Mage Joan

Chapter 1963: Frody Manor

The night is dark, where can Mesinger go without being on the boat?

In a city full of nightlife, there are countless places for fun, but the first thing Joan thinks of is Am Frodi’s manor.

"The Narwhal" was berthed into the port this morning. Messinger came to New Avalon and is likely to visit his old friend Am Frody.

Qiao An immediately thought of the mysterious rumors that Frody was smelting magic crystal ore in his own manor. The more he thought about it, the more he could not restrain his curiosity, he controlled the owl group to fly out of the city to investigate Frody Manor overnight.

After eleven o'clock, the group of owls arrived in the sky above Frody Manor. Qiao Ann switched the angle of view and looked down in the sky, and immediately noticed the magical aura that enveloped the manor.

Qiao An could not help but be surprised secretly.

This manor, covering an area of ​​nearly 300 acres, is completely under the protection of the "magic alarm" upgraded to the 7th ring. The main building of the manor, a three-story house and its surrounding facilities, has been upgraded to 7. The ring's "mage secret room" shrouded.

Whether Ye Xiao’s sharp sight or investigating magic was blocked by the "Mage's Chamber", if Qiao An wanted to spy on the situation inside Frodi's house, he could only sneak into the big house. Before that, he had to try to break through the "magic alarm". "The line of defense.

It is not difficult to simply crack the "magic alarm", and it can be removed with a three-ring "dispelling technique", but Qiao An will not do such a stupid thing.

The "magic alarm" was dispelled-it was an alarm in itself, enough to alert the owner of the manor to the presence of uninvited guests.

Qiao An didn't want to alarm the manor owner, so he could only try to find another way, avoid triggering the alarm without destroying the magical alarm, and sneaked into Frody Manor without knowing it.

I have to say that this problem is very challenging.

Out of habit, Qiao An will feel very unsure if he can't get a double-digit alternative solution to a problem.

This time he thought for a whole minute, but only came up with seven ways to crack it, and he couldn't help feeling deeply ashamed.

Human wisdom eventually has its limit. My own intelligence attributes of 38 are actually really mediocre, and we will have to work harder in the future.

Qiao An spent another ten minutes, simulating each of these seven cracking methods 100 times in his mind, and finally selected the one with the highest average success rate and the smallest variance and put it into action.

After making up his mind, Joan disbanded the owl group and teleported directly to a forest near Frody Manor.

After confirming that there was no suspicious movement around, Qiao An began to cast spells, first blessing himself with a full set of protection spells, the transmission point of the dragon scale amulet was set to the silver sail hotel's own bedroom, and then he took 5 consecutive pictures on his chest" "Stone Walk" and "Advanced Invisibility" with "Advanced Spell Delay" upgraded to level 5.

With all preparations, Qiao Ann sneaked into the depths of the ground quietly, and did not stop until outside the courtyard wall of Frody Manor.

If you continue to sneak around, even if you bypass the courtyard wall from the underground and enter the interior of the manor, the "magic alarm" will still be triggered. To avoid falling short, Joan opens the storage bag and presents Minnie, Queen of Lilliput, as a gift, and then personally The improved "mythical shrinking hat" was taken out and used a "magic trick", turning the little hat from green to black, and buckled it on top of his head backhand.


Qiao An chanted a spell softly, activating the magic power of the "Myth Shrinking Hat", and his body shrank sharply, turning into a three-inch man in a blink of an eye.

Supporting the top hat on his head, Qiao An continued to sneak around, silently bypassing the courtyard wall without triggering the "magic alarm".

Qiao An is very knowledgeable about the configuration principle and activation mechanism of "Magic Alarm". Of course, he knows that this spell is usually set to not respond to creatures smaller than one foot in size, otherwise rats and insects will cause endless errors. Report, causing the "magic alarm" to lose its due role.

With the help of the magical function of the "Myth Shrinking Hat", Qiao Ann made himself smaller than a mouse at this moment, and successfully sneaked into the Frody Manor by using the design loophole of the "Magic Alert".

Maintaining the form of a three-inch small person, Qiao An ran at full speed three feet below the surface.

After getting smaller, Qiao Ann's steps have also become very small, but thanks to the agility attribute of up to 30 points, the stepping frequency has become as fast as a gust of wind, and he gallops faster than in human form, like a hurricane Bursting Tiger Beetle!

After running a certain distance, Qiao Ann drilled out of the ground, observed the surrounding environment, and visually checked how far he was from the big house.

Not long after, Qiao An arrived in front of the big house protected by the "Mage's Chamber".

The "Mage's Secret Chamber" can block outside peeping and eavesdropping, and block detection and transmission of spells, but it can't prevent creatures from directly entering the house-Qiao An did just that.

Drilling sideways through the door, Qiao An stepped into the hall on the first floor of the big house, and saw the two pairs of leather boots placed beside the door, like a row of towering buildings, emitting a pungent sweat.

Qiao An held his nose in disgust and moved away from the boots.

After getting smaller, his field of vision is narrower than that of a human, but other senses including hearing and smell are greatly enhanced, otherwise he won't be fainted by the sweat from the boots.

Qiao An clings to the root of the wall, sneaking quietly on the soft carpet, thinking as he walks: "Am Frody is still not cautious enough.

If he is the owner of this manor, he will set up a force field shield outside the big house to prevent uninvited guests from sneaking in. He will also raise a group of cats and dogs in the house. When he sees suspicious little people, he will rush to bite. dead!

Thinking of this, Qiao An suddenly stopped, and vaguely heard the snoring sound from the stairwell ahead.

He held his breath, looked at the stairwell with a probe, and almost blurted out the word "fuck"!

Under the stairs leading to the second floor, a big dog with a fierce face was lying on his stomach, with shining eyes and scarlet tongue, he was sniffing around, as if he had noticed something.

Look at your "crow's mouth"!

Qiao An wanted to slap himself, but worried that the hounds would be alert by a movement, so she had to give up.

"Advanced Invisibility" can make Qiao Ann escape the hound's eyes, but the slight footsteps and scents from the body when walking may not be able to hide the hound's sensitive ears and nose.

To be on the safe side, Qiao An silently extracted a piece of "mythical power", combined with the super magic art "spell instant", blessed himself with a level 1 spell "no trace", temporarily eliminating footprints and smells.

After casting the spell, Qiao Ann looked at the hound again, and found that the hound had closed his eyes and was lying under the stairs, wagging his tail and dozingly.

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