presence was now kicking the bedroom door in annoyance, until the luxurious door opened very hard and almost fell off its hinges.

David immediately let go of his guard and walked with a hard stomp into the room.

"Whoever you are, come out you bastard! I'm not in a good mood to play a fucking hide and seek!" shouted David.

Nobody is in the room. But the thing that made David speechless was something that was on his white bed.

On top of the white king-size bed, there were black rose petals spreading all over the bed. And in the middle there is a rather large basket containing black roses.

David was still silent.

Black roses?

What does it mean?

"Mr. David, how can we help you?"

"Did someone break in about two hours to five minutes ago?"

"Wait a minute ..." David waited somewhat frustratedly. He scratched his hair that didn't actually itch, ignoring the Colt 1911 pistol he still held. "There is someone, sir. A woman, dressed all in black with a round hat covering her face."

"What?!" shouted David, making the person on the line tremble with fear. "Why did you just let her in?!"

"B-but ... the alarm didn't triggered at all. So we thought she was one of your guests."

David had run out of the harsh words in his head that he should have thrown at the security guard. He also threw his cellphone into the mirror so hard that it made the mirror shattered.

The intruder didn't leave any traces. This was definitely not an amateurish act.

Someone managed to sneak in without being detected by an alarm at the entrance to the apartment which was connected to the building's security room.

David was still trying to understand what all this meant.

The woman in all black?

An alarm that doesn't triggered?

Black roses?

And again, why must it coincide on the wedding day?

Wait a minute ...

Wedding day ...

Angeline ...

"Ow fuck!" shouted David who immediately ran out of his apartment and rushed back into the parking lot

He violently stepped on the gas pedal of the police car he had been taking over and hurriedly headed for the main building of the Stockholm Corporation, where his wedding reception was to be held.

Unfortunately the road stopped because suddenly there was a severe traffic jam due to an oil truck that caught fire in the middle of a red light intersection.

David got out of the police car and ran non-stop towards the Stockholm Corporation building, which was still twenty blocks from where he was stuck in traffic.

While in the hall building itself, a mysterious woman took over the attention of almost all men in the place. The black back-less dress that she was wearing showed a neck-to-shoulder curve which was very hard to resist for anyone who saw it.

Apart from her face like the goddess Aphrodite from Greece, her body also looks proportional and very seductive.

And the beauty package is complemented by a tattoo of a small black rose perched on her upper back, just below the seductive long neck.

And there are two small letters that are hard to see from a distance on the petals of the black rose tattoo.

Namely a tattoo in the form of the letters D and S.

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