Mage Joan

Chapter 2005: Beach crisis

"Holden's dog mouth, it's rare to spit out ivory." Audrey walked to her best friend, held her hand, and softly encouraged: "You might as well listen to his persuasion, and then try to grow old with you. Dad communicate."

"Sister! I don't like to listen to you! What makes a dog unable to spit out ivory?" Mr. Poet protested angrily: "I'm clearly literal and thought-provoking!"

Qiao Ann saw that Sister Zion was deliberately making fun of the active atmosphere, and the corners of his lips could not help but lifted slightly.

Hailar's mood was also affected by the brothers and sisters. He obviously improved. Holding Audrey's arms, he confided in his troubles: "I also want to catch up, but I am afraid of being coldly treated, and even heard him personally refuse. Admitting that there is a daughter like me who is like a stranger, it is better to leave it alone, at least I can leave a thought in my heart..."

"You are a typical brain supplement too much, scaring yourself!" Audrey smiled and comforted her girlfriend, "If Mr. Green really treats you as a stranger, he would not help us drive away the banshee just now. If I don’t recognize you, in my opinion, there is probably something unspeakable."

Perhaps because her analysis was not convincing enough, Audrey turned to look at Qiao An, winked at him, and motioned to him to say something to comfort Hailar.

Qiao An is really not good at comforting others, especially comforting women. He scratched his head and was searching for words, and suddenly received a telepathy sent by Dolly through "Myth Link".

"The pirate is coming!"

"The pirate is coming!"

Qiao An's face changed slightly, not considering how to comfort Hailar, and immediately sent Captain Odysseus telepathically, asking what happened on the ship.

"Joan, what's the matter?" Holden noticed the change in his face and hurried over to inquire.

Qiao Ann silently listened to Captain Odysseus’ report, and then turned around and told three friends: “Dolly asked me for help just now. Mesinger and Flody found the'Palworm' parked near the beach and dispatched his men. Pirates, soul-eaters, and ghouls suddenly launched an attack. Captain Odysseus and all the members of the ship are trying their best to resist the pirate attack. We'd better go back and rescue!"


On the eastern coastline of Galti Island, on the moon-shrouded beach, gunshots rang out one after another.

Captain Odysseus led eight seamen on the deck of the Coral, using the side of the ship close to the beach as a breast wall, and firing frequently at the beach.

On the opposite beach, about 300 yards away, more than a dozen pirates wearing black scarves hid behind the reef, sometimes raising their guns and shooting at the ship.

The exchange of fire between the two sides has lasted for five minutes. Under the cover of night, ship's side and reef, neither the crew nor the pirates have suffered any casualties.

Dolly the Parrot wore a tin teapot lid on her head, and looked into the ship's side.

A lead bullet flew up and hit her "helmet". Frightened Dolly shrank her head quickly, raised her wings trembling, first touched her head, and then touched the stupid pinch on top of her head. Mao, he was relieved to confirm that he was safe.

Following the clanging sound, Dolly turned her head to look at the "helmet" that had just been hit by a shot, and noticed that the teapot lid was upside down on the deck, with an extra bullet hole on the top, and she couldn't help feeling a while back.

"Good risk! Good risk!"

At this time, there was the sound of hitting the water from the stern of the expedition ship, and the keen parrot also smelled a disgusting rancid smell, and quickly fluttered to the stern of the ship, leaning over and watching, vaguely saw the movement of people in the sea, surprisingly three corpses. ghost!

The ghouls swam to the expedition ship, the probe surfaced, and a pair of sharp front claws stretched out, clinging to the hull like a spider, and quickly climbing up.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Dolly opened her mouth and spouted a cone of colorful light, trying to prevent the ghoul from boarding the ship.

The psychic illusion like "Colorful Jet" doesn't work on undead creatures. The ghouls didn't put a little parrot in their eyes, raised their heads and grinned at Dolly, using both hands and feet to continue climbing.

"Come on! Come on!"

Dolly stood on the handrail, jumping and shouting.

Gulliver and Robinson heard the parrot's cry for help and hurried over with guns. They found that the ghoul was climbing on the ship, and hurriedly pulled the trigger with their guns down.

Unfortunately, limited by the awkward angle, after the two bangs of the guns, only one ghoul was scratched by the bullet and fell back into the sea. The other two ghouls continued to climb without fear.

Gulliver and Robinson filled the bullets in a hurry. At the same time, the fastest-moving ghoul, with its claws already climbing on the stern handrail, was about to pounce, hunting down the enlightened parrot closest to him, and suddenly heard a roar.

The fat cook Sinbad rushed out from the back door of the kitchen, took a heavy cast iron pan, and hit the bare head of the ghoul hard!


The ghoul hugged his head and screamed, and fell back into the sea in a head-over-green posture, with a plop, and the spray splashed.

The last ghoul came up from outside the fence and saw that the fat cook was full of anger, raised the pan with both hands, rushed at him like a vicious, and jumped back to the sea in fright.

Gulliver and Robinson took the opportunity to rush to the fence, hit the ghoul with two bangs, killing it in the sea.

Sinbad picked up the pan and looked at it. He found a large amount of blood stained on the bottom of the pan, emitting a smoky corpse smell, rubbed his nose, and murmured regretfully: "It's a pity that I soiled my pan. "

"Watch out! Watch out!"

Dolly the Parrot screamed again, tightening the nerves of the sailors who had just relaxed.

Looking back, I saw a teleporting beam rising from the stern, and the wretched figure of Soul Eater Agareth appeared.

Sinbad quickly picked up the pan, Gulliver and Robinson also raised their guns, aiming at the demon and preparing to fire.

"Hehehe~ stupid humans, just stand still for me!"

Agareth wielded a cyan magical brilliance, covering the three people and birds on the opposite side.

Sinbad, Gulliver, and Robinson were paralyzed, maintaining their current postures.

Only Dolly the Parrot was unaffected by the 7-ring "Group Human Root Technique", angrily spraying out a beam of colorful light.

Agareth raised a pair of wide bat wings, covering him like a screen, avoiding eye contact with "Colorful Jet", and at the same time casting the talented spell "Telecontrol", taking an empty wooden barrel from the deck and floating towards the sky. parrot.

Seeing that the situation was not good, Dolly flapped her wings and tried to fly away, but was a step late and was knocked upside down on the deck by the falling barrel.


From the barrel came the cursing of the parrot and the movement of flapping wings.

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