Mage Joan

Chapter 1966: "Golden Grinding Disc" Grotty

"As long as you recite a mantra, you can shrink the millstone to the size of a fist, and the sisters will also escape into the millstone; recite the mantra again, enlarge the millstone, and summon Fania and Menia by the way, and tell them both Work."

The halfling warlock snorted at the giant sisters who were immersed in the grinding, deliberately in front of them, said to Mezinger: "These sisters are very lazy and slippery. If you don't teach them severely, they will not be obedient. Work hard."

"If it is their temperament that they can't deliver 500 pounds of magic crystals each year, they can't make a deal with Lord Earl."

"Am, what are you telling me for? I don't want to be the custodian of this millstone!" Messinger flicked his sleeves uninterestedly. "Working hard all day, but working for others, even if it can Making a lot of money is not in line with my life creed. I would rather make a little less in exchange for more freedom."

"There are some things that you and I can't decide. Sooner or later you will understand this." The halfling warlock murmured obsessively.

Mesinger's face twitched slightly, as if eager to get rid of the unpleasant atmosphere, stroked the eight-character beard, and looked up and down at the giant sisters with an obscene look.

Fania and Menia noticed his ill-intentioned gaze, and their expressions fell, turning their heads to ignore him.

Mesinger smiled and looked at Frody, and made a gesture that a man knew.

"These two fierce horses are very flavorful, old friend, your beautiful blessings are not shallow!"

Frody saw that he had become interested in the Giant Sisters, sneered, pacing in the warehouse with his hands behind his back, and said indifferently: "These two sisters must remain virgins in order to perform Grotti's miraculous effect. When they grind, what they grind away is no longer the impurities in the magic crystal rough stone, but will grind away the essence, leaving only the impurities."

"You haven't tried again, how do you know they are not lying?" Mesinger asked rhetorically.

"Their sisters said so, and I can only believe it for the time being. After all, no one is so stupid to risk losing two cash cows for the sake of beauty. Moreover, I am only the guardian of these two cash cows, not the owner. I can’t bear the consequences of the mistakes, old friend, do you know what I mean?"

Frody stared at Mesinger's eyes, his eyes warned.

"Of course I understand."

Mesinger shrugged and spread his hands, having to dispel his desire for Fania and Menia.

Frody reprimanded the giant sisters again, warning them not to be lazy, and then took Mezinger out of the warehouse.

Qiao An wanted to follow them away, but in a blink of an eye, an unstoppable thought came into his mind.

Now that I have the evidence that Mesinger and Frody murdered Hylar's father, and I also learned that the messenger behind the two men is the current governor of the colony of Yodonheim, Earl Winthrop, the next focus is to track Messing For Ge and Frody's next move, it's best to put an agent beside them.

With Am Frodi’s suspicious character, he probably wouldn’t reveal secrets in front of her servants, but the sisters Fania and Menia are the “secrets” that Frodi values ​​most in themselves and are related to his source of wealth. If the sisters can develop into their own downline, Qiao An can monitor the wind and grass in Frody Manor at any time.

If you control the giant sisters with spells such as "charm monsters", it may not be reliable, but Joan happens to know a very powerful magic control spell, specifically used to control "giants" type creatures, that is, "Kostrich Spirit" The "Giant Slavery" attached to this artifact!

During the war last year, Qiao Ann used the "giant enslavement technique" to control the high-ranking general Todd Fang of the hill giant mercenary group. He used him as a spy and obtained a lot of valuable information, and finally won the war for Midgard. Foundation.

Unfortunately, the "Slavery of Giants" can only be effective on one target at a time. Joanne can only choose one of the twin sisters of Fania and Menia, and before that, he must first release Todd Fang.

It would be great if this plan succeeded, but if it fails to enslave the giantess, it will be a big loss!

Do you want to risk it?

Qiao An quickly calculated the risks and benefits, and finally made a difficult decision: Betting on the special mother!

Joan raised his hand and stroked the spirit collar to cancel the enslavement of Todd Fangs. After that, he waited patiently for two minutes, and waited until the giant sisters turned their backs to him and were in a defenseless state, and immediately locked on Fania and inspired " Giant slavery"!

Joanne chose to cast spells on Fania because through observation, she found that Fania was more assertive than her twin sister, Menia, and had stronger speech and demeanor. As for Menia, Fania had done it when she asked her to do it. She moved the ore as soon as she moved the ore, and seemed to have long been used to obeying her sister's orders.

A cyan light burst silently from Joan's fingertips, and the moment it hit Fania, the giantess trembled and stopped her work and stood still.

Qiao An concentrated all his energy and turned it into an invisible probe, fusing magic power to pierce Fania's mind.

Fania's willpower is quite tough, but facing the 9th-level spell attached to the artifact and Joanne's abnormal mana, her resistance lasted only a short second, and the defense line of will collapsed.

Qiao An's mental power came in, firmly controlling the will of the giantess.

Menia pushed the millstone and turned back, and found that her sister was still standing beside the ore pile in a daze, and quickly reminded her sister: "Fania, don't stop! Otherwise that nasty little boy will scold us again!"

"Uh... OK."

Fania regained her senses suddenly, holding a dustpan full of ore in both hands, and poured it into the gold grinding disc.

Seeing her sister's return to normal, Menia didn't think much, and continued to grind her head down.

Qiao An squatted by the warehouse skylight, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and let out a long sigh of relief.

Fortunately! "Giant slavery" was smoothly applied to Fania. From this moment on, the giantess had become a slave who obeyed his words.

With the help of "Giant Slavery", Joanne can telepathically communicate with Fania and give instructions anytime, anywhere. However, Qiao Ann was not satisfied with this, and inspired a "mythical power" to establish a "mythical link" with Fania, so that when necessary, she can borrow Fania's senses, or use her as a starting point to release spells remotely. .

Qiao An didn't rush to telepathize with Fania first, quietly turned on "Advanced Inner Vision" to check the details of the giantess.

Thanks to the effect of the "Giant Slavery", Fania has no sense of resistance to the spells that JoAnn imposes on her, and will actively cooperate with JoAnn's investigation, revealing everything about herself to her master without any cover. Secrets, as a result, the intelligence obtained by this investigation was far more abundant than Qiao An expected.

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