Mage Joan

Chapter 1975: Dissociation


Am Frody chanted an activation spell symbolizing "destruction" in a loud voice, and his fingertips shot out a green light beam. The moment he hit the giant plesiosaur, it broke the behemoth's beam-like neck into dust!

The head of the giant plesiosaur lost support and rolled down from above the cut surface of the broken neck, and fell into the sea with a plop.

The headless corpse sank quickly, only the long severed neck was still twitching and twisting under the action of the nerves, and the blood was gushing like a fountain, and the nearby sea was red.

Mesinger retracted his sword into its sheath, flew back to the ship, a pair of eagle wings slowly gathered, and turned into a pitch-black cloak again.

Frodi also landed on the deck, too lazy to take a look at the giant plesiosaur's corpse, and then turned to the cargo hold to check the work progress of the giant sisters.

The Narwhal sounded its whistle and sailed away, gradually disappearing from the vision of the Remote Viewing Mirror.

Qiao An put away the magic mirror and looked around. He found that Hailar and Zion's sisters and brothers looked very heavy. They were obviously shocked by the tyrannical strength of Mesinger and Frody, not to mention that these two were dealing with giant plesiosaurs. At the time, he seemed to be at ease, and he hadn't come up with the skills of housekeeping.

"Joan, what kind of spell Mesinger released at the moment he swung his sword, like strips of colored sand falling from the air, the giant plesiosaur was hit by this trick, and immediately nauseated and vomited, as if poisoned. "Holden asked.

"That is not nausea caused by poisoning, but an evil curse."

When participating in the "Maze Race" in the dark region half a year ago, Qiao An once saw the bull demon cast a similar spell, and explained to his companions.

"You probably have also heard that there is a type of 4th-level spells that are neither part of the arcane system nor in the list of conventional magical spells. Only priests who choose a specific field have the opportunity to acquire it, which is the so-called'big four Alignment magic'."

"Spells of this type include the'Holy Light Strike' representing the good camp, the'Rain of Order' representing the lawful camp, the'Hammer of Chaos' representing the chaotic camp, and the last one is the'Evil Shadow Strike' representing the evil camp."

"Of course, it does not mean that the person who casts a spell from a certain faction must belong to that faction, but when the spell is cast, the magic power with the corresponding faction attribute is invoked."

"Is the spell Mesinger cast just now "Evil Shadow Strike"?"

Audrey herself is also the caster of divine spells, and has heard of divine spells from the four major factions. The colorful streaks of poisonous haze falling from the sky is the external feature of "Evil Shadow Strike".

Qiao An first nodded, and then corrected: "To be precise, what Mesinger performed was the'Mythical Shadow Strike', which was more powerful than the general 4th ring "Evil Shadow Strike", and it was his legendary black The magic sword that comes with it just needs to be activated with his own mythological power. A mythological weapon like this cannot exert its true power in the hands of ordinary people."

"According to you, doesn't Francis Messinger possess the power of mythology?" Hailar was surprised, "If you hadn't said it today, I didn't know this guy had hidden so deeply!"

"Meszinger not only possesses mythological power, but also has a level of mythology up to 6. I even suspect that this person is a secret believer of Ekadna, the mother of monsters. The common beliefs can explain why he and Governor Jotunheim Count Rolls Winthrop is closely related."

By now, Qiao Ann had nothing to worry about, and in front of three friends, he told all his speculations about Francis Messinger.

Hailar listened to him, bowed his head and said nothing, and sighed after a while.

"To tell you the truth, in fact, I always felt that Daddy Helel was too weak towards the enemy. As the lord of the free port and the speaker of the'pirate council', even the open'opposition' like Messinger could not deal with it. It's really irritating to endure this person jumping up and down for many years!"

"Now that I heard you say that, I realized that I was too naive. Daddy Helel probably knew Mesinger’s true strength and back-end boss for a long time. He had been tolerant of him before, not a weak compromise, but If you don't have full certainty to completely eradicate this malignant tumor, if you rashly turn your face, you may cause disaster to yourself."

"Mr. Heller will not let you join the team investigating the'ghost ship' to prevent you from seeking revenge from Mesinger. I must have this consideration, worrying about your impulsive behaviors."

Audrey took advantage of this rare opportunity to comfort her girlfriends softly.

Hailar nodded lightly, as if suddenly became a lot more mature.

Holden noticed that the atmosphere was somewhat depressed, and quickly changed the subject.

"Joan, Am Frody's spell to kill the giant plesiosaur just now, is it the 6th level'dissociation technique'?"

Qiao An nodded and said: "The green magic ray, coupled with the activation spell symbolizing destruction, and the terrible destructive power that instantly breaks flesh and blood into dust, must be the'dissociation technique'."

"I heard that the'dissociation technique' is very weird, and its lethality is much greater than the average 6th-level spell, is it true?" Holden then asked.

"Yes, the'dissociation technique' is an unsolved mystery in the arcane field. So far people have not figured it out. The power limit of other 6th-level spells is 20 energy levels, so there is only the exception of the'dissociation technique'. The power limit is as high as 40 energy level?"

"Academics suspect that the'dissociation technique' has some special configurations embedded. In addition to the inherent 6th-level spell slots and casting materials, this special configuration can also provide additional magic power, so the'dissociation technique' will appear It's very powerful, but unfortunately, this is just a conjecture, and there is no conclusion yet."

"It's up to you to solve this problem!" Mr. Poet smiled and patted Qiao'an on the shoulder, "Are you a genius! I believe no problem can't trouble you!"

Qiao An gave him an angry look.

"I have not yet reached the lowest mage level to cast 6th-level spells, and I have never copied the spell configuration of'Dissociation Spell'. Let me solve this problem that has caused countless senior scholars' headaches? The feeling of being appointed..."

"Don't worry about the principle of the'dissociation technique', the more important question now is that sooner or later we will have a head-on conflict with Am Frodi. How to defend against this terrible spell, Joan, do you have a way?" Audrey asked.

"For the time being, I only think of two restraint methods." Qiao An answered truthfully.

"If there is a way, we can rest assured now!" Audrey smiled relievedly.

"There are two ways to restrain the'dissociation technique' that I currently think of. The first is only available to me. As for the other..." Qiao An looked at Audrey and Hailar, "Especially for your girls. , It might be a little scary, it's best not to try! If we really can’t avoid confronting Mesinger and Frody, let me deal with that halfling warlock.

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