Mage Joan

Chapter 2028: Flame Suppression Orb

"'Flame Suppression Orb'...This sounds like a spell to protect against fire attacks." Holden guessed.

"To be precise, this 5th-level spell is immune to fire damage." Qiao An said solemnly, "Wearing this green stone talisman, chanting the incantation to activate the'flame suppression ball', it will generate a circle A spherical shield with a radius of 10 feet around the body, no fire attack can break through this shield, and fire creatures such as fire elements will also be blocked from the shield."

"Immunity to fire attacks, this amulet is very practical, how do you plan to divide it?" Hailar asked.

"Joan keep it." Audrey said.

"I don't need it." Qiao An shook his head lightly. "Compared to the amulet itself, I am more interested in the spells attached to it. When I parse out the'flame-suppressing magic ball', it will be copied into my spell book. After learning it in the last two days, I will be able to make my own magical devices of the same kind in the future, so this amulet is optional for me.

In fact, Qiao An thought more far-reaching than said.

After learning the "flame suppression magic ball", he will not only be satisfied with imitating a fire amulet, but also improve it, attach the mythical path ability "higher energy substitution" to the amulet, and upgrade it to the mythical magic device. .

In this way, he can switch the attribute of the "fire suppression orb" at any time according to actual needs. The enemy who encounters the ice attribute will switch to the "cold suppression orb", and the electric enemy will switch to the "electricity orb". Carrying a talisman with you will be immune to all types of attribute attacks.

Holden took the "Talisman" from Qiao'an and took a look, then handed it to his sister, and said with a smile: "The amulet should be given to my sister. After all, she is a paladin and she must be on the front line as a shield. With this talisman, you should be able to get less beating."

"Speaking of being beaten, none of you are as stressed as I am, and I'm not welcome as a talisman!"

Audrey had never been polite to her brother when she was so old, and cheerfully took the "flame suppression talisman" and put it in her pocket.

Joan next identified Mesinger's magic cloak. The wearer can turn the cloak into a pair of wings and fly like an eagle.

Qiao An can become a beeman, Holden has dragon wings, and although Audrey can also summon Pegasus, after all, it is not as convenient as having a pair of wings on her own, so she will also share this "eagle-wing cloak" with her.

Am Frodi’s diving belt is attached to "water breathing" and "freedom of movement". The wearer can breathe normally in the water and ignore the influence of water pressure.

Qiao An is not short of water warfare skills, Holden himself will use "water breathing" and "freedom of movement", this belt is of little value to the two of them, and finally given to Audrey.

Mustafa’s rapier is called "Dark Night". According to the standard naming rule of the enchanting industry, it is "+3 Sharp Edge Poisonous Strike Rapier". The "Sharp Edge" special effect directly enhances the power of the weapon. The rapier comes with 3 per day. The second "Poison Strike" injects toxins when stabbing the enemy, making them paralyzed.

After all, Qiao An is a mage. The sword is not a necessity. Audrey is not interested in thin swords that are too light. Only Holden is good at using thin swords. This "Dark Night Sword" belongs to him, and his "humorous sword" "One is long and the other is short, and it happens to be a pair, which can be used to display the double sword skills.

In fact, Mr. Poet himself admits that his swordsmanship is mainly to pursue a gorgeous pretending effect. In real fights, the "spray" on the waist is more convincing.

Mustafa’s chain armor shirt is woven with mithril silk. The enchanting effect is to release the "hidden fog" 3 times a day, creating a 20-foot-radius thick fog area centered on itself, allowing sneak assassinations and retreats. Can cover the retreat.

Qiao An himself can "conceal the fog technique". Although the mithril material is light, it is woven into a chain armor to wear on the body, but it will still hinder the casting action to some extent. It is not suitable for arcane spellcasters like him.

Audrey is a paladin wearing heavy armor. Light armor like a chain armor shirt is too fragile for her. It looks beautiful but not practical.

Bards are different from pure arcane spellcasters such as mages and sorcerers. They need to receive more rigorous martial arts training, and most of the arcane arts that poets are good at do not have "gesture" components, and wearing light armor will not hinder normal spell casting. This "silver haze shirt" should obviously be assigned to Holden.

The ruby ​​ring of the halfling warlock Am Frody can release the "Soul New Star" 3 times a day.

The range and attack range of this 5-level spell are the same as those of "Frost Nova". The difference is that "Soul Resurrection Nova" has no effect on physical creatures, but can cause up to 30 levels of damage to incorporeal and spiritual bodies.

Most incorporeal and spiritual creatures belong to the category of undead. For example, "ghosts" and "banshees" are incorporeal undead creatures, and "ghosts" are both spiritual and incorporeal.

It is no exaggeration to say that the spell of "Soul New Star" can be called the nemesis of incorporeal undead creatures!

Qiao An was very interested in the spell "Soul New Star" and copied it to his spell book. As for the "Soul Soul Ring", he is not short of money anyway, if he wants it, he might as well make a better one by himself and give it to Holden.

Frody's spell-casting material pack was not used by others, so Qiao An kept it for himself.

There is also the "weather staff" carved from luminous coral. Qiao An doesn't need to be polite with anyone, just keep it for himself.

Frodi's silver rosary is enchanted with the 6-ring arcane "mana enhancement". After activation, it can temporarily increase the caster's level by 5 for the holder for a duration of 150 minutes.

When Frodi fought with Qiao'an before, he used this "magic rosary" to raise his spellcasting level to level 20, otherwise he would not be able to become a young red dragon with a vitality of up to level 19.

For Qiao An, any magical device that can increase the casting level is invaluable!

He is now a 10th-level mage, including the 6th-level mythical archmage, and his cast level is 16. If you add the 5 additional caster levels from the "magic rosary", the overall caster level will reach 21!

What is the concept of cast level 21?

This is the level of the legendary mage!

Of course, the cast level is not exactly the same as the cast ability. Even if Qiao'an stacks the cast level to 21, the highest level of spells currently mastered still depends on the 10 mage levels, but when he casts middle and low-level spells, There is no essential difference between the true 21st-level legendary mage.

Of course, Qiao An can only transcribe the spell configuration attached to the magic rosary and leave the rosary to others. However, considering that he is currently unable to learn the 6th-level spell of "mana enhancement", he cannot make a better magic rosary for the time being. , Keep this magic device for yourself.

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