Mage Joan

Chapter 2015: Real technology

Qiao An opened the "see through invisibility" attached to the prosthetic eye, and the halfling warlock had just disappeared and reappeared in his field of vision.

"That's... the 7th ‘Transfiguration Spirit’?"

"Chain Lightning" failed, and the staff wasted energy. Qiao An was not angry, but was pleasantly surprised, because he discovered a new spell on Am Frodi that he had not learned yet.

To Joan, a dead warlock is equivalent to a **** spell book. Am Frodi’s spells will sooner or later become Joan Vader’s spells, and he has a premonition that he will gain valuable new knowledge. , After all, it is a pleasant thing.

"Chain Lightning" cannot kill spirit creatures, so Qiao An first put away the "Weather Staff" and focused on remotely controlling "Mage Thunder Palm" to beat the halfling warlock.

Thunder Palm is a standard force field spell, which can directly attack spirit creatures through plane barriers. On the contrary, Frodi is in the spirit world, and there is no spell that can kill Joan in the material world.

Can only be beaten but can't pay back, there is no more sad situation in the world.

Am Frody was not a fool. When he was flew away by the giant silver palm again, he heard the sound of his bones shattering and realized that he could not continue like this.

Enduring the severe pain caused by the fracture, Am Frody canceled the "Transfiguration Spirit Body", and his out-of-control body dragged an arc in the dawn sky, and finally fell into the sea with a splash.

The cold sea water rolled up, and the halfling warlock struck a spirit, but his mentality recovered calmly.

He is willing to believe that falling into the sea is a sign that his luck has turned for the better.

The belt around his waist surged with magical aura, and the moment Frodi entered the water, it would automatically activate "water breathing" and "freedom of action".

As a veteran navigator, Frody knows how to protect himself in the unpredictable sea. This "diving belt" is a life insurance.

Frody dived sixty yards deep in one breath, hiding in a patch of coral.

So far, his fighting with Qiao An has made him suffer and his face is completely utterly disappointed. However, Frody is not discouraged. He firmly believes that he was just wrong and underestimated the enemy. From now on, get serious. It's over.

Calculating in this way, Frodi took a silver rosary from the storage bag, activated his magic power, and temporarily increased his cast level by 5 levels, equivalent to a 20th-level warlock.

Then, Frodi used two red dragon scales as the casting material, and successively photographed the "Transfiguration" which was upgraded to the 6th level and the 5th level arcane "Dragon Power" on his body.

After upgrading the "Transfiguration", the upper limit of magic power has been expanded to 20 energy levels. With Frodi's additional increase in cast level with the "Magic Rosary", he can break through the physical limit and become a red dragon with a vitality of up to 19!

As for "Dragon Power", this 5-level spell can simultaneously increase his strength, physique, and charm attributes by 5 points each, enhance the 4th-level natural armor, and also has the special effects of immunity to sleep and paralysis.

Hidden deep in the bottom of the sea, after finishing the preparations for casting spells, Am Frody transformed from a short halfling into a young red dragon with a body length of more than twenty feet. His original thinness and unworthy physical quality has undergone a completely reborn transformation. , The strength attribute is as high as 36, and the physique also has 26 points.

The losses he suffered during the battle with Qiao An just now forced Frody to admit that this young man is indeed something, and it is difficult to win by purely magical confrontation. It is better to do the opposite and transform into a giant dragon to be tyrannical. The physical strength of the young master crushes the self-proclaimed wisdom of the young mage!

The more Frody thought about it, the more he felt that his tactics were wonderful. The body of the swinging dragon rose rapidly, and he sneered in his heart: "Boy, wait and see, it's time to show the real technology. Next, let you experience the unprecedented. See the new way to play!"

Qiao An was standing on the beach, and through the "perspective hand mirror", he could clearly see every move of the halfling warlock on the seabed.

Why is it not good to play "transfiguration" with me?

You said it was a coincidence!

Pressing the corners of his lips lightly, a strange smile appeared in the young mage’s eyes. First, he drew a tube of dragon blood awakening agent from the belt dissection and injected it into the veins of the wrist. The coolness flowed through the blood vessels throughout the body, causing him to shiver. Fortunately, I adapted quickly.

Then, Qiao An took out a palm-sized scale with ice-blue luster in the white from the spellcasting material package, and made a series of skillful spellcasting gestures to bless herself with "Dragon Transformation".

A few seconds later, when the red dragon incarnation of Frodi proudly rushed out of the sea, he was about to roar to the sky, venting the accumulation of depression in his chest, but was shocked to find that there was a white dragon floating above the sea, and his glazed eyes could stare at him coldly. , Could not help but be astonished.

"Little devil... the white dragon you became?!" the halfling warlock tentatively asked.

"Congratulations, you got it right."

Bai Long replied indifferently, exuding a fierce aura when he stirred his wings, causing a chill in Frodi's heart and his body trembling.

The terrifying aura that the white dragon exudes made Frodi suspect that it was Longwei, but he denied this guess after a second thought.

As we all know, "transfiguration" can only simulate the physical characteristics of the deformed object, but cannot simulate the opponent's supernatural ability.

For example, the red dragon that Frodi turned into has the strong physique of a giant dragon, but it cannot breathe flames like a real red dragon.

Frody pushed himself to others, and felt that the white dragon that Qiao An had turned into should not be able to breathe the cold current, exuding dragon power, and the power he felt just now was just an illusion.

Thinking about it this way, Frody's self-confidence returned. If you simply compare the melee combat abilities of the two giant dragons, anyone who is not blind can see that the white dragon that Qiao An has turned into is only fifteen feet long from head to tail, and is obviously one size smaller than his red dragon form.

What's more, the white dragon is the weakest subtype of the five-color dragon. The strength attribute of the adult white dragon is far less than that of the young red dragon. Frodi has every reason to believe that he has the upper hand.

So he rushed up.

Then he was sprayed.

Before transforming, Qiao An injected an awakening agent prepared with the blood of an adult white dragon in advance. With the transformation spell, it can perfectly simulate the supernatural ability of the white dragon, including "Dragon Power" and "Dragon Breath."

It's a pity that the warlock on the opposite side suffered an illiterate loss, and he obviously didn't know anything about this knowledge.

Facing the red dragon rushing up violently, Qiao An chose the roughest way of stopping—inhaling deeply, fully mobilizing the extremely cold energy stored in the “basal blood vessels” of the lungs, and expelling a white dragon breath. , Instantly submerged the red dragon incarnation of Am Frodi in the cold current.

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