Mage Joan

Chapter 1956: Rescue refugees

About 40 nautical miles north of the Expedition Ship "Corp", a golden beam of light suddenly rose on the sailing vessel with its bilge flooded and severely tilted, attracting the attention of the refugees on board, with surprise and confusion in their tears.

As people watched, four figures emerged from the teleportation array.

"I will go down and see if I can manage to plug the leaking hole."

Qiao An hurriedly confessed that he used the "any door" to send directly to the cabin, opened the shaft and looked down, the bottom tank was filled with water, and the water level rose slowly along the vertical ladder at a speed visible to the naked eye. Entering the middle deck, the entire ship will sink to the bottom of the sea like a weight.

Without further ado, Qiao An quickly used the 4-level spell "turning water into air", which he learned not long ago, to create a circle of magical barriers around his body, and jumped down the shaft.

The radius of "turning water into gas" was about 20 feet. As Qiao An continued to fall, the sea water touched the luminous shield radiating from him, and it continuously transformed into steaming mist from top to bottom.


Qiao An fell to the ground with both feet, silently reciting the spell to activate the "Mist Sight" enchanted by the righteous eye, looking around through the vast steam, retrograde in the direction of the influx of seawater, and wherever he passed, the seawater within 20 feet of the surrounding disappeared Make steam.

In the midst of this entanglement, Qiao An found the leaky compartment, walked closer to observe the part that was penetrated by the shell, and frowned secretly.

The loopholes in the hull are too large to be filled with "repair" or "complete repair". Qiao An can only pull open a "force field wall" to temporarily block the loopholes and prevent the infusion of seawater.

The sinking speed of the sailboat has been slowed down by cutting off the source of the water intake, but the general sinking trend has not changed. It is nothing more than holding on for a while.

Qiao An maintains "turning water into gas", walking back and forth in the bottom tank of standing water, converting sea water into steam as much as possible, and then using "wind-making technique" to drive the steam into huge bubbles along the shaft. Surge upwards and drain out of the cabin to reduce the load on the hull.

Qiao An thought for a moment, turned to face a closed hatch, opened the door with a "percussion technique," and the sea water poured in.

Qiao An walked all the way along the corridor, opening all the rooms on the left side of the hopper, and guiding the seawater to flow in, so that the left and right forces on the hull were balanced, and the hull tilted to the right, gradually turning it parallel to the sea level.

In this way, at least until the "force field wall" fails, the sailboat should not sink.

There was only this Qiao An could do. He sighed exhaustedly and used a "magic trick" to dry the clothes and hair soaked in steam and return along the same path as the vertical ladder.

On the open deck, Audrey has summoned the Tianmara Faye. On horseback, two children who seem to be under ten years old and still crying are carried on horseback. They are about to send them to take refuge on the Coral.

Holden has already unfolded the bronze dragon wings, and behind Hailar also opened a pair of magical atmospheric wings, suspended in mid-air.

The refugees on the boat surrounded them, crying and begging them to give priority to saving their children. Even Qiao An, who was indifferent to family since childhood, couldn't help feeling sore when seeing this scene.

Hailar and Holden only had two hands, and took up to four people away. However, there were more than 20 children on the boat looking at them eagerly, waiting for rescue, but they were not sure whether the boat could still float when it returned. On the sea.

Choosing to save someone is equivalent to abandoning others, Hailar, Audrey, and Holden. Facing this moral dilemma, they all hesitated and couldn't make up their minds for a while.

"Joan, you finally came back!"

Seeing the young mage back on the deck, Holden seemed to have found a savior and flew over quickly.

"How is the situation below?"

"The leak is temporarily blocked, but this is not a long-term solution. We must hurry up and save people."

"You said it's weird! There are hundreds of people here, who should we give priority to save?" Mr. Poet spread his hands and looked helpless.

Qiao An silently looked at the crowd, and after another thought, he had an idea, and said to Holden: "Call your sister and Hailar here, I can take away all the refugees on the boat at once."

"Haha! I knew, your kid must have a way!" Holden threw a punch on his shoulder excitedly, and turned to whistle.

Audrey and Hailar rushed over, looking at Qiao An with anxiety and expectation.

Qiao An didn’t talk nonsense, and directly extracted three “mythological powers” ​​and established “mythological links” with Hailar and Zion’s sisters and brothers one by one, and then used the three as the starting point of the spell to cast the “mythical plague and insect swarm”. Summon a giant bee.

With Qiao'an's current mana, each time he casts "Mythical Plague Swarm", he can summon up to 15 giant bees, and each giant bee can carry two adults to fly.

To take away all the refugees on the deck, Qiao Ann has to cast the "Mythical Plague Insect Swarm" 4 times in total. However, he can only focus on manipulating a group of giant bees, so he needs to use Hailar and Zion to cast this myth. Spells, let the three of them replace themselves to maintain the focus of the spell, each controlling 15 giant bees.

After listening to Qiao An’s explanation, Audrey, Holden, and Hailar understood their next mission. They each led a group of giant bees to the refugees, so as to comfort them not to be afraid, and two people ride on the back of giant bees to ensure safety. Escort them out of danger.

From head to tail, there are giant bees that are 10 feet long, hovering over the deck, flapping their wings, like a group of hideous man-eating monsters, these ordinary people on the deck who have never seen much of the world, especially young children, It is impossible to say that you are not afraid at all.

However, being afraid of going back is better than staying on the sinking ship and waiting for death.

The adult held the child, tentatively approaching the giant bee, confirming that the fluffy giant worm did not intend to attack him, and bravely climbed up.

Although Audrey, Holden, and Hylar are not as good as Qiao'an in casting spells, they have also undergone rigorous professional training in their respective fields. They can be called outstanding spellcasters. It is for them to maintain the focus of casting for a long time. Belongs to the basic skills in the foundation, and will not lose the chain at the critical moment.

Joan turned into a bee-man form by himself, casting a spell to summon a group of giant bees, instructing them to carry the remaining refugees on the deck and lead the swarm to fly south.

A swarm of 60 giant bees lifted into the sky, following Qiao'an, Hailar, and Zion's sisters and brothers not far away. The "force field wall" set by Qiao'an to temporarily block the sea exhausted its magic power and quietly collapsed.

The turbulent sea water poured in, and soon the empty deck was flooded. The entire sailboat sank quickly, and eventually even the towering mast disappeared under the vast blue waves, without a trace.

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