Mage Joan

Chapter 2007: Ultimate evolution

"Could it be the demon kind summoned by the soul eater Agareth?" Holden asked his sister.

Audrey shook her head slightly, and rejected her younger brother’s guess: "The Demon of Tanari does have the special ability to summon the same kind, but the demon summoned is usually not higher than her own rank. Agareth himself is only an intermediate Demon, it is impossible to summon high-level demon."

"Where did Agarez go?" Qiao An asked Hailar.

"The demon was cut and wounded by me just now, so I opened the teleportation formation from here and escaped back to the bottomless abyss." Hailar pointed to the evil deck in front of him and said, "Not long after Agareth left, this place appeared in the same place. New teleportation array."

Qiao An looked at the increasingly intense scarlet light in the teleportation array, recalling the description of the soul eater in the literature, and the night the halfling warlock Frody summoned Agareth in his manor. Vaguely hinted, I guessed seven or eight points.

"Beware everyone, Agareth is coming back soon."

"That Soul Eater was just driven away by me and ran back after a few minutes. Isn't he tired of life?"

Hailar was puzzled.

"The soul eater has a special ability to capture the vitality of the victim by killing people, and promote its continuous evolution. When it evolves to the mature stage, it will return to the bottomless abyss, undergo baptism in the blood pool, and transform into a distant A high-level demon stronger than the initial form."

Qiao An went on to say: "I don't know what the final form of the Soul Eater will look like, but according to the literature, the Soul Eater that has evolved to the final form is second only to the Barlow Flame Demon in strength."

After listening to Qiao'an's guess, Hailar and Zion's sisters and brothers couldn't help but change their faces.

The Tanari Demon born in the bottomless abyss can be divided into low, medium, and high levels according to differences in talent and race. Each level has more detailed and complex levels of strength and weakness. If you ask all Tanaris, The strongest race among the demons?

"Barlow Flame Demon" deserves it!

Balo Balrog is regarded as the gatekeeper of the legendary realm. A person's ability to defeat Balo Balo in a head-on singles usually shows that he has the strength of legendary level.

Qiao An pointed out that the final evolutionary form of the Soul Eater is comparable to the Barlow Flame Demon, which means that Agareth must have a quasi-legendary level of strength, this is not a joke!

"Agareth is about to rush out of the abyssal blood pool, Dolly, inform Mr. Captain and the crew to enter the cabin and take refuge. You also hide yourself, and the others are ready to fight."

Qiao An first supplemented himself with a "mythical shield technique", then took out four bottles of the "Tears of God" soaked potion from the storage bag, took one bottle by himself, and distributed the remaining three bottles to his companions.

Dolly the Parrot had a foreboding that a formidable enemy was coming, and hurriedly followed Qiao'an's instructions, flew to the bow, urging Captain Odysseus and others to hide in the cabin, this level of battle, ordinary people like them can't get involved.

Audrey, Holden and Hylar also realized the seriousness of the situation, drank the potion that Qiao An handed, and hurriedly blessed each other's spells, preparing to face Agareth who had returned from the abyss.

A figure appeared in the teleportation array, with black bat wings spread out behind it. The outline of its body was somewhat similar to that of a soul eater, but its body was much taller and its aura was even more terrifying.

Before Agareth had completed the teleportation, Qiao An was racing against time to turn on "Advanced Inner Vision" to check the physical attributes of the soul eater evolving to its final form.


Reconnaissance target: large alien creatures (Tanaly class, chaotic subspecies, evil subspecies)

Life level: 19

Attributes: Strength 35, Dexterity 23, Constitution 32, Intelligence 19, Wisdom 23, Charisma 26

Special ability: unproven


The species type can only be determined to be the Tanari Demon, the specific species is unknown, and the special abilities have not been ascertained. The exaggerated physical attributes alone are enough to confirm Qiao An’s guess-this guy is definitely a quasi-legendary strength. High-level demon!

Taking a deep breath, Qiao An tried his best to stay calm, silently recite the mantra to activate the magic of the "Essence Necklace", and transform into the form of the Golem lord Gelrod. The three physical attributes are increased to Strength 42, Agility 21, and Constitution 32. .

After changing into a strong physique, Qiao An was still worried. He touched the "Demon Receiving Bottle" and planned to negotiate a deal with the mythical Titan Great Ape "King Kong", using his freedom as a bargaining chip in exchange for King Kong to help deal with Agareth .

However, thinking of the huge size of the Titan Great Ape, which cannot be used on the narrow deck of the expedition ship, Qiao An dismissed this idea and took out the "portable dimension hole" to wake up the magic pilot "Zaku" to participate in the confrontation. The coming strong enemy.

At this time, Agareth, who had gone back and forth, had completed his teleportation. The demon that appeared in front of Qiao'an and others still retained some of the characteristics of a soul eater. Compared with the completion of the final evolution, Agareth was the most The obvious change is that the height has more than doubled, to a full 14 feet, and a pair of arms longer than before the evolution.

"Soul eater, your ghoul servants and pirate comrades are all dead, you dare to run back to find death, are you impatient to live!" Hailar asked Agareth who changed his image.

"Ignorant woman, now I am no longer a soul eater, but a four-armed bat demon who has evolved to a perfect state, a noble in the abyss! I am returning to the world, precisely to you mortals who dare to offend me, Initiate the bloodiest revenge!"

Agareth sneered and raised his four arms. A black flame ignited in his palms. Under everyone’s gaze, they condensed into four crystal daggers polished like obsidian. The sharp blade shone in the moonlight with a palpable weirdness. Light.

"Then you just let the horse come here! What kind of high-level demon just chirping in there!"

Hailar did not show any weakness, holding up the wave-bladed giant sword with enchanting shining special effects with one hand, and the blade pointed directly at the four-armed bat monster, showing his murderous aura.

Holden showed off his magic gun, hooked his fingers at Agareth, with a lazy smile on the corners of his lips: "I'm curious, you escaped into the abyss and replaced it with a uglier skin than before the evolution. How much ability can I grow."

Audrey gave Qiao An a wink, joined the encirclement circle with a sword, and approached Agareth from another direction.

"Hehe~ You four little ghosts, you are not my opponent when you are together, but why should I be bullied by you and take advantage of nothing? Since I want to play, I might as well have fun!"

The four-armed bat devil smiled slyly, and a teleportation array suddenly appeared on the deck behind him, and the blood-colored beam of light rose to the sky, opening the door to the bottomless abyss again.

After just a few seconds, two demons who were taller and stronger than Agareth himself were summoned by him, strode out of the teleportation formation, and appeared in front of Joan, Hylar, Audrey and Holden.

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