Mage Joan

Chapter 1945: Rally Witch

The spellcasting ability of the "Assemble Witch" is equivalent to a 12th-level sorcerer. The available spell resources are limited to the public spell pool, including 8 1st-level spell slots, 7 2nd-level spell slots, 6 3rd-level spell slots, and 5 4th-level spell slots. Circle spell slots, 4 5th-level spell slots, and 3 6th-level spell slots.

These spell slots are resources shared by Joan, Queen Minnie and Sea Hag. As the chief of the assembly, Qiao An can use these spell slots at will. If Minnie and Sea Hag want to use them, they must first apply to her, and only after her consent can the corresponding spell slots be drawn from the public spell pool.

The public spell pool also provides a total of 25 spell configurations from 1 to 6 levels, which is the so-called "assembly spell list". The public spell slots can only be used to match the spells on this list.

Qiao An looked around and found that the spells on the list were similar to the Green Hag Gathering, with a few exceptions that reflected the characteristics of the Sea Hag.

1st-level spells, both types of rallies have "identification", "magic alert" and "magic missile". The "debilitating ray" of the green hag rally was replaced with the "water creation" in the sea hag rally.

For 2nd-level spells, "item positioning", "see through invisibility" and "cobweb" remain unchanged, and "human hold spell" is replaced with "water pressure ball".

For the 3rd level spell, the "Dispelling", "Smelly Cloud", "Eagle Eye", "Dead Manipulation" and "Psychic Skills" remain unchanged, and the "Lightning Beam" is replaced by the "Frost Nova".

In the 4th-level spell, the "Phantom Killer", "Transfiguration", "Charm Monster" and "Blight" are retained, the "Spellcasting Technique" is deleted and the "Turning Water into Air" is replaced.

The 5th-level spells, "Transportation" and "Discovery" are all retained, but the "Chilling Cone" has been replaced with the "Dream Supremacy".

The 6th-level spell, retains the "Frozen Orb" and "Concentrate Eyes", without the "Hidden Veil", a very rare spell-"Extract Water Element" is added!

Qiao An was looking at her ecstatically, and suddenly received a request from Queen Minnie through the telepathy inside the assembly-she needed to call a 4th-level spell slot.

Qiao An approved immediately and looked at Minnie curiously to see what she would do with this 4th-level spell in the future.

As a result, the little lady did not hesitate to match the "transfiguration technique", transforming herself from a petite and exquisite one-inch man into a six-foot tall, plump buttocks "nymph fairy"-a kind of beauty known for her beauty. Female fairy.

Qiao An couldn't help but tugged at the corner of his mouth, secretly complaining: "Sure enough, what is missing, my Majesty, would rather be a real person!"

Before the Harpy had arrived, Sea Hag and Queen Minnie rushed to familiarize themselves with the rally spells. Qiao An opened the spell book and wrote down the three new spells provided by the Sea Hag's assembly.

Qiao An first transcribe the simplest configuration of "hydraulic ball".

This 2-ring conjuration spell can create a high-pressure water ball bound by magic power, explode at a designated point within the range of the spell, inflicting an average of 5 levels of shock damage on the surrounding creatures within a 20-foot radius, and extinguishing the area. Open flame.

"Water pressure ball" and "fire ball" belong to different schools of Arcane law. The former uses primitive magic power with no attributes to create water balls, while the latter directly invokes the magic power of the fire element. The essence is very different, and it can't stand the concrete expression. The magic effect is very similar, especially in the eyes of the layman, the "high-pressure water polo" is a weakened version of the "fireball".

In all fairness, as a 2nd-level spell, "High-pressure Water Ball" is remarkable regardless of its range, attack range, lethality or additional effects, especially considering that the 2nd-level long-range group offensive spell is very rare, "Water Pressure Ball" "It's even more outstanding!

When Qiao Ann copied this spell, he couldn't help but regret that he hadn't learned it earlier. Imagine that if you can learn the "water pressure magic ball" when you have just been promoted to a 3rd level wizard, you will definitely use it as one of the signature spells, just like the special status that "fireball" enjoys in the ranks of 3rd level spells.

With Qiao’an’s current spellcasting ability, the “water pressure sphere” becomes dispensable, but in some special circumstances, such as dealing with enemies with super high spell resistance such as “golems”, “water pressure "Faball" can still come in handy-the water ball explodes due to loss of high pressure restraint. This is a purely physical phenomenon and is not affected by law resistance.

For the time being, the "water pressure sphere" is also useful in the battle against the Harpy. After all, this spell has a wide range of attacks. Although the 5 level of lethality is not enough to kill the Harpy directly Demon, the additional effect can soak feathers and wings, greatly weakening their flying ability.

Qiao An went on to transcribe "Turning water into gas."

During the duration of this "variation" 4th-level spell, the water within 20 feet of the caster will automatically turn into steam form. Land creatures in it can breathe normally, and water creatures such as fish and shrimp will feel suffocated.

When the caster moves in the body of water, the magic effect of "turning water into air" will also move simultaneously.

A prophet in a religious legend once led a large group of followers on foot across the wide river that lay in front of him. Wherever he passed, the rushing river automatically divided a avenue for people to pass. The river filled up, resumed its rushing momentum, and washed away by the way the enemy soldiers who came up to persecute the Prophet.

In Qiao An's view, the secret of the legendary prophet leading the crowd to cross the river was probably the use of the 4-level spell of "turning water into air".

In addition to crossing rivers, "turning water into air" can also play a key role in the fight with aquatic creatures, especially against those creatures that cannot stay out of the water body for a long time, such as clam fairies, carp essences, shrimp soldiers and crabs. Turn on "Turn water into air" at time, you can suffocate the opponent alive without hitting.

Qiao An's last transcript was the 6th-level spell "extract water element".

This magical spell can force the subject to dehydration. The water in the body will be sprayed out through the eyes, nostrils, mouth, and even the pores of the body, causing up to 20 energy levels of damage-if that's all, this spell is just an enhanced version of "wither." Technique".

However, the more amazing is yet to come.

If the subject is dehydrated and dies, then the water extracted from his body will automatically become a "water element", similar in shape to the subject who has just been killed.

This water element formed from the body fluid of the victim is like a product of summoning magic, and will obey the command of the caster during its existence.

One thing to note is that the scope of the spell "extract water element" is similar to the 5-level "freeze", and it is not effective on creatures that do not contain water in the body. After all, no one can squeeze juice from the stone.

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