Mage Joan

Chapter 1949: Herron the Awakened

Captain Odysseus had no longer cared about hunting down the harpy, urging the sailors to return to their posts as soon as possible and steer the helm to avoid shelling.

At this time, the gunner on the opposite pirate ship re-calibrated the shooting points based on the landing points of the shells fired in the first round. The accuracy of the second round of shelling was significantly improved, and one of the shells was shot across. Passing over the deck of the "No.", it landed on the island, and a big crater was blasted. The silt up from the sky almost splashed on Qiao'an, and the Lilliputians on the island fell into great panic.

The pirate ship’s shells have already hit his feet, and the companions on the expedition ship and even the residents of Herron Island are in a precarious situation. Qiao Ann cannot stay out of the situation and must take action as soon as possible to prevent the pirate ship from continuing to fire.

After quickly sorting out his thoughts, Qiao An couldn't think of any spell that could kill the pirates on the ship in a short period of time. It's better to change your mind and try to destroy the pirate ship directly!

No spell currently mastered by Qiao An is so powerful that it can directly destroy hard ships and cannons, but this does not prevent him from using special magic devices to achieve this goal.

The situation was urgent, and Qiao An had no time to think deeply, and then only thought of 15 effective strategies to destroy the pirate ship.

For example, it becomes twelve cold snake lizards, combined with the "mythological transformation technique" to become a super giant body, and then blesses all the spells that can increase the power attribute, dives over and hits the pirate ship, and directly overturns it.

There is also a more convenient and safer way. Qiao An does not have to go out in person, release Zaku from the "portable dimension hole", and let this magic pilot with better water warfare performance than land warfare dive into the sea and approach it quietly. The pirate ship cut a big hole in the bottom of the ship, and the sea water poured in, causing the pirate ship to sink, and the crisis will be solved.

However, compared with these countermeasures, Qiao An has a better way, not only can sink the pirate ship instantly, but also cause huge damage to the Sahua murlocs gathered on the deck, which is the best choice.

After making up his mind, Qiao An opened the storage bag and took out the two "steel cubes", holding one in each hand.

Last fall, at the beginning of the decisive battle between the Fei Zhen Legion and the Imperial Legion on the "Twilight Plain", Qiao An airdropped a "Steel Cube" and destroyed Fei Zhen's strategic weapon "Mythical Flesh Colossus" on the spot, directly changing the course of the war. .

The sailing warship of the Sahua pirates is obviously not stronger than the flesh and blood colossus. Qiao An intends to fly over the warship invisibly and drop two "steel cubes" weighing 400 tons at the same time. If nothing else, it will be instantly taken from the deck to the bottom of the ship. Breakdown, it is impossible to escape the disaster of extinction.

However, just when he was about to put the plan into action, there was a sudden flow of heat from the palm of his left hand, and the "Tears of God" pulsed slightly, sending out a mental feeling.


Mythological induction: discover 7th-order mythological creatures!


Qiao An was surprised secretly!

He had vaguely sensed the breath of a mythical creature long before he boarded Herron Island, but for some reason, he couldn't search for that mysterious breath afterwards.

Until this time, Qiao An and his companions were in a hard fight, and they almost forgot the original intention of going to the island to search for mythical creatures, but "Tears of God" unexpectedly sent a message telling him that he had locked the position of the mythical creature. Moreover, the opponent’s mythological level is as high as level 7, which is the same level as the two ancient Ilminsur trees born in ancient times-"Old White" and "Master Gray", which is far beyond Qiao'an. Surprise!

Following the guidance of "Tears of God", Qiao An turned and looked at the area where the mythical creatures lurked. He was actually on the island. However, he looked at the entire island, but still couldn't find where the other party was hiding.

When she was secretly wondering, Queen Minnie led the people out of the bushes. The faces of all Lilliputians were filled with ecstasy, cheering loudly, as if they were holding a ceremony to worship the gods.

"The merciful and great Herron!"

"The patron saint of the Kingdom of Lilliputt!"

"You finally wake up!"

"Please destroy our enemies!"


As if responding to the petitions of the dwarves, the entire Heron Island suddenly trembled, as if an earthquake had occurred.

At the same time, the natural trestle bridge that Qiao An walked on when he was on the island collapsed in the earthquake, and the sand was scattered into the sea, exposing the covered silver-gray skin. The area that was originally the trestle had a long neck!

The head of the giant tortoise rises from the sea, and the eyes are brighter than the lighthouse, showing a gentle and lazy expression.

Witnessing this thrilling scene with his own eyes, Qiao An suddenly realized that the mythical creature he had been looking for, that is, the patron saint of the Lilliputians, "Herron", was not hidden on the island, on the contrary. This island is part of Heron's body. The flowers and trees on the island, rivers and lakes, and even the entire Kingdom of Lilliput are nothing more than attachments on Heron's back shell.


Reconnaissance target: female ancient mythical giant tortoise "Heron" (super giant legendary magic beast, mythological subspecies)

Life level: 40

Myth rank: 7th rank

Attributes: Strength 62, Dexterity 8, Constitution 46, Intelligence 21, Wisdom 29, Charisma 36

Special ability: unproven


The investigation result of "Advanced Inner Vision" confirmed Qiao'an's guess that this giant tortoise almost beyond the limit of human imagination is the "Master Heron" that the dwarves dream of. The legend is always in danger. On the occasion, he appeared to save the "Patron saint" of the Kingdom of Lilliput!

Yes, as Queen Minnie said before, "Herron" is more than just a place name. This island is actually the shell of the giant tortoise "Herron" from the ancient mythology. She has been dormant for centuries. During the period, a thick soil layer was accumulated on her back, and abundant vegetation grew, providing a comfortable living environment and abundant food for the little people who settled on her back.

The ancestors of the Lilliputians had settled on Heron's back thousands of years ago, forming a wonderful symbiotic relationship with this mythical giant tortoise.

Since the Lilliputians have a short lifespan, usually less than 30 years old, the Lilliputians on their backs have been replaced by no less than ten generations during the long sleep of Herron.

The ancestors of the tribe who had seen Herron in person were no longer alive. The contemporary Lilliputians represented by Minnie could only learn about Herron through the indistinct writing on the coconut tree leaves. Those historical records have been lost, so I assume that my kingdom is built on a floating island, but I don't know that this island is the shell of Heron.

The "Patron saint" of the Lilliputians is actually at their feet, and they have been unaware of it for a long time until the shells fired by the pirate ship landed on the island, awakening the sleeping Heron, Queen Minnie and her The subjects finally witnessed the true face of the patron saint with their own eyes!

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