Mage Joan

Chapter 1969: Sawtooth island

Menia, the giantess of the heavens, initially thought that her sister was just making up stories and comforting herself, but after listening to Fania's words, she swears to be true, and she is gradually dubious by the fool, hoping that her sister's prediction will come true soon.

Messinger stayed at Frody Manor for three days and did not return to the ship until the morning of November 8.

In addition to Mustafa and Frodi, Frodi's demon servant Agareth was accompanied by Mesinger on board.

Frody carried Groti, the "golden millstone", and Agareth carried a large pocket that had been subjected to the "shrinking technique".

After boarding the ship, the master and servant immediately descended to the lower deck where the cargo hold was located, clearing a large area of ​​space.

Agareth put down his pocket and poured out the magic crystal ore in the pocket.

The ore in the bag is as fine as sand, and the moment it leaves the bag, it gets rid of the shackles of the "shrinking technique" and becomes a large magic crystal rough stone weighing tens of pounds, which is filled with half of the cargo hold.

Am Frody brought a full 50 tons of rough magic crystal to the ship, of course it was not used as ballast.

There is still some space in the cargo hold. Frody used to place the golden grinding discs, chanting spells to enlarge the grinding discs, and by the way, summoned sisters Fania and Menia, and told them to continue to work during the voyage. To grind a ton and a half of ore, otherwise they will be beaten severely with a whip!

The giant sisters did not dare to argue, lowered their heads to hide the resentment in their eyes.

The halfling warlock was satisfied with the sisters' submissive attitude, and took Agareth out of the bottom deck.

Soon afterwards, the Narwhal sounded its whistle, slowly drove away from the port, and turned to the east.

Am Frody never dreamed that he carried the golden milling plate on the ship, forcing Fania and Menia to have no leisure during the voyage, which was tantamount to voluntarily planting an enemy spy on the ship, so that Joan could not only Monitor the location of the Narwhal at any time, and use Fania’s ears to listen to the ship’s intelligence.

On the afternoon when the Narwhal set sail, Joan, Hailar, Audrey and Holden said goodbye to Mr. Theodore Popper and returned to the boat anchored in the fishing port to join Captain Odysseus.

Qiao An has long discovered that the destination of the Narwhal's voyage is the "Sawtooth Island" in the west of Maple Bay, about 1,000 nautical miles away from New Avalon Port, and it is cruised by the Narwhal. Speed, it takes about a week.

The tonnage of the Coral is much smaller than that of the Narwhal, and it is faster and more flexible. Joan advised Captain Odysseus not to chase too closely, and to keep a half-day voyage with the Narwhal, so as not to arouse the vigilance of Mesinger and Frody.

The weather in Maple Leaf Bend in mid-November was exceptionally clear, and the voyage for the next week was uneventful. On the morning of November 16, the armed merchant ship "Narwhale" arrived at the destination "Sawtooth Island" smoothly.

The "Gloranto Islands" to which Sawtooth Island belongs has been the sphere of influence of the hill giants since ancient times-the name "Gloranto" actually borrowed the name "God of the hill giants".

There are nearly a thousand islands, large and small, in this sea area. One quarter of them are settled by creatures, and the giant hills live at the top of the archipelago food chain.

The hill giants who settled on different islands belonged to different tribes. In order to compete for limited survival resources, they often looted each other and robbed of territories by driving rough sailing ships.

Today, the various hill giant tribes on the Grolanto Islands are still fighting internally, but the way of fighting has changed. From the past tribal-based battles limited to two islands, they gradually evolved into All-out confrontation based on the "Tribal Alliance".

In the Grolanto Islands, there are ten large-scale tribal alliances, among which the most powerful is the "Kalydon Alliance" with "Kalydon Island" as the core, and the "fang tribe" that rules Sawtooth Island. It is a member of the "Kalydon Union".

Traders from the human world regard the Grolanto Islands as an important transit point for the "triangular trade" of the old and new continents. They sell spirits and cane sugar that are beloved by the giants of the hills in exchange for two special products of the islands. -Spices and slaves.

The Grolanto Archipelago is rich in cinnamon, but not all islands are suitable for growing laurel trees. In contrast, the hill giant tribes on almost every island hate each other with the tribes on neighboring islands, and frequent conflicts erupt each time. After the war, the winning side can always capture the hill giants of many rival tribes.

According to local customs, the hill giant would kill and eat seriously injured or disabled captives, and the healthy captives would stay, confine them, and sell them to slave merchants who went to the island to do business.

The infighting customs of the hill giants provided a steady stream of strong labor for the slave merchants. The merchants were of course happy to see their success, and even took the initiative to provide their trading partners with sophisticated weapons and equipment, encouraging them to expand the war and conquer the surrounding islands, thereby looting more prisoners of war and providing them with sufficient supplies.

The so-called "civilized world" on the mainland has established a bond with the wild world on the island through the slave trade. Both parties take what they need and cooperate happily. As long as the "triangular trade" is still profitable, the cooperation between the two parties will be Keep going.

Both Mesinger and Frody are experts in the slave trade. For many years, they have made a fortune on this route. Of course, there are many good business partners on the Grolanto Islands, such as those from the Tusk Tribe of Sawtooth Island. Chief Bull is one of them.

This island, covering an area of ​​more than 100 square miles, is shaped like a huge gear that has been chipped away. There is only one port around the island where ships can berth. The rest of the area is densely covered with jagged and sharp reefs hidden under the water. The reefs are countless.

With its unique terrain that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, the Tusk tribes that rule the island basically do not have to worry about the invasion of foreign enemies. In recent years, it has grown stronger. The hill giants that have settled on the island have exceeded one thousand, and the population is in the entire Grolanto Islands. They are all in the top ranks.

At the same time that the Narwhal was anchored in the port of Zawtooth Island, on the Expedition Ship Coral, Qiao An was using a remote control method to remotely control an invisible blood mosquito spy hovering over the deck, and projected the scene seen by the blood mosquito to Remote View "Mirror", share it with the companions sitting around to watch.

After the "Narwhal" broke down, Mesinger, Frodi, Mustafa and Agarez disembarked one after another, and were greeted by two hill giants who had been waiting on the pier early, and headed towards the nearby pier. Walked to a manor.

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