Mage Joan

Chapter 2030: Blood of Frody

Comparing with the average 3.5 of random dice rolls, it is not difficult to find that the benefits of "spell extremely effective" are equivalent to 1.714 times the average. Is it worth the price to increase the spell slot by 3 levels? It is necessary to conduct a specific analysis according to the specific situation.

For Qiao An, he often encounters the problem of excess magic power when casting spells with "mythical power".

A piece of "mythical power" is equivalent to a 5th-level spell slot. If it is directly used to release 2nd-level spells, it is too wasteful. In this case, it should be combined with "spell effect" to make full use of magic power to maximize the effectiveness of spells.化.

Qiao An first wrote down the transcript of "Spell Effect", and then checked the spells parsed from Frodi's blood. Most of the spells he had learned, only 10 sets of spell configurations were the first contact.

The first is the four 5-level spells, "Mental Handicap", "Dragon Power", "Bone Break" and "Wind Control".

The "mental handicap" of the confusion control system is likely to be specially created for disgusting arcane spellcasters.

If the recruits are not firm enough, their intelligence and charisma will instantly drop to only 1 point.

People often say that "the memory of a fish is only seven seconds." 1 point of intelligence attribute is the level of a silly fish, and 1 point of charm is not too much to say that it is a **** hates ghosts.

Occupations that rely on intelligence or charisma to cast spells, such as wizards and sorcerers, if unfortunately are "mentally handicapped", they will basically bid farewell to their careers.

What is even more horrifying is that this "mentally handicapped" effect is permanent. Unless you receive divine treatment, you must also be "advanced healing art", "medical art", or "miracle art". Hopeless for life to recover.

The second 5-level spell written by Qiao An is the "Dragon Power" of the School of Change.

During the duration of the spell, the subject's body is covered with a layer of golden scales, and the strength, physique, and charm attributes are all increased by 5 points, and the natural defense is increased by 4 levels, which is equivalent to wearing an extra chain armor shirt and temporarily gaining "Sleep" and "paralysis" these two negative effects of immunity.

The attributes promoted by "Dragon Power" cannot be superimposed with other physical attribute-enhancing spells-such as "Bull Power", "Bear's Toughness" and "Eagle's Majesty"-but other functions can still function normally. .

The 5-level necromancy spell "Bone Shattering" makes the recipient's bones tremble violently until it shatters, can cause up to 15 levels of damage, and fall into a state of exhaustion due to extreme pain.

The interesting thing about this spell is that it doubles the damage to bone products and the target that grows scales, carapace and other exoskeletons. It does not cause any damage to the subjects without bones, such as soft creatures.

The 5th ring "Manipulate Wind Direction" is usually classified into the category of natural magic. Frody has the blood of the wind system warlock, so he can awaken this spell.

The spell configuration of "Manipulate Wind Direction" has an "encrypted imprint". Fortunately, this is no longer a problem for Qiao An. The halfling warlock's blood is used as an awakening agent, and the encrypted imprint can be removed after self-injection.

"Manipulating the wind direction" can create a strong airflow out of thin air, and constrain the geometry and strength of the airflow within a certain limit. The higher the cast level, the greater the wind force created. It is specifically divided into "strong wind", "gale", and " There are five wind levels: storm, hurricane, and tornado.

With Qiao'an's current cast level, a tornado can be easily created, destroying unreinforced buildings within the cast range, uprooting large trees, and causing the 1,000-ton ship to capsize on the spot!

Qiao An also parsed out three 6-level "spells" from Frody's blood. They were the "Iron Wall" that created metal walls out of thin air, the "mana enhancement" that temporarily increased the caster level, and the huge destructive power. The famous "dissociation technique".

After transcribing these three spells, Joan went on to check the three 7th-level spells of the halfling warlock.

"Laws·Blindness" belongs to a special type of confusing spell. Whether it takes effect or not has nothing to do with the willpower of the subject, but only depends on the life level or professional level. As long as the level is lower than 20, and there is no spell that protects and controls the effect of blessing in advance, the moment he hears the order, he immediately loses his sight.

Of course, "Laws·Blindness" has no effect on creatures that do not have an organ like eyes.

The 7-ring "Insignia of Deterrence" requires a ten-minute spell-casting ritual to be held in advance. A complex set of magic runes is drawn on an object or plane, and then covered and placed in a standby state. The emblem is activated when needed. , Inflicts a group deterrent effect on creatures within 60 feet of itself.

This spell is still quite powerful, but Qiao An hasn't seen Frodi cast it in battle, and I don't know if he didn't prepare the "Insignia of Shock" in advance, or he didn't have time to cast it at all.

The last 7th-level spell is "Transfiguration Spirit Body", Qiao An has seen it many times and copied it down.

There are also three bottles of blood samples on the desk. The first two bottles are collected from the "Miscellaneous Demon" and the "Four-armed Batman".

Both of these high-level demons possess powerful spell-casting talents. The enchanting demon is equivalent to a level 16 sorcerer, and the four-armed bat demon is equivalent to a level 19 sorcerer, but the spells they master are much less than those of a genuine sorcerer.

Qiao An parsed out two new spells from the blood of the lure demon, the 7th ring "Anti-Gravity Field" and the 8th ring "Law and Deterrence".

As the name suggests, the "anti-gravity field" can temporarily reverse the gravity in an area, and all creatures standing on the ground will "fall" upwards.

"Laws·Shock" and "Laws·Blindness" belong to the same subcategory of the Confucian School, and have similar spell configurations and mechanisms of action. Creatures with vitality below level 20 will be shocked the moment they hear the order. He could not move for at least the next 6 seconds-Hailar had suffered from this trick.

Joan gained more new knowledge from the blood of four-armed bats, including 5 spells.

The Necromancer’s 4-level "Effective Surgery", when cast, the fingertips shoot out a string of black negative energy rays with a crackling sound, causing 10-level eclipse damage to the subject. If the subject is killed as a result, The corpse will also be contaminated with negative energy and transform into a ghoul.

Like most necromantic attack spells, "disability spells" cannot harm undead creatures, but instead give the opponent a 10-level healing effect-in fact, necromancers often use this method to heal their undead followers.

Qiao An's next copy is the 7th ring "Swarm Human Root Technique" and the 9th Ring "Swarm Monster Root Technique".

Both of these spells belong to the "coercion" sub-category of the "Magic Control School". The former is only effective for humanoids, and the latter is effective for any species. It can be described as the ultimate form of fixed body spells.

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