Mage Joan

Chapter 1973: Psychic

"This is called'stealing gaze'. It is a supernatural ability unique to our soul-eaters. It can kill dying creatures, take the vitality of life, and promote the evolution of itself. A corpse that is sucked up will become a victim. The ghoul I dominate." Agareth smiled and said triumphantly: "I can only use the'Stealing Gaze' three times a day, but as the life essence absorbed increases, the level of evolution As it gets higher and higher, the number of uses of the'stealth gaze' also increases until it evolves into its final form."

"What final form?" Mustafa asked curiously.

Agareth smiled secretly: "It's not easy to say, when I complete the final evolution the day, you will know it with your own eyes."

Mustafa was dissatisfied with his hypocritical attitude, snorted displeasedly, turned and walked away.

Agareth didn’t care, and walked towards the hill giant whose throat was bitten by the ghoul, waved away the ghoul, opened his eyes, once again released the "theft ray", harvesting the remaining life of the dying giant Essence, and transform the corpse into a new large ghoul.

Audrey watched through the "remote mirror" watching the Soul Eater slaughter the hill giant in this weird way, and muttered: "The negative energy flow emitted from this monster's eyes is a bit like a two-ring magical death knell. ', they are killing the dying to take the vitality of life to strengthen themselves, but the strengthening effect of the death knell is temporary, while the ray of theft can permanently enhance the power of the soul eater, which is obviously better than The death knell is stronger."

"I think this trick is more like the 4-level'disability spell' of the Necromancer school. As for the effect of transforming the victim's corpse into a ghoul, it is similar to the weakened version of the 6-level necromancy spell'evoke the dead'." Hailar Give another opinion.

"Joan, what do you think?" Holden asked.

"Audrey and Hailar's views are reasonable. This soul eater is indeed as Frody said: it is as powerful as combat power, but has great potential!"

If there is a chance to obtain a blood sample from Agareth and analyze the magical imprint of the'Stealing Ray', Qiao An speculates that the three necrosystems of'death knell','imperial ability' and'evoke the undead' can be found from it. It is even possible to deduce the final evolutionary form of the demon by the part of the spell configuration of each spell.

Taking back his thoughts for a while, Qiao Ann turned his attention to the "remote mirror" to monitor the next actions of Mesinger's party.

"Agareth, you kill the fat giant who doesn't eat sugar first." Frodi told his demon servant, "The'monster fixation technique' can't restrain the kid for a long time, but it can't let him restore his freedom. Shouting, the guards in the manor are in trouble."

"Yes, my master."

Agareth bowed deeply and flatly to the halfling warlock, and then blew a whistle, ordering two large ogres to pounce on the paralyzed Todd Fang.

Seeing this scene, Qiao An couldn't bear to think of the precious information that Todd's little brother had provided himself as a spy during the war last year.

Although Todd had not even noticed that he had been enslaved by Joe Ann, nor did he voluntarily collect information for him, but after all, he was credited to him, Qiao Ann could not watch him being killed by Agareth but remained indifferent and ignored him.

After sighing, Qiao An transformed the "mythical power" into spiritual energy, spending twice the spiritual energy, and remotely displaying the third-order teleportation system ability "time jump".

When his fingertips crossed the mirror surface, on the Sawtooth Island dozens of nautical miles away, in Bull Manor, Todd Fang, who was lying upright on the grass, suddenly glowed with silver light, and the ghoul pounced on him. A second before, the whole person disappeared together with the mysterious and magnificent silver halo.

The two ghouls controlled by the soul eater jumped into the air, looking around blankly, at a loss.

Agareth was also startled by Todd's disappearance out of thin air, with an ominous premonition in his heart, he turned his head and ran.

In the next instant, a silver cone-shaped light curtain emerged out of thin air, enveloped him and the two ghouls, bursting out a series of thunderous roars!

When the thunder subsided, the two sturdy ghouls had been smashed to pieces by Qiao An's Tier 3 mental transformation system power "energy cone" displayed by Qiao An remotely. Although Agareth didn't see it well, he strayed. He couldn't completely escape the bombardment of sonic energy. He flew out thirty feet away, and fell into the bushes, his skin bursting and dripping with blood.

This sudden change greatly frightened Messinger, Frodi, and Mustafa. They looked around suspiciously, but couldn't find where the attacker was hiding.

Mesinger revealed the legendary weapon "Black Demon Sword", and asked the halfling warlock in a deep voice: "Am, what spell was that just now?"

Am Frody picked up the "weather staff" carved from luminous coral, took a picture of himself "seeing through the invisible", and looked around vigilantly. Slowly exhaled a suffocating breath and whispered: "Old friend, if I read it right, it was not a spell just now, it was more like some kind of psychic power."

"Psionic powers?!" Mesinger couldn't help but change his face, "You mean, there is a Psion in Chief Burr's manor?"

"It's very possible, but unfortunately I don't know where this mysterious figure is hiding."

The halfling warlock said in a low tone.

When Mesinger was about to speak, a loud roar suddenly came from a distance, the rapid footsteps from far to near.

"The giant guards in the manor were stunned by the thunder just now, and they are gathering here, Lord Mesinger, we better get out of here!" Mustafa helped Agareth walk over and reported eagerly. Latest News.

Mesinger took the sword into its sheath, and focused his head: "The magic pot is already in hand, we don't need to stay here anymore, let's get back to the boat!"

Frody looked back and glanced at the family of Chief Bull who was lying on the ground. If they did not kill them all at this time, the family would seek revenge from himself and Mesinger in the future.

However, the situation is urgent, Am Frody thought that there is still an unfathomable Psion watching him in secret. He can't help his scalp numb, and he can't care about cutting the grass and roots. He hastened to use the "teleport technique" to grab the giant guards in the mountains. Before coming, bring Mezinger, Mustafa and Agares, directly transfer back to the deck of the "Narwhal", and hurriedly set off to escape from the port of Sawtooth Island.

Soon after Frody completed the teleportation, a silver light curtain appeared on the grass, and Todd Fang, who was sent out of the current timeline by Joan, reappeared in the place where he had just disappeared out of thin air, sitting up and rubbing with difficulty. He rubbed his dizzy head and looked around, his simple and chubby face was at a loss.

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